RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - deejer - 31-05-2011 20:54
(31-05-2011 20:22 )SYBORG666 Wrote: Do what i'm doing mate and stop watching it because they clearly don't give a shit.
stop watching...when the perfect Paige,Tammy,Daryl,Ella,Kandi,Georgie,Ava, leaves BS..then i might consider it...
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - SYBORG666 - 31-05-2011 21:10
Even though Amanda and Camilla are still there, i've stopped watching because i'm fed up of BS's attitude and until more people start doing the same, then BS won't change.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Carl-Gen X - 31-05-2011 21:38
I've said before that I have nothing against those who choose to watch BS, and that remains the case. But I have to ask, should anyone who continues to watch it complain about the crappy graphics, and the interruptions and the general all round contempt that BS demonstrates towards its customers?
I would have thought by now it is patently obvious that BS will not change its current stance, so clearly a choice has to be made by its viewers who post here. Either save yourself the hassle and the high blood pressure, by giving the channel the middle finger and switching to another babe channel...there are after all many decent alternatives. Or to simply suffer in silence....BS know how people feel but to put it bluntly, they care about money only...they don't give a flying fuck what the complainants on here think......That is why I quit watching BS...and by God do I feel better for it.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Gibbs Luvs Dani O - 01-06-2011 00:03
A lot of people will keep watching bs even if OSG's/GERI,MEGAN/XtremeADS,ruin the quality of the show.
Bs have most of the top talent on the babeshows and nearly everybody that watch's these channels will have 1 or more favs on bs.
Some of the other channels(R.L.C.,ELITE) have got a good line up of girls but many could'nt come near bs.
And many of the viewers will be freeviewers who have'nt got the option of watching another channel.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - 10ofclubs - 01-06-2011 01:59
(31-05-2011 20:54 )deejer Wrote: (31-05-2011 20:22 )SYBORG666 Wrote: Do what i'm doing mate and stop watching it because they clearly don't give a shit.
stop watching...when the perfect Paige,Tammy,Daryl,Ella,Kandi,Georgie,Ava, leaves BS..then i might consider it...
Thats why babestation will not take any notice WHATSOEVER of complaints on here, or change the way they do things to make the people who pay there wages and keep them in there jobs happy or aleast comprimise because regardless of complaints certain people will still watch and fund a station even tough they are unhappy so why complain
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - SYBORG666 - 01-06-2011 03:08
Fair point Gibbs but what is the point in watching a channel that spends more time plastering the screen with ads than letting you enjoy the girls that you've tuned into watch and call.
While you may have limited babechannels on Freeview, there are alternatives. I have Sky and may have a wider choice but if the channels bugging me that much, then I just won't watch them at all because while BS is still getting viewers/callers, even if the viewers/callers are pissed off, then fuck all will change.
The only way to get BS to change, is to hit them where hurts and thats in their wallet.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Gibbs Luvs Dani O - 01-06-2011 11:09
I agree with you,that some thing needs to change at bs.
But people will keep watching,either out of a lack of choice or a deluded sense of loyalty to the girls.
We would all love to go back to what it was like before bang babes turned ofcoms wrath on the babeshows.
As for watching another channel, i would if there was a channel with a good enough line up of girls,but for me only tvx would have got me to change.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - dirtbag - 01-06-2011 12:17
I to have boycotted this channel and as a result no longer get wound up by all the ads. The channel looked so amateur compared to the others and it just resembles a shopping channel with birds flogging crap over priced pics and vids.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Topman 47 - 01-06-2011 14:22
I stopped phoning this channel many moons ago because of their OSG actions and if you are talking to a girl you suddenly get Geri or Megan appear to announce something or other and you cannot see the babe you were talking to.
I only channel flick to see if Ella, Tammy or Stevie are on but as Stevie seems to be given the cold shoulder, Ella as reported on her chat page is moving to the BBC that only leaves Tammy to watch. Also reported possibly moving in the Ella thread, Priya and Preeti, I would be surprised if they were but if so that only leaves the BS Mafia and Tammy.
Not a problem for me as an avid CP watcher but I can think of a few people who might be struggling to watch this channel without the named girls.
How much money do they collect by people phoning in and waiting whilst "the girl caller" is on line.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - LODOS - 01-06-2011 18:20
i know what you mean i was watching ella last night then all of a sudden a massive box came up showin a vid we can purchase which took over half the screen plus the phone number at the bottom and you coudnt hardly see her i sometimes think why bother??