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RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - curlybaggie - 21-02-2016 16:37

During the past week I have only seen 5 different performers filling all of the shifts, Em has done about 3 evening shifts on her own, and she is doing it again today (Sunday 21st) Ali and Amy have done all of the morning shows between them, Sami joined Amy one morning and then did an evening show with Jenniva. Is that it? Are they the only ones left? Has there been a mass exodus of girls? Or are some of them just taking a break? Wim is right when He says that they are going to wear these poor girls out. Expecting Amy to do a solo evening shift and then follow it with a solo morning shift is a disgrace. I know other channels always use solo performers, but what I always liked about Thai Chat was the fact that we had two beauties to drool over, and I like the interaction between the girls. I have been watching these lovely Thai Ladies since 2011, and I would like to continue watching them, so come on Thai Chat, get this mess sorted out, and lets make it worth watching again.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - wim - 22-02-2016 02:14

Well said, Curly! Apparently Victoria is on vacation and will be back soon, but I don't know about any of the others.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - wim - 22-02-2016 15:26

Hey, there's a new "Kitty" on with Amy today! She's cute, and seems to have some energy and personality! Hope this works out....and I hope Amy is her trainer!

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - curlybaggie - 22-02-2016 18:06

The new "kitty" looks like Kathy who used to work here a couple of years ago. If it is her, she wasn't shy about getting down to her underwear.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - Firebird - 22-02-2016 18:10

(22-02-2016 18:06 )curlybaggie Wrote:  The new "kitty" looks like Kathy who used to work here a couple of years ago. If it is her, she wasn't shy about getting down to her underwear.

Humm very nice, now i would luv to see her doing a Spicy 4am show... Roll on Smile

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - curlybaggie - 22-02-2016 18:45

The more I look at Kitty, the more I am sure it is Kathy, She looks different because she is wearing a brace now, but you can she is not new to this, she is very confident.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - DB83 - 23-02-2016 10:14


There is one other angle that could result in AC going off-air.AC is no longer an independent service. Was it ever ?. Independent that their rent the tv service etc. Cellcast/Babestaion pay

all the bills and AC get a cut of what is left. From that cut they must pay their studio costs, the girls and cigars for the boss.

If the cut is too small they go out of business. If the call volumes are too small then cellcast can also pull the plug just like they did for Eurobabes (ETV)

One consequence of cellcast's involvement is the hideous OSGs, probably the largest of all the tv stations. Often the 'interesting' bits are hidden by these graphics if, as in the case this morning, Ali gets too close to the camera.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - wim - 23-02-2016 19:36

I have to say that I am confused about AC's relationship to London. When the webstream went down, I used to email Babestation and they would helpfully respond that they would send the request on to the appropriate department (I don't know if they meant a department that handled AC or just web issues). That usually got the job done. Recently, however, the response I get back is that Babestation has nothing to do with AC; it only hosts the web service, and so if there are problems they are coming out of Thailand and London can't do anything about it. That doesn't square with their previous replies or with the fact that someone is sending producers to Thailand from London, or that AC is using the BS Unleashed music (wish we could get the old music back). I realize that they may just want me to bugger off. I don't know of any way to get through to the bosses and producers at AC, except through the girls. The Twitter account that they set up to advertise to and communicate with the public was in use only briefly and never elicits a response now.

I remember that many years ago, AC for a while advertised that they were independent of any other channel, but that may have been for a short time. I do think that there is still hope, with the hot shows Amy and Ali have been doing at 4AM and if they can get their staff back to full strength with girls coming back from vacation and "new" girls like Kitty (formerly Kathy I guess) as well as more girls to do hot 4 AM shows (Sara did a great one a few weeks ago but hasn't been back since). They need variety. Let's hope it doesn't come to the scenario you describe!

On the OSGs, the webstream has only the small photo of the girl and her PIN number on the screen, along with the Firecall banner; the mobile feed has nothing at all on it. It is kind of ridiculous all the junk on the TV screen, though the TV feed is the only reliable one.

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - curlybaggie - 26-02-2016 21:47

What has happened to Sami? I saw the first half hour of her 4.00am show on Friday and she showed nothing, She had one 30 second call in all that time. Is this really the same girl that used to do hardcore?

RE: Asian Babes - Chat, Caps, Vids - wim - 27-02-2016 03:48

(26-02-2016 21:47 )curlybaggie Wrote:  What has happened to Sami? I saw the first half hour of her 4.00am show on Friday and she showed nothing, She had one 30 second call in all that time. Is this really the same girl that used to do hardcore?

I think a lot of us have wondered the same thing. Even when paired with Amy, Ali, or Nadia on mornings they were flashing right and left, she wouldn't do it. Last night, something interesting happened. In the last 10 minutes, she took off her bra and did the hand bra thing. Immediately, calls started coming in, after 50 minutes of probably 90 seconds total on the phone. So that says a lot right there. It was nice, but she was really careful that no nipple showed, and since Sami has the most beautiful nipples of all the Thai girls, it is still a disappointment. Don't know why she has become timid.