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Babestation Babes - Top 3, 5, 10/Best As A Girlfriend/Wife/To Have A Shower With... - Printable Version

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RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - FunkyRa - 25-08-2011 22:32

Camilla... simples, no others even come close in my eyes

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - Colmanjohn - 25-08-2011 22:36

1 ava 2 ree 3 tj 4 priya 5 preeti

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - Proj - 26-08-2011 16:19

1) Daryll
2) Paige
3) Tiff

1) Rosie
2) Charlie C
3) Amber

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - dirk362 - 28-08-2011 11:49

I assume this is ladies currently on the channel (as the list would be different)...
I've struggled, but managed to contain this to a sensible 5 - in alphabetical order (can't put into any other order as that changes too often)
Camilla Jayne
Georgie Darby
Paige Tyler
Tiffany Chambers

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - Redeye69 - 28-08-2011 20:25

1. Charlie C
2. Ree Petra
3. Amanda Rendall
4. Delta White
5. Camilla Jayne

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - dayb4yesterday - 28-08-2011 22:29

Ava Blue x 5 Heart

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - dogman - 20-09-2011 17:29

Nights top 3 in order-paige/ella/charlie c Days-cherri/jo/rosie All time top 3 paige/toyo/cara ABSOLUTE ALL TIME NO-1 MY MUM

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - BoBByB187 - 20-09-2011 17:46

1) Camilla Jayne
2) Delta White
3) Ella Jolie
4) Amanda Rendall
5) Tiffany Chambers

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - mikedafc - 20-09-2011 17:50

Has to be the A-Bomb Amanda Rendall!!

RE: Favourite Babestation Babes (3, 5, 10 etc...) - iamthatjack - 20-09-2011 18:12

Charlie C

...and that's just off the top of my head!