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RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - dark skies - 22-03-2014 03:24

(21-03-2014 23:40 )bigglesworth Wrote:  the pilot made a call from his mobile phone just before the plane took off.

This has been raised at least twice in press conferences. Both times the reply was that the phone call was under investigation and more details would be revealed as soon as they were available.

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - marlowe - 22-03-2014 03:58

(21-03-2014 22:02 )circles_o_o_o Wrote:  So what did she think it was doing there?

I don't know but she must have truly excellent eyesight to make out a plane on the ocean surface from cruise altitude.

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - alien lifeform - 22-03-2014 11:47

(22-03-2014 03:16 )elgar1uk Wrote:  But they would have still issued a mayday, because it's been posted before in this thread that the radio has an automatic battery back up. In the event of a loss of power the radio would still be fully functional.

If there was an electrical fire the pilots would shut off the power first and foremost and set a course to the nearest airport. They may have been overcome by the fumes and the smoke before they could issue a mayday.

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - dark skies - 22-03-2014 12:07

(22-03-2014 00:40 )CIA Snooper Wrote:  If all 3 are secret service agents it may explain the lack of response by Ukraine and Russia to the request for passenger background checks.

According to press conference statement Ukraine has now replied to the request for background checks and given the all clear on their nationals.

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - bigglesworth - 22-03-2014 12:18

There's some promising news for the searchers just announced, as a statement from China says that a new object has now been spotted on satellite, only 75 miles from the previous 2 objects which were sighted to the west of Australia.

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Charlemagne - 22-03-2014 12:18

China ships are investigating new satellite images of debris in the southern Indian Ocean, potentially from missing flight MH370. One element of debris was 22.5m by 13m

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - space watson - 22-03-2014 13:14

(21-03-2014 20:52 )king of a lost kingdom Wrote:  wouldn't gold be moved with appropriate security, i.e. by a military plane? I can't see a huge quantity of gold being shipped to China on a civilian airliner.

Gold is not normally transported by military plane, for the simple reason that military planes cannot enter another nation's airspace. Gold and other valuables such as precious gems are routinely transported by civilian airliners, as it's standard practice and it's regarded as safe enough. After all ask yourself this important question: how often do airliners crash or go missing or are hijacked by pirates and the cargo never found?

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - lovebabes56 - 22-03-2014 15:13

so could we be looking at Sky pirates being on board?

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - terence - 22-03-2014 15:23

i think everyone's making it all to complicated. if you take occam's razor into account then there's only one obvious answer.......Space Nazi's!
it's the only thing that makes sense!

RE: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - southlondonphil - 22-03-2014 16:48

(21-03-2014 20:19 )babelover48 Wrote:  has it ever been proven that lithium batteries are unstable at altitude?

Who knows? On Friday it was said in the daily press conference that the lithium batteries were highly flammable and even more so at altitude and the idea of the batteries causing a fire on the plane was a real possibility. Then today they backtracked on that, saying that the batteries were being carried in accordance with all safety regulations and they didn't believe the batteries would have caused a fire and they had closed that line of enquiry.