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Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Printable Version

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RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - mas0887 - 04-11-2009 06:31

(03-11-2009 08:29 )Hexit Wrote:  some valid points mass but the guy underneath you proves some my points. even though the pc will probably sell just as many copys of mw2 and play at true 1080p (the only real advantage left on the game as they stoped server support), we still see xbox fanboys claiming its the best version when clearly its not.

your exclusives argument dosent realy hold as we all have exclusives and they are getting less previlant, last year gears 2 and halo3 forsa being the only real 1s of note. while on pc we got crysis warhead, armaII, stalker cop.

best for games realy comes down to what you want, do you want the best gfx/sound/gameplay, well i have noticed that gameplay has sufferd on all machines of late in an effort to get the gfx up to par but pc wins hands down here with true 1080p if you can afford the hardware. sound all consoles have adiquate sound,. gameplay well heres the debate in real terms the console pads are often not intuativley configured xbox is better than ps3 here as i have played cod4 on all and in order of control the pc wins (a 2000dpi mouse just gives way more speed and control), xbox comes next and ps3 is a lowly 3rd due to it not alowing you to reconfigure the buttons. if you add mouse support to both consoles then yes your on to a winner as then it will be a question of skill instead of auto aim buttons...

as for part gaming well the ninty piss wins that 1, watch granny loosen her colostomy bag trying to beat top score on wiifit just takes the cake...

the 1 thing i do like about pc that no console can match is server support, when sum1 cheats or a 12yo starts being racist they can be booted/banned on the consoles the best you can do is leave and pm the main server admin, if your lucky your account wil get suspended while they look into it... (my nephew was banded from live for 1 month for complaining so i know it does happen).
so its swings and roundabouts m8. they all have pluspoints and negatives but realy ignoring pc altogether was unfair...

You think as many copies of MW2 will be sold on the PC as the consoles? Are you high? That is never going to happen, at max PC will sell a quarter as many games as the consoles. It is just nowhere near as popular. Also why do you think that it will not run at full 1080p on the PS3/360? I do not see any reason why it would not.

Also the exclusives like the Fallout 3 and GTA4 DLC do not count? I know they are no longer exclusive but they were when released. Also not forgetting Shadow Complex, ODST, Fable II, Ninja Gaiden 2 (now ported but differently), Halo Wars and the Ace Combat games. Do not just ignore the less famous games that are actually excellent. And I said that it was only FPS's and RPG's on the PC and you only post FPS's, come on there are other types of PC exclusives like erm.... the only one I can think of at the minute is Football Manager and Championship Manager 2010 but I really do not keep a huge eye on PC games.

FPS's get the win on PC games for controls (although I have seen some console gamers who are so good it could get close) that is just the way it is, it is more natural. But other games like Platformers and RPG's are better with controls on the consoles. And I do not see why 'Running at true 1080p' counts as a plus, because there are console games out there (like Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and Virtua Tennis 3) that DO run at full 1080p, so it cannot be considered a plus when it doesn't have any positives over the competitors.

On the 360 you can set a user to the ignore list so you never play with them, set them to mute, kick them if you are the host (and if they are that annoying then if you aren't the host they may get kicked anyway) and Xbox do look into complaints. When I was playing CoD4 with my mates there was a player that kept on joining our games (literally joining every game even if we left) and instantly shooting an RPG at the floor and teamkilling us at the beginning of every match, and we were playing Search and Destroy so when you are dead you are out for the round. We all complained and the next time I was online I checked my player list and he was banned. If you had a shit time playing on Live or the PSN then that is not that they are bad, just your experience with them.

