RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 14-04-2019 14:29
(14-04-2019 11:41 )snookered Wrote: The issue for me is how literally the idea of a 'tease show' is taken.
Strictly speaking Cali did absolutely nothing wrong. She never designated it as a standard nightshow and nor did S66. Other babes at S66 do tease hours of the same ilk as Cali but do not get the same level of criticism.
Cali may well have created a rod for her own back with a rather distainful attitude towards viewers and callers alike down the years. That is regrettable and largely her own fault but technically what she has done in all her S66 tease hours is not against the principle of a tease show. She teased.
This being said some babes use such segments as more than a tease type show and unleash a lot more flesh.
This creates a grey area and in truth has done for a number of years at S66.
It is something I commented on some years ago. There is an inconsistent interpretation of what these segments are to be used for.
The performers on both sides of the tease hour divide are NOT under delivering relative to the task set.
They are either meeting the criteria or exceeding it.
It is pointless people throwing hissy fits at babes not getting tits and arse out on tease hours. The target of criticism should be the channels and those that make the rules concerning show timings and show categorisations.
It is they who are responsible for creating the grey area NOT the babes.
The babes are merely accepting the offer of more money to do extended shifts.
Agree snookered, criticism should be targeted at the s66 bosses not the babes who agree to do extend their shifts & the categorisation/definition of what is a tease show as you say as there is a grey area
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - aaron - 14-04-2019 14:52
There is a grey area in the minds of some people, but there shouldn't be. These teases are shows in which girls which are usually day girls are available to take adult calls. If they were ever anything more than that it would surely destroy the concept. The fact that some girls are willing to take advantage of the night-time broadcasting hours and go further than required should not really be confusing anyone or creating a grey area in anyone's mind.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - ShandyHand - 14-04-2019 16:02
^ Another babecentric argument. Yes how dare anyone expect night time chat be backed up by night time visuals!  I agree no one should be having hissy fits about whether a babe shows nip or not but like the babes are compared on their stats guys can contrast the levels of service (for good or bad - I'm glad some non-topless babes get the chance to do teases) the babes are giving.
In with that, the only real problem with tease shows is if they don't tease.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - GMach1 - 14-04-2019 16:25
The problem as I see it is that some girls WILL go further on their tease hours than others(normally because they get themselves so worked up by the phonecalls they get) but the expectation of many is that ALL the girls will do it-that is what happens when you big up a girl appearing for the first time by shooting a 'coming soon' video so maybe the producers are just as much to blame by those appearing BUT it should be up to the girl as to whether they want to or not and that includes whether you flash a tit or two quickly as Jamie Jones did. It puts the thought in your mind that if she appears next time she might goi a bit further. I think the TEASE bit is confusing for many and perhaps it should be dropped and just called 'the naughty hour' but then that could be open to misinterpretation too.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - 7 stars of the orient - 14-04-2019 16:25
(14-04-2019 16:02 )ShandyHand Wrote: how dare anyone expect night time chat be backed up by night time visuals!
People can expect whatever they like. I believe the point being made is that expectations of tease shows should be modest most of the time, because that's the way that the majority of tease shows will always be.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - schvall - 14-04-2019 17:32
(14-04-2019 16:02 )ShandyHand Wrote: how dare anyone expect night time chat be backed up by night time visuals!
Obviously you're not supposed to get night time visuals.
Why do you think they call them tease shows, not night shows?
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - ShandyHand - 14-04-2019 17:43
^ Tease can mean anything the babe wants it to mean. That is built in.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - beresv - 14-04-2019 17:46
No wonder that at the moment, night it's just a dark day.
Well, with such logic all Girls just must put pics of self on an TV and just take tease callers, it will be much easier without spent much money
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - Robot Devil - 14-04-2019 17:46
(14-04-2019 17:32 )schvall Wrote: (14-04-2019 16:02 )ShandyHand Wrote: how dare anyone expect night time chat be backed up by night time visuals!
Obviously you're not supposed to get night time visuals.
Why do you think they call them tease shows, not night shows?
Presumably you've missed the NON-night time visuals on display when Rebecca, Heather, and Paige do TEASE SHOWS and get their tits out without a problem.
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion - schvall - 14-04-2019 18:03
Others have already explained that some girls are willing to take advantage of the night time broadcasting hours and go further than required.