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RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - adelmo - 09-10-2009 20:34

UK Babe Channels Forum A-Z gamesBig Grin

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - HEX!T - 15-10-2009 05:52

currently ps1 ps2 and pc, didnt bother with the socalled next gen as it never realy was (my pc was/is a monster compared to the ps3 and xbox360)


rockford/boulderdash on atari 800xl
mercinarys on atari 800xl
zork adventures on 800xl
amiga 2 many 2 mention
colony wars on ps1
gpolice on ps1
rez evil on ps1

post milenium:

gt4 on ps2 still play it and have a 5'16.3 on nurburg ring (beat it if you can)
gta III, vice city and sa on ps2
god of war on ps2

cod 4 on pc
fear on pc
freelancer on pc
crysis/warhead, on my rig its playable on medium to high.
building a new rig as we speak somthing a little special in my eyes, gona be sweet enough to max crysis at 50 fps 1920/1200.

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - Ponty100 - 19-10-2009 22:18

PS 2 & trying but failing to get the money for a 360. Best games are GTA Vice City & San Andreas and Grand Turismo 4.

PC games would be the Battlefield series and GTR 2.

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - jungleboy - 19-10-2009 22:41

I have a 360 a psp and an ipod touch, not technically a console, but some of the apps on there are brilliant.
Best games pre mill was jurassic park, dynamite heddy, ristar and wolfenstein.
Best post mill, all gta games, call of duty 1, Vietcong, and the battlefield series.

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - moon12 - 21-10-2009 20:13

360 DS and a PSP.

Favourite Game is obviously Fallout 3.
And any or all Sonic The Hedgehog games that werent released after Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast.
I recently bought Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. My advice is DONT. Since when can superman only fly in a fight for like 3 seconds pfft. Theres a really bad handicap on the DC fighters and it doesnt have much re-play after youve done the story and a few key character arcade modes. (Oh and to mortal Kombat fans, the Fatalities arent as fun in it either, no spine ripping or burnt skeletons either)

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - Mr. Wayne - 24-10-2009 00:36

PS all the way

Pre millenium :
Metal Gear solid
Tombi (a stange one, I know)

Post millenium :
GTA - San Andreas
Ico/Shadow of the Colossus - I count them spiritually as the same game
Arkham Asylum - A game for all the people who were fans of batman before the dark knight was released

RE: Which Consoles Do You Own & Favourite Game? - mas0887 - 24-10-2009 22:52

Tombi isn't a strange one, it is a fucking classic! Quite possibly the least well known and most underrated game ever.