Nobody is ignoring the PC it is just that the thread IS a console thread, nobody asked if the PC was the best. If I asked my mate which game was better, Assassins Creed 2 or Modern Warfare 2 (to keep it current) and he replied with Chrono Trigger, I would slap him. It is not a response to the question, just because you prefer something else does not mean that that has to be referenced where it is not asked for. And if the PC is being ignored by the TC it may be because a top of the range PC is ludicrously fucking expensive (the new alienware desktop is what? £2000)? Whereas for £250 you could get any of the consoles, top of their range, with games, they may have a budget.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - HEX!T - 04-11-2009 10:27

lol... it may well sell as many as the xbox as the pc comunity is 10/1 times bigger at a very conservative estimate, and a million preorders on pc should see it match the consoles over a year, so no im not high...
just to give you some perspective. over 13 million people play 1 certian game on pc W.o.W thats more than all xbox players playing all the the games it has available...

dont get me wrong you have valid points. but i did qualify my reponces to the statment which is best xbox/ps3/wii and the answer is none of them the pc is best... you never said anything about budget, but you imply that gaming is exclusive to the consoles and no you dont need to spend 2000 on alien ware (there crap overpriced overhyped underspeced mug machines) 300 pound will get you a console beater so thats irellivant.
as for 1080p none of the consoles in genral use 1080p because there output is actualy 1080i they dont have the vram to run 1080p, most games are upscaled,. gears,halo assasins all came in at around 600p-660p. on the whole it makes very little difference to the gamer but the software compays are actualy missleading the customers by saying hidef 1080p when infact most of there games arnt even 720p. gt5 is a marvel on console it shouldnt be able to do what it does with the hardware it has available the reason it has taken so long to be released is because they have squeesed every ounce of power out of the console and optomized every bit of code to get the final result, yes the final result is gona be astounding but every racing game after will be a let down visualy. forsa 3 will litraly wilt at the end result as forsa 2 pushed the xbox to its limit so for forsa 3 they had to take from elswhere to improve the visuals. ie the screen shots from photomode arnt a true representation of the game. thy used extra tesselation in photomode to get the stunning pix they are using to sell the game.

OH! if yer m8 was rite then when you slap him expect a kick in the balls as a return favour...

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - HEX!T - 04-11-2009 10:58

0o hmmm smc is stalkin me Big Grin

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - Neil-B-Art - 04-11-2009 21:22

PS3 is a great allround console, games, internet, blu ray player. So I'd say it was the best.
P.c's are only good if it's a decent n powerful one. X-box's always seem to die quickly.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - mas0887 - 05-11-2009 06:46

(04-11-2009 10:27 )Hexit Wrote:  lol... it may well sell as many as the xbox as the pc comunity is 10/1 times bigger at a very conservative estimate, and a million preorders on pc should see it match the consoles over a year, so no im not high...
just to give you some perspective. over 13 million people play 1 certian game on pc W.o.W thats more than all xbox players playing all the the games it has available...

dont get me wrong you have valid points. but i did qualify my reponces to the statment which is best xbox/ps3/wii and the answer is none of them the pc is best... you never said anything about budget, but you imply that gaming is exclusive to the consoles and no you dont need to spend 2000 on alien ware (there crap overpriced overhyped underspeced mug machines) 300 pound will get you a console beater so thats irellivant.
as for 1080p none of the consoles in genral use 1080p because there output is actualy 1080i they dont have the vram to run 1080p, most games are upscaled,. gears,halo assasins all came in at around 600p-660p. on the whole it makes very little difference to the gamer but the software compays are actualy missleading the customers by saying hidef 1080p when infact most of there games arnt even 720p. gt5 is a marvel on console it shouldnt be able to do what it does with the hardware it has available the reason it has taken so long to be released is because they have squeesed every ounce of power out of the console and optomized every bit of code to get the final result, yes the final result is gona be astounding but every racing game after will be a let down visualy. forsa 3 will litraly wilt at the end result as forsa 2 pushed the xbox to its limit so for forsa 3 they had to take from elswhere to improve the visuals. ie the screen shots from photomode arnt a true representation of the game. thy used extra tesselation in photomode to get the stunning pix they are using to sell the game.

OH! if yer m8 was rite then when you slap him expect a kick in the balls as a return favour...

