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RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Redway - 15-09-2011 11:21

Challenge TV update

As promised here is an update for TNA fans in regard to the No Surrender event last night. We will be showing the event in its entirety from tonight at 1am and then again on Saturday at 9pm. We appreciate that tonight is very late but was the earliest available slot we could get it out again, so also wanted to make sure we had a more accessible slot pre-Impact on Sunday night. We hope it goes some way in making up for the problem last night.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 15-09-2011 12:03

challenge say they had "technical issues" like someone ejecting the tape from the machine and switching to galdiators with magnus from the british invision as one of the gladiators.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Redway - 15-09-2011 12:57

This is what challenge said on Facebook

Quote:Apologies to all TNA fans for the issue with No Surrender last night. There was a massive technical issue which we are still getting to the bottom of this morning which caused the show to fall off air. We completely understand the frustration felt by fans and will be getting a full repeat of this show into the schedule as soon as possible. We will advise you when this has been confirmed.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Robot Devil - 15-09-2011 13:26

No great loss I suspect. The first half of the PPV was bollocks. I absolutely hate the X-Div guys they push. None of them are particularly impressive, that said, Austin Aries is a good talent; But why haven't they signed Jack Evans ? He was awesome in his two matches a couple of months ago, plus he has charisma to burn, unlike the tedious Jesse Sorensen. As for the heatless Mexican America...enough said.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Rammyrascal - 15-09-2011 13:49

I thought no surrender was not bad myself the only match I didnt like was incredibly the knockouts match, winter winning the title AGAIN by spraying red stuff on mickie.

Great it's being repeated again tonight and on Saturday too should have responded sooner though

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Robot Devil - 15-09-2011 13:55

I detest Winter. She is the most ridiculous character in all of wrestling. Frankly I'd rather watch Hornswoggle. She cannot act to save her life, and her promos, with that stupid faux Mid-Atlantic accent are beyond dire.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - handsomeSOB - 15-09-2011 14:43

i'm this close (i know you can't see my hand but imagine) to googling it to find out who won
(i think kurt angle will win but i really hope sting wins)
(oh, and no spoilers if you've already googled it yourself)

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 15-09-2011 15:10

its austin aires, kid kash, jesse sorenson or brain kendrick on impact for the x division and there is no high flying high risk moves.

no1 contenders match for xdivision and the knockouts match were poor. also what was the point of the matt morgan v samoa joe match?

the red stuff that winter (non entity wrestler) sprays is meant to be blood (fake). hopefully her spraying angelina love in the face leads to a break up of their wierd and stupid partnership. bring back the beatiful people but saying that velvet sky is becoming a good singles competitior.

the fall out from no surrender to bound for glory could be exciting if sting beats ric flair this week with 2 clauses sting loses he has to retire for good or sting wins he gets bulk hogan at Bound for Glory, also the winner of the bfg series with a title shot with kurt angle.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Doddle - 16-09-2011 13:33

I didn't realise what the problem with No Surrender was, I was watching it through last night and it was just the main event missing, yeah? Quite a gormless error, really.

Sounds like Hogan's trying to make it sound like he's avoiding his big match with Sting after all. Do you think he really would walk out on TNA (with Bischoff) after 2 years? Obviously if it's in his interest he'll go, but BFG needs more intrigue than that.

Can't help thinking the BFG series ended up a bit of a damp squib. They could have made Roode into a proper contender with less hoohah (although to be fair, Gunner seems to have come on well in the last year).

It's a bit weird to think Matt Morgan was in that title contender bracket around January, along with Jeff Hardy, and then went backwards, even before his injury Sad

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 19-09-2011 09:13

Bound For Glory Card so far (oct 16th, uk tv 19th)
Kurt Angle v Bobby Roode for the tna world title
Sting v Hulk Hogan
Winter v Velvet sky v tba v tba for the knockouts title (4way with winners from the "queens" (karen "iam bitch with bad breath" karen) tournament)
austin aires v brian kendrick for the xdivision title

booby roode has to fight Fortune in the run up to bound for glory thanks to kurt angle.

jeff hardy is looking to reconcile with everyone at tna. i think jeff hardy needs to prove himself in the ring.