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Hello from Kelly! - Printable Version

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RE: Hello from Kelly! - MikeGee - 04-12-2008 19:13

Hi Kelly
A big welcome to our little club!

You are defo my fave babe on the box (creep, creep).
Take care
Luv & kisses

RE: Hello from Kelly! - rover - 04-12-2008 21:22

I know you like pink so this is just for you Smile


RE: Hello from Kelly! -
tapit54 - 04-12-2008 22:06

Welome to our little corner of cyberspace Kelly!

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Red - 05-12-2008 02:38

Wondered how long it'd be. No smoke without fire I guess Cool
Welcome aboard hun, welcome to the party Tongue

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 08-12-2008 11:02

Awe Mike, thats very nice of you to say! Thanks a million! How are you? I'm on from 12 noon today & will give the forum another shout out & leopard print today ;-)

Wow Rover, not I'm likin that! Woohoo!!! I certainly approve! Thank you!

Hey tapit, tap what? do you tap it? ;-)

Hello Red, kewl avatar! Sarah make that for ya? Hows you? & hows the essex connection? Have to catch up with her soon

Thanks for the gr8 welcome! Deffo you guy deserve another shout out today!! Yey!

See ya soon guys!

RE: Hello from Kelly! - G@Z! - 08-12-2008 12:19

hello kelly hows it going

RE: Hello from Kelly! - *Kal-El* - 08-12-2008 12:20

Hi kelly great to see you on again, sorry to her you haven't been feeling too well.

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Red - 09-12-2008 01:46

Kelly Bell Wrote:Hello Red, kewl avatar! Sarah make that for ya? Hows you? & hows the essex connection? Have to catch up with her soon
Ya cheeky minx! No Sarah didn't make it for me, was a simple 2 minute job in Photoshop after spending half an hour doing a more complicated one that looked, well basically crap, when scaled down.
I'm sure Sarah has better things to do than an Avatar for moi. Besides I'm a stubborn git, I might offer help to others but I can be a pain in the arse when it comes to being independent.

As for the Essex connection, been a while since we had a long chat to catch up properly but as far as I know she was all good in the run up to Chrimbo but I'm sure she'd be happier if she heard from you Big Grin

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Headlessman - 09-12-2008 04:51

Hi there Kelly and welcome to the forum

RE: Hello from Kelly! - Kelly Bell - 09-12-2008 09:05

Yey thanks again Guys! Great to be here & great to chat to some of you- I am often humbled still, that people still want to see me here & there & I get some lovely emails too from fans!

On the Pad soon at 10, Vickers is on at 12. Think I'm going for my red tarten over the knee socks & red skirt-now ya know!

Hey Kalel, I have poxy Glandular Fever-it's crap & I get every thing thats going as it lowers ya immune system :-( but ty for asking.

See ya soon Guys & I'll give ya a shout out at 10!

Kells xx xo