There is not a 10-1 community difference between Live users and PC gamers, you think that there is more than 60 million people that have got a (current) gaming quality PC? I doubt there are million people worldwide that can run Crysis at full spec. Just because people play old games like Command and Conquer does not make it a "gaming community" per se. According to Infinity Ward, in May 2009, Call of Duty 4 had sold 13 million copies, so let us say that there is now 14 million owners of Call of Duty 4, according to vgchartz, the amount sold of this particular game breakdown like this:

Xbox 360: 7.87m
PS3: 4.7m
DS: 0.63m
PC: 0.00m (That means less than 100,000 IIRC)

Add the 360, PS3 and DS versions together and they come to 13.2m, so I am saying 800,000 tops. Also according to official statements by Infinity Ward, there is a disproportianate amount of pirated copies of CoD4 on the PC and the game sold best on the 360. The most popular PC FPS ever (Half-Life) only sold 7.85m so not one PC shooter sold more than that single game on the 360. There is no chance Modern Warfare 2 will sell more on the PC, that theory has officially been shown to be tosh.

Hang on consoles now cannot output to 1080p? Just because the game is not made to 1080p doesn't mean the PS3 cannot do it, my Blu-Ray fucking definately outputs to 1080p. Plus you may be able to get a console beater for £300 (probably closer to £600 to be fair) if you shop around for parts and put the unit together yourself, and let us be honest, who gives a fuck enough to want to do that? Nobody, if you told me you would give me a shitload of parts for £300 and I had to put them together (w/o Blu-Ray btw because you cannot put a PC together with a Blu-Ray drive for that cheap) or I could get a PS3 for £250, I am saving £50 and a crapload of hassle.

My mate would not give me a kick in the balls, you obviously have no idea what I am saying when I typed that. If you were to ask somebody who won in the game between West Ham and Villa today for instance and they came out with "Italy are World Cup Champions" they are borderline retarded, it is not the question that was asked and my mate would rightfully agree with me after I slapped him that he was acting like a dickhead. Nobody wanted the PC involved in this thread, if you want to rant about how much RAM and what sound card you have and how 'inferior' the consoles are in power to the ATI Radeon HD 5870 (I had to look that up on google lol), make your own PC thread, because nobody gives a fuck about the PC for gaming in this thread.

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - HEX!T - 05-11-2009 10:22

all i can add is 1s a fanboy always a tosser. if you were being as unbias as you make out you would have added pc, but the reality is you had yer agenda set out from the start XBOX/ps3/wii
the wii isnt even (socalled) next gen but you included it in the hope that most xbox fanboys would plump for wii over the ps3. and the last little statment proves the point. who gives a fuck about pc gaming... well u obviously do as your loosing yer cool and outing yerself as a XBOX FANBOY...

as for the figures your pulling em out yer ass apart from the xbox. sales hl2 sold over 9 million copys 2date and that dosent include steam or d2d downloads (where the majority of sales now are) so yes sales of physical media may look grim but there not as bad as your making out... if the numbers for cod4 on pc were that bad infinity ward wouldnt have botherd making 6 games 4 pc in the series now would they...

now for infinity wards piracey claims there bullshit!. punk buster wont allow you to play multiplayer on cod4. there are only a dozen servers out of 20,000 plus that you can actualy play a copyed version on and they get shut down as soon as there found.

infinity ward have no case when it comes to worrying about pc only piracey (there only using it as an excuse to drop server support and charge for dlc) as the recent release of modernwarfare 2 on xbox proved 500,000 downloads in 3 days off 1 tracker alone that in reality, percentage wise there is a just as big a case for piracey wories on the xbox due to it being a standardised system that can easily be bypassed with softmaods and chips. i knew when i posted that mw2 will not sell as many copys as consoles but for different reasons than you put and i wanted to guage your reaction. they have bastardised a quality pc product into a handycaped console version, removed a perfectly good if flawed anticheat system and replaced it with v.a.c an even more flawed anti cheat system that is even easyer to bypass, they have turned there back on the modders who in essence show what the product can actualy do not just what I.W. want it to do. no the pc comunity are rightly up in arms about this, and the console owners cant get there head round why... well they dont know any different, but we do...

as for the rest again you asked which was best and i again say none of em... Wink

RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii? - HEX!T - 05-11-2009 10:31

after all this is THEEEEE! baeshows forums gaming section and not realy a place for rampent fanboyism of which is better arguments.
honestly i couldt give a fuck about which is better because i know they all have equal parts of good and bad, i only answerd to show how quickly you would start ranting and thus get this shit braught to a head as quickly as possable, then with luck get the thread closed becase we dont need this kind of bias crap here. we are adults not children fighting in a playground...