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RE: General Election Vote - terence - 08-05-2015 13:57

(08-05-2015 13:52 )Count von Scharnhorst Wrote:  You sound like a person quick to jump to prejudiced opinions and personal insults about others who don't share your views. You can't spell either.

i have to ask, where's the personal insults and what did he miss spell?

RE: General Election Vote - Doddle - 08-05-2015 15:09

(08-05-2015 11:54 )babelover48 Wrote:  three leaders resigning in one day must be some kind of record
Shaddap Yo Face? laugh

RE: General Election Vote - cookiemonster007 - 08-05-2015 15:15

boris johnsons father in an interview with dermot murnaghan after saying his compassionate anyone with half a brain would vote conservative what does that make the other millions who voted? and after saying only to a torie I wouldent vote for your party its up to them to convice me otherwise as partys are suppose to do. to get votes his reply was I couldent careless who I vote for. its a return of the nasty party. ahead 5 years of rubbish.

RE: General Election Vote - gunnar - 08-05-2015 16:24

When you work out the percentage of people who actually voted for the nasty party, it is about 23% of the total potential electorate. Not exactly a resounding majority when you think of it in those terms is it?

RE: General Election Vote - mikedafc - 08-05-2015 16:25

it would seem a lot of Tory voters who considered voting UKIP decided that the threat of SNP joining Labour to vote down a Tory Queens speech if they were biggest party was so abhorrent it meant they voted Tory in the marginal/Labour target seats to prevent that happening

(08-05-2015 11:24 )babelover48 Wrote:  I think the conservative victory is pretty much down to the press ramming down our throats what damage a Labour/SNP coalition would have done to our country if it Labour had won but didn't have enough seats...

RE: General Election Vote - gunnar - 08-05-2015 16:28

The tory campaign was abhorant based on scare tactics.

RE: General Election Vote - brummie - 08-05-2015 17:18

What this election taught us:

For the Tories it proved that in an election campaign you don't actually have to disclose any of your policies (especially if you know they won;t be popular) just sling some personal attacks on your opponent and keep banging on about the spectre of the SNP bogeyman to scare the turkeys into voting for Christmas.In fact there is no greater boost to Scottish independence than 5 more years of Conservative savagery.

For Labour:The Scots rejected independence when given the option so why flock to SNP now? Because it was a vote against austerity and the Tories.Hopefully now Labour can learn and become a proper socialist party again offering a distinct alternative to a govt run for the elite few.

For LibDems:This was always going to happen after Clegg gave the leadership of LibDems over to Cameron for a chance to hand round the biscuits at cabinet meetings.Tory voters in the coalition knew what they were getting, Lib Dem voters voted for completely the opposite and feel betrayed at LibDems allowing the vile bedroom tax and millionaire tax cuts.

For UKIP: They found out the electorate is not nearly as gullible or nasty as they thought and the 'earthquake' turned out to be not even a ripple.Bye bye Nige can't say I'm sorry to see the back of you, back to the city job.

RE: General Election Vote - ShandyHand - 08-05-2015 18:06

I agree with nearly all of what gunnar, M-L-L, terence and brummie have been saying on here. (Thanks guys for saving my typing!)

But I think that even Labour supporters, like me, have to admit that Miliband cost the party votes. Like it or not, personality has to be right for the mass electorate.

The next leader should be fresh, young blood - as untainted by the past as possible IMO.

The next five years is going to be an interesting and bumpy ride for most. Lotuseater... just pray you don't fall vulnerable under this lot in power.

RE: General Election Vote - lancealot790 - 08-05-2015 18:13

Labour a party that has no shame, they deserved to lose.

RE: General Election Vote - HannahsPet - 08-05-2015 18:15

No the result wasnt due to scare tactics because if labour had a bit more about them then the scare stories wouldnt have stuck

from the way the Labour were trying to weaponise the NHS it sounded like that Cameron and Osbourne were about to go into the baby wards at night and switch of the incubators

it was a simple argument if you felt better off which most working families did because of the increase of the tax thresholds before they started paying tax then vote to keep it

thats why i voted tory and i can live with that