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Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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[split] Today I'm Lovin'... - pewack1976 - 31-08-2010 08:27

cant belive i only just saw rachel at 09:20 looking amazing as always,she said on the mic laughin she might just get naked lol
well in the lovelly black lace ,she doesn`t need to,lol
you look stunning rachel
as did kitty yesterday and only saw sophia at 20:00 Heart
elite tv is fookin class Big Grin

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - pewack1976 - 01-09-2010 06:56

Big Grin i felt the need just then
laugh to just say a massive thank you to mr ELITE
your show and all the girls are fantastic
thanks very much,,i`m lovin` it laugh

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - TDK2008 - 01-09-2010 07:07

I love this channel, easily my favourite onr and has been for ages. Elite TV comes up with the goods again.

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Chilly - 02-09-2010 14:07

Today's bad lighting award goes to Jamie and the guys at Elite TV. Well, it's either that, or Kitty is suffering from jaundice. Wink

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - TammysNo1Fan - 09-09-2010 09:11

Vicki has just said that there will be fun and games today from 2pm to 8pm,there will be laughter and tears and us girls will be keeping you entertained Wink

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Rammyrascal - 09-09-2010 10:06

With kitty on later, anything can happen and probably will

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - aceman65 - 09-09-2010 13:11

So, are we gonna have a new truth or dare thread now. Surprised And is this going to be a regular thing from now on?

Maybe do a nightshow version as well, where the dares can get a little more risky. TongueBig GrinTongue

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Rammyrascal - 09-09-2010 13:23

Hope so, especially for the night shows aceman

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - aceman65 - 09-09-2010 13:28

Only trouble is we can't post any footage of this because of the restrictions regarding Vikki Thomas. Sad Damn!!!!!

RE: Elite TV Daytime - Discussion Thread - Ludovic4 - 09-09-2010 13:32

please the name of the blonde girl, now on air