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RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - Leila - 23-04-2009 12:28

rickhardo Wrote:Did a caller really ask you that?!? Christ there's some freaks out there. Moving to Oz, eh? I can think of at least two people on here who'd be pretty devestated at that. And me too of course. If you go you'll have to promise to keep in touch and send us picture updates! I've never been myself but I know somebody who emigrated and absolutely loves the place. Plus my aunt and uncle went a few years back and have gone every year since - so I've only heard positive things. Apart from the spiders. xx

I just want to make the most of my time when I don't have any responsiblities - I've had a really tough year and so I think I deserve a bit of a break and relaxation! Goodness knows how long I'll last for out there though - I might get eaten by a big-ass spider! I am defo looking forward to learning to scubadive tho Big Grin something I've always wanted to do!

Yes, a caller asked me that wouldn't believe the nutters out there! No offence if it was anyone who reads this thread....but I do get to hear the weirdest things...and see the most random photos...but I love it! I love my job! Smile

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - rickhardo - 23-04-2009 12:40

Well enjoy yourself if you go babe, but we will miss you lots. xx

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - Colbert Rules - 23-04-2009 14:18

rickhardo Wrote:Moving to Oz, eh? I can think of at least two people on here who'd be pretty devestated at that. And me too of course.
Rick, I'm weeping as I'm typing! Leila, Australia will be great & I've never met an aussie that I haven't liked. Life is about taking risks, you should give it a go(I can't believe I'm saying that)

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - BriWizzle - 23-04-2009 15:02

Leila Wrote:Goodness me! I go away for a few days, and there's a whole comedy sketch/fight-planning going on!!!

3G was AMAZING! I loved it! I got to wear skimpy underwear and se the sexy men who called me (Ummm, Chip, Colbert where were you?!) I really hope I can do some more shifts on there. And you boys do know you can view it online too don't you? You don't just need a mobile - it works just as good with a webcam!

I had a nice evening in with Amber - she's such a lovely girl! We're going out into town this weekend together so I'm sure we'll tear up the dance floor wiggling our bums!

Not sure if you know this, but as most girls are, I am PETRIFIED of spiders - got home last night to find one the size of the bottom of a cup running at the speed of light (No exageration. At all. ) We screamed and screamed - you'd be forgiven for thinking it was us who was about to be murdered brutally with a jenga box and then sprayed with air freshener. Why are spiders so bloody gross??? I hate killing animals, but they are just unneccesary!

Anyway, I've been away for 2 days and my flat has turned into a party house - we have renamed our flat 'The House of Sin' Wink so you can imagine the mess this place is in now! So I'm going to spring clean today! In my panties I think! Do you know why??? BECAUSE I CAN! Big Grin Big Grin

If I was there, I would have killed the spider for ya! Smile and sorry about missing the 3G show, I don't have any credit left on my phone so... Australia eh? Well, go for it if you really want too but I will miss you, really miss you, and if you do then please still come on here Smile So, are you on Saturday Leila? I read the schedule on the party people website, don't know if it's up to date or not.

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - Leila - 23-04-2009 15:48

It's ok, it's ok - no need to cry now! I only MIGHT be you know I've just bought a new car, and as my mum pointed out, what am I going to do with it?? lol but we will see!

Like I said, 3G you can get online too - I'll let you know when I'm on there again and the website so you can get your web cam set up! Wink

Chip, it was meant to be a surprise! Yes, I am on on Saturday AND Sunday! Smile Wooo! So get saving your pennies for some credit!

Is it nice weather wherever you all are? It's a bit weird here was lush yesterday...yes, that's right, while I was in a dark studio with ONE window Sad Boooo!


RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - BriWizzle - 23-04-2009 15:51

Yes it's been sunny all day here, and what car you got Leila? Haha I was right, I will have to get some money then Smile You on 4 - 7 then? Hope you are so then I could watch it Big Grin

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - Leila - 23-04-2009 15:54

I wanted to see if I could make this work....

[Image: leila-bac11ca4f3.jpg]

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - BriWizzle - 23-04-2009 15:58

Ahh it didn't work Leila i'm afraid, post it again! Smile

Could you do a huge favour, could you give me a shoutout on Saturday and/or Sunday, after 5pm as then I can watch ya? Smile and Divine told me to ask you if I can have my name on your lovely breasts? Would love that too... hehe

RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - Leila - 23-04-2009 16:00

Yayayaya! It worked!!! Would you like to see a photo of me at that beauty pageant where I won Miss Elegance and came 4th overall???


RE: Hello Boys! - The Leila Thread! - BriWizzle - 23-04-2009 16:00

It works now yay! Of course I do Smile

You look gorgeous in that pic! I do Heart you. I see that pic is from your website hehe!