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RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 03-10-2011 15:22

(02-10-2011 20:30 )robrob2 Wrote:  i jus saw karen angle get in the ring without panties!!!neone got the caps??

i saw that upskirt she did and on slow mo on my dvd recorder all i can say inconclusive.

Bound For Glory card so far:
kurt angle v booby roode tna championship
sting v hulk hogan
winter v velvet sky v mickie james v madison rayne tna knockout championship
rob van dam v jerry lynn full metal jacket match
mr anderson v bully ray
austin aires v brian kendrick x division
mexican america v ink inc tag team championship

it looks a very impressive line up, hopefully angle v roode and sting v hogan lives up the all the hype.

i have feeling that at turning point we could have the jarrets v traci and kaz.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - handsomeSOB - 03-10-2011 16:10

rvd vs jerry lynn full metal jacket match? does that basically mean chairs are legal?

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 04-10-2011 00:11

(03-10-2011 16:10 )whoopah Wrote:  rvd vs jerry lynn full metal jacket match? does that basically mean chairs are legal?

in wwe it would be tables, chairs and ladders aka tlc. in tna they allow anything metal into the ring like chains, pipes, barbwire etc. i had to look it up to find what it was.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Doddle - 04-10-2011 13:54

(03-10-2011 16:10 )whoopah Wrote:  rvd vs jerry lynn full metal jacket match? does that basically mean chairs are legal?
It means they have to pretend Vince Russo is Stanley Kubrick. They attack each other with typewriters, wear bowler hats, scream abuse at each other, and any other kubrickism you can think of.

I imagine they call it Full Metal Mayhem because TLC is an unfortunate acronym that's already been taken. But it's the same idea. I'm all in favour of them using such a gimmick match sparingly, and RVD & Lynn have the history to turn in a belter of a match Smile

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 04-10-2011 20:21

(04-10-2011 13:54 )Doddle Wrote:  I'm all in favour of them using such a gimmick match sparingly, and RVD & Lynn have the history to turn in a belter of a match Smile

i have seen the monsters ball match abyss v rvd at last years bound for glory and that was fantastic. i think the anderson v bully ray is an any where fall match.

with 12 days to go to bound for glory, booby roode seems to the momentum and battle harden where as angle seems to be just sitting around talking crap. the roode v styles match on impact wrestling (sunday and tuesday 9pm) could main event any ppv.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - Redway - 07-10-2011 11:12

why are challenge not showing TNA new show TNA’s Greatest Matches its being show on ex sports channel not happy

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 09-10-2011 21:12

looks like hardy has turned face (ableit an anithero) by hitting the twist of fate/hate on bitchoff. as of oct 4th jeff hardy is starting his 10 day prison sentance.

aj styles v christopher daniels in a "I Quit" match at Bound for Glory (16th Sunday, challenge wed 19th 10pm).

i hope that bobby roode is the new tna world champ at bound for glory and keep beer money incorporated together has the tag team division could extreme poorer without them. i am missing the motor city machine guns as they offering high flying high risk element to the ground and pound of most teams.

also there is a new tna knockout being introduced valet and manager of ink inc. she beat up the dick from mexican america (not hernandez) in the tattoo shop a couple of weeks ago.

if you have not seen tonights impact show (8th oct) then you have missed a cracking match between storm and roode also hulk says something that could have a huge impact on tna after sting shows a video of hulk talking to bitchoff which pissed hulk of.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - handsomeSOB - 09-10-2011 22:03

man, i love sting! (in a non-gay, wrestling fan way) "got what i wanted, ta ta for now"... it was a bit obvious but maybe now... well, after BFG, tna will get better (although, all they need to do is get rid of hogan, bishoff and flair and BRING BACKK THE FRICKIN' SIX SIDED RING!)

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - bigguy01 - 10-10-2011 07:02

bitchoff and hogan have signed extended contracts with tna.

RE: TNA & TNA PPV Chat/Discussion - handsomeSOB - 10-10-2011 08:06

(10-10-2011 07:02 )bigguy01 Wrote:  bitchoff and hogan have signed extended contracts with tna.

oh... it's like they don't want to be better than wwe, i mean, seriously, it can't be just me thinks that... hogan's time has come... actually, it probably came at wrestlemania 18... and bishoff... well... all i'll say there is wcw, and let you make up your own mind