RE: Last film you watched - *Kal-El* - 26-08-2013 09:49
Smokey And The Bandit 2 7/10
RE: Last film you watched - Snooks - 26-08-2013 11:17
Analyze This - 7/10
RE: Last film you watched - *Kal-El* - 31-08-2013 01:51
Haywire - 7/10
RE: Last film you watched - lancealot790 - 31-08-2013 08:39
Chernobyl Diaries 5/10 predictable horror that adds nothing new to the genre.
RE: Last film you watched - Snooks - 31-08-2013 14:58
Sliver - 5/10
RE: Last film you watched - *Kal-El* - 01-09-2013 00:25
The Dark Knight, a masterpiece, great acting, action and Heath Ledger as The Joker 10/10.
RE: Last film you watched - bytor - 01-09-2013 07:23
Patriot Games 9/10 Great movie that never tires
RE: Last film you watched - Snooks - 01-09-2013 22:17
Die Another Day........... again. 8/10.
RE: Last film you watched - *Kal-El* - 03-09-2013 02:44
Smokey And Bandit 3, no way as good as the previous two but funny in places 6/10
RE: Last film you watched - bytor - 03-09-2013 06:04
Star Trek: Into Darkness 8/10
Another good entertaining movie from JJ Abrams. Cast are all good and are making the characters their own. Only slight niggle for me is Karl Urban hamming it up as Doctor McCoy-at times he borders on a parody of the original. Great film though.