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The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Printable Version

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RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Sooky™ - 14-07-2009 03:08

the vietnamese would have lost to america had matt not led them to victory with his awesome training and leadership skills (and copyrighted way with the ladies)

matt defeated rambo in saigon

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Sooky™ - 14-07-2009 03:15

the entire internet is powered by matt's awesomeness

when all else had failed - matt split the atom with his bare hands

germany lost the war because matt decided he didn't like history as it was - so changed i

chuck norris is matt in drag

Matt is........ that's all the world needs to know to keep on going

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - tsurugi - 14-07-2009 03:39

God goes to matt when in a crisis
They once made a matt routledge toilet paper, but there was a problem-- It wouldn't take shit from anybody

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - tsurugi - 14-07-2009 03:43

remember The Ultimate Warrior? He quit wrestling because matt wanted his nickname back.
Ben affleck is allowed to live because matt doesn't kill women

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - tsurugi - 14-07-2009 03:44

Brokeback Mountain" is not just a movie. It's also what matt calls the pile of dead ninjas in his garden.

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Sooky™ - 14-07-2009 03:47

The Undertaker was a Matt tribute act

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Sooky™ - 14-07-2009 03:58

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is Matt's sparring practice

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Colbert Rules - 14-07-2009 04:18

Matt is the 'REAL' king of pop not Jacko.
Matt makes Rambo look like a pussy
Batman's bat signal is actually meant for Matt.
Stan Lee based every superhero on Matt
Matt won Mr Olympia without competing
Chuck Norris ripped his act off Matt Routledge
Matt Routledge is a professional arse-kicker & a human killing machine.
Matt Routledge is the 5th Beatle
Matt Routledge wrote 'The Guinness Book Of Who Gives A Sh#t'
Mike is considering a campaign to takeover God

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Mister Gummidge - 14-07-2009 09:12

When Matt Routledge does push-ups, the world moves down.

RE: The awesomeness that is Matt Routledge discussion thread - Mister Gummidge - 14-07-2009 11:07

Matt Routledge invented legs, so he'd have something to beat you with when his hands get bored of punching.