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RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - alexxxi - 09-07-2010 20:57

ahhhhhhhhhh someone at elite sort out 914 please!!! aceman is right its completely stuttering by the looks of its losing bit rate. it was like that yesterday when dionne was in the alley way. i think its the camera your using, or atleast try refreshing the server please because danica is unwatchable on webstream


p.s both webstreams are playing up now sort it out someone

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - aceman65 - 09-07-2010 23:47

Well maybe somebody listened, because shortly after me making the previous post, they switch Danica to the 965 stream, which was a lot more stable, and recordable. Although it still did freeze up at times, and the quality was not great, but at least I maybe able to do something with the footage. Big Grin

But damn that set is memory hungry, That session took over 6 gig to record it. eek

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - Wazo - 12-07-2010 02:04

914 stream is starting to annoy me now by freezing an it ainit even the shiny set its the bed set. How come 914 always seems worse outta the two streams.

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - cityboy76 - 13-07-2010 21:42

914 stream isn't up yet again for the night show yet it's been on all day??? Someone please sort this farce out!!!annoyed annoyed annoyed

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - aceman65 - 13-07-2010 21:53

(13-07-2010 21:42 )cityboy76 Wrote:  914 stream isn't up yet again for the night show yet it's been on all day??? Someone please sort this farce out!!!annoyed annoyed annoyed

Well, I can only assume that because the 914 stream has been down since the start the the evening broadcast, that they are actually trying to fix it at last.

If it starts up again, with the same problem, then your guess is as good as mine, as to why it's been down for so long.

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - aceman65 - 14-07-2010 18:03

Well it's nice to see they have finally fixed the 914 stream. Big Grin It even seems to cope with the mirrored wall set, without locking up. Big Grin

I'm not to keen on the advertisement on the 965 stream, because as a member I don't need to see that. But I suppose I can put up with it, as long as they remember to switch it off once the channel starts.

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - Wazo - 15-07-2010 01:24

914 just starting to play up for me again Sad

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - quiquems - 15-07-2010 01:30

(15-07-2010 01:24 )Wazo Wrote:  914 just starting to play up for me again Sad

It's doing it tonight too. annoyedannoyed

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - aceman65 - 15-07-2010 03:34

Well, I'm at a loss, as to why they can't get this right. Why can't they just copy the protocols used for the 965 stream, and use them for the 914 stream.

If it's down to the 914 server, then they need to upgrade it.

If it's down to the supplier, then Elite need to give them a serious kick where it hurts, (there wallet). Because they can supply the 965 stream without a hitch, why not the 914 stream.

I'm getting sick and tied of sending E-Mails without any response. When they got rid of the free stream, and basically made it pay-per-view, I expected with the extra revenue they would get, to see an improvement in the service, not only quality, but stability. Instead I don't think we have had any improvement in the stream at all.

So to put it bluntly, what the hell are doing with the extra money from the new members who decided to subscribe to watch the stream.

RE: Elite TV - Live Webstream - alexxxi - 15-07-2010 10:20

Okay here it comes..........thats right you've guessed it 914... Ava is on atm behind that sparkly set.... shes looking fine... one PROBLEM the stream is totally whacked out again... and I mean its running half the speed. Someone fix it please