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RE: In Response - Sooky™ - 24-11-2009 21:48

Since we've now entered the realm of random non babestation related questions........can you tell me if time travel will ever be possible? Tongue

RE: In Response - Thund - 24-11-2009 21:52

lol i can answer that one for the ModMeister. NO but you can make it go faster by not waatching the pot, or the deep fat fryer. and you can make it go slower by smoking pot and make it stop by taking a bath with the hair dryer

RE: In Response - Sooky™ - 24-11-2009 22:25


Focus Magazine Wrote:Time Travel
The first time machine might already be with us…
Ronald Mallett was 10 years old when his father died of a massive heart attack, aged just 33. He was devastated. A year later he read The Time Machine by HG Wells, and resolved, there and then, to build a time travel device so he could go back and prevent his father’s premature death.
That was over 50 years ago. Mallett is now Professor of Physics at the University of Connecticut, but his childhood ambition to travel into the past burns as bright as ever.
“Early on, I didn’t tell people what I was doing because I didn’t want it to affect my career – so I studied black holes as a cover story,” he says. “But, on the side, I was always trying to understand more about time and how you might go about building a time machine.”
Over the years, Mallett has perfected what he now believes is a valid design for his device. It works using circulating beams of light to drag space and time around into closed loops, like coffee stirred around in a mug. The idea is that as time spins in a closed loop, some of it has to whirl into the past.
Mallett is now working with an experimental physicist – Professor Chandra Roychoudhuri, also at the University of Connecticut – to test the design. They plan to use an elaborate set-up of lasers to create circulating loops of light, which they hope will be powerful enough to send subatomic particles briefly back through time. They propose to measure the effect by using particles that decay naturally over a well-defined timespan. For example, pion particles have a lifetime of just 26 billionths of a second. If these particles are made to travel back through time then their observed decay lifetime should get shorter. The researchers are now seeking funds for the work, which Mallet estimates will take around 10 years to complete.
Subatomic particles are one thing, but what about sending people back? “That would require international cooperation,” he says. “But I think if we were given unlimited funds we could see this machine in action within this century.”
Mallett’s story is currently being adapted for the screen by Spike Lee.

Prediction: 2100

RE: In Response - Thund - 24-11-2009 22:36

Thats the problem with Theoretical physics, you can always find two or three people who say one thing amongst a million who say the opposite. Its all based around Eisteins relativity theory. But like any other theory it cant be proven until its actually put into practise. The theory that Black Hole has such a huge gravitational pull that it pulls in time as well as light is a BIG thing and nobody has been able to conclusively justify it either way.
Then there is the question of human nature. If indeed they ever manage to send someone back in time, you would imagine that the first trip would be a very small one so as not to disrupt the time/space continuum too much. and bare in mind, that if you met someone tommorow, who said they were from the future and had just successfully travelled back in time, would you believe them? no matter how much "Proof" they had i cant imagine any individual with half a brain would for a moment take them seriously.
Also the device only goes back in time so nobody would use it as they wouldnt be able to get home again Big Grin

Just flapping my gums again really as you asked if it would ever be possible and i said No, which at present is the correct answer, there is still vastly more evidence to suggest it wont be possible then evidence suggesting otherwise. xx

RE: In Response - cdm79 - 24-11-2009 22:44

That's an interesting article Sooky, but I prefer the Delorean+Flux Capacitor method Tongue

Apologies for being boring, but getting back on topic can I ask Modsta why the picture quality on BS1 is not as good as the other channels? It makes Asian Babes look Hi Def (okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but the image is quite fuzzy).

RE: In Response - mofozombie81 - 24-11-2009 22:46

Yaaayyy, I got my deep-fat fryer working again (it had something to do with the microswitch, those French devils). Based on Mod Sta's suggestion, I was about to send it to Babestation HQ and let them use it for one of their sets. I do apologize for denying the girls the opportunity to get oiled-up on chip fat.
All that Sea Bass I purchased from Waitrose today wont go to waste on friday now!

Thanks for your guidance Mod Sta. Not only do you have a great job but you're a wealth of resources Big Grin
If ever you want the day off I'll gladly cover one of your shifts, preferably a day when Lori is on.

RE: In Response - Moderation Station - 24-11-2009 22:51


Get out of my thread! [Pumps Shotgun]

This is for the technical feedback or anything I can help you with regarding the shows. I'm happy to go a bit off topic, but it's getting to far.

So set your way back macine's for 21:48 and lets pretend this never happened.

In fact go here ... That'll learn ya.

RE: In Response - Moderation Station - 24-11-2009 22:53

(24-11-2009 22:44 )cdm79 Wrote:  That's an interesting article Sooky, but I prefer the Delorean+Flux Capacitor method Tongue

Apologies for being boring, but getting back on topic can I ask Modsta why the picture quality on BS1 is not as good as the other channels? It makes Asian Babes look Hi Def (okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but the image is quite fuzzy).

I shall give the camera a 'good fiddle' for you.

RE: In Response - oafc2002 - 24-11-2009 22:57

Hey Mr Mod Station, Is Charlie O still with you guys? When's Charlie going to be on again it seems a while.

RE: In Response - vila - 24-11-2009 23:41

Look on the bright side Mod-Sta, at least this means you don't need to bump the thread!

Suggestion to forum moderators: make this an 'important' thread so it stays on the front page where it belongs.