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RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - ShandyHand - 14-10-2018 12:44

Apologies, this post may be a tad long as it's the first opportunity I've had to express some of my thoughts about the recent saga...

(09-10-2018 16:52 )nottooold Wrote:  ...We are inclined to debate whether the restriction comes genuinely from Ofcom or from S.  66 staff using Ofcom as an excuse. Frankly, it doesn't matter...

I'd agree it makes very little difference - for the here and now. Someone has Ev under their beady watchful and censorous eye; and they have told her the same in no uncertain terms. Ev is also not of the general character to be countering such onscreen. (Over the summer, perhaps in a unguarded moment, Gallery said of Ev that she was "a law onto herself" but that would only seem to extend to areas in which she has been authorised to work. Ev is not the occasionally loose cannoned Amanda R sort of babe!) Nor, for all we may wish it wasn't so, should we expect her to. As Hexit has already said, it is her shifts and her position at 66 that could be at stake here.

I think it fairly plain Ev has been forced to revert to a more caller-based focus on her recent shows because, it seems, she feels she can no longer justify taking the fledgling 'TV tipper's' monies via the perv option when she can't give the level of tease there she had been doing until recently. This is a shame of course, but her decision to play things this way (i.e. not attempting to live off what she has done before and rip off guys who have false hope of seeing repetitons of earlier glories) is to her credit. We can all think of babes who in her position would have blindly milked that one over and over until it was throughly barren and her reputation on the forum was in shreds. (Such is the low regard many babes have for the consequences of their actions and their standing in these parts in particular.)

Where I would disagree with NTO is in the importance of knowing exactly what is going on bts with this. To me, a clearer picture would be of value in judging the likely prospects of any return to Ev's previous heights of TV performance at some time in the future and the likely extent of any content we might yet see from her on there going forward. Also the future prospects of the TV tipper type interactions overall on the shows.

For all the vagaries of Ofcom and its rules, if they have a babe or station in their sights their content regs are at least out in the open for everyone to see and the regulator has to justify their application and make a show of their even implimentation across the channels. This is patently not the case with show producers and channel bosses who take Ofcom's historical inconsistencies over content and magnify them with the distortions present in their own favouritism, bias, apathy and commercial short-termism. So you see it does matter how much of this is actually coming from Ofcom because we should expect a more consistent approach long term and longer lasting repercussions from the official body over the individual operator.

For instance, Ofcom are unconcerned with things like how fta content impacts on the viability of pervcam returns. If this latter proves to have been any factor in Ev's recent problems, then we can say that potential take in the future could affect what we may get in terms of similiar fta content at that time.

You may gather that I don't see this whole situation as entirely Ofcom or entirely 66 fostered either. The 66 prod's reaction to the events of 20/9 (and ongoing) is what is important. It is entirely possible 66 are continuing to over-react to a mild informal censure from Ofcom*. (The broadcast dates of the relevant Ev shows have now been covered by Ofcom's fortnightly bulletins, as published online, there is no reference to even a formal complaint aimed at anyone on 66 let alone an investigation, breach finding or fine.) It is always going to be a judgement call for 66 from here on.

Consider what the nonsense of the 66 specific dictats on the babes not showing the daytime pervcam lenses on TV says about 66's borderline paranoia about Ofcom turning round and outlawing daytime perv one day and we might begin to understand 66's twitchy reaction on this one I feel. (That Ev is one of the very few babes that looks to uphold this daft rule in anything like a consistent basis says something too about this babe's respect for even the sillinesses of authority.)

For the reasons I've outlined alone, how much was/is Ofcom and how much was/is 66 in the recent turnabout remains very relevant IMO. For me, it's something we must continue to question and examine the onscreen content for clues to. If we believe that fta content can and should be monetised by TV tipping, to the betterment of the shows for everyone in the way we have seen recently, then we owe ourselves that much at least.

* Of course Ofcom like all censors/regulators know they have set up a system that encourages such reactions - from small fry companies they feel they can lord it over at least.

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - The Goatman - 14-10-2018 13:21

Holy shitty balls! Shandyhand that was epic! after reading that i feel the same way i felt after i watched legion..... didnt follow some of it but was enthralled the whole way through bravo sir bravo

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - nottooold - 14-10-2018 15:12

Thanks for the detail, Shandy, a useful epic as always!

Actually, if you look at what I wrote, I was merely pointing out that it didn't matter who was responsible for the instruction, Evelyn had to obey it whether it was Ofcom or S. 66. I was saying that her response was inevitable and unavoidable, and not that the truth didn't matter.

Obviously in the long term we would all wish to know the true facts.

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - HEX!T - 15-10-2018 16:09

TL: DR...

let me guess. the producer is an asshole for following ofcoms rules...
not eves fault that ofcom are watching.
if the producer hits the black screen again we should organize a posse, ride to s66 and lynch him?
better still burn him at the stake... or even oh oh i know... the nordic death eagle... that'll be cool.

now who's with me?

Big Grin

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - ShandyHand - 15-10-2018 17:07

(15-10-2018 16:09 )HEX!T Wrote:  TL: DR...

let me guess. the producer is an asshole for following ofcoms rules...
not eves fault that ofcom are watching.

Not my style to call anyone an asshole. But in part yes, I say Ev still does what she can but that the crew twitch every time Ofcom looks their way like a horny virgin bumping into his school crush. And in the same way they go about tailoring their appearance for a few weeks thereafter to try to appeal Big Grin... However in this I was really only agreeing with what you'd said just a few days before Wink:

Quote:.. its a business. and as such is bound by rules and regulations.
thus the reason for the producer black screening eve if she even comes close to a slip on tv.
you think its unfair, but better than than eve having to be let go.

Not too different is it. I just state that the variability in their supervision of her sessions is gauling if understandable, you ignore it. (There have been very few black screens even since her warning btw. Even when she is splendid, as she was for a good hour last session, they have not been needed.)

That aside, for the hard of reading, my main point was the same as ever - that there's more to selling visuals on a babeshow than appealing to those that wish to see various equipment stuffed up a babe's chuff.

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - HEX!T - 15-10-2018 20:49


RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - nottooold - 16-10-2018 15:32

(15-10-2018 16:09 )HEX!T Wrote:  TL: DR...

let me guess. the producer is an asshole for following ofcoms rules...
not eves fault that ofcom are watching.
if the producer hits the black screen again we should organize a posse, ride to s66 and lynch him?

I agree with Shandy. No-one has called the producer an asshole etc, but...

a) almost everyone agrees that the production staff seem to be quicker to take Evelyn off screen for minor issues than other girls, and

b) if Evelyn was transgressing, as is strongly suggested, they should have taken her off screen - it's their job - and they failed to do so.

So if the cap fits.....

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - The Goatman - 16-10-2018 15:40

I miss evelyn Sad

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - ShandyHand - 16-10-2018 18:48

^^ On a) the logo guys did, then they didn't and then, just recently, its been made mute.

Whereas b) suggests they are either incompetent, absent, or Evelyn had a least tacit approval to push things - until someone changed their minds or something changed it for them. I prefer the third more generous interpretation.

From this side of the screen, I'd say the asshat is only in the annoying variability. Wink

RE: Evelyn - Chat & Discussion - Skyline - 20-10-2018 11:57

With all of the fallout still happening over the OF situation and Kylie and Kira leaving who I liked, I'm so glad Evelyn doesn't have an OF page/account and is one of the few girls seemingly unaffected by this. That said with the amount of shifts now available with these departures I wander if she'd consider adding another day to her 2 day shift a week. The more Evelyn the better for me. Smile