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BS Xtreme Screenshots (No videos permitted) - Printable Version

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RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 01-05-2010 12:53

Interestingly (well probably not, but couldn't think of another way to start the sentence) BSXtreme forgot to put their logo in the top left of the screen last night...

A couple of moments of interest, plus some general pics...

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100501-brunette-poolsideinoil.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100501-deep_shafter.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100501-lollybadcock-...1-sexy.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100501-lollybadcock-step_mum.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100501-sexinthelift.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 08-05-2010 18:32

Bound to get removed, but lets see...

Amanda Rendall and Dani O'Neal having a fabulous time together...

[Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample3.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample4.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample5.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-amandarendall-and-dani...ample6.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 10-05-2010 21:23

In terms of has the channel improved, I'd say yes. Content is changing for the better, although quality of some stuff is truly awful. But it has improved (my own view, others may disagree)...

Some pics from a scene from "Catch us if you can", which I've seen before I think on Xplicit932 many moons ago when they were pushing the envelope. A very sexy lesbian scene, although I can't find much about the particular ladies in this scene....

[Image: xbabestationxtreme-20100510-catchusifyoucan.mkv.013.jpg] [Image: xbabestationxtreme-20100510-catchusifyoucan.mkv.028.jpg] [Image: xbabestationxtreme-20100510-catchusifyoucan.mkv.031.jpg] [Image: xbabestationxtreme-20100510-catchusifyoucan.mkv.035.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 11-05-2010 20:59

Only one item of interest to share from last night - My Tiffany in a sexy strip. OK, so this isn't going to be an eye opener like some other pics of recent days, but she's a beautiful young woman and I know many on this site lust after her something terrible, myself included Smile

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100511-tiffany-sample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100511-tiffany-sample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100511-tiffany-sample3.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100511-tiffany-sample4.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 12-05-2010 22:05

Seems they've remembered to put their logo back on the screen...

3-4-1 sexy show was the highlight - scenes from the Kovi movie Longing Harem Girls

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100512-longing_harem...ample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100512-longing_harem...ample3.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100512-longing_harem...ample4.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 15-05-2010 10:26

Here are a few pics from last night of young ladies you'll actually recognise.

In order we have Karina, Tiffany, Georgie, Dani, Lolly & Michelle, and Lolly & Dani.
The unknown is the final pic, the sexy ballerina - that was the scene, but in the pic she's now naked - didn't think you be interested in the rest Smile

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-karina-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-tiffany-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-georgie-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-danioneal-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-lollybadcock-...sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-lollybadcock-...sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100514-ballerina-sample.jpg]

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RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 16-05-2010 15:19

Pics so you know who was on last night (not including the softcore films). I think I've identified everyone correctly, but please correct my ignorance if there are errors...

In order of Tiffany, Amber Leigh (2 pics), Louise Porter, Michelle Moist, Michelle Moist and Cherry (2 pics), Kandi, and finally Lolly Badcock and Dani O'Neal (2 pics).
Then there are the last two pics of the unknown babes (to me).

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-tiffany-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-amberleigh-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-amberleigh-sample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-louiseporter-...sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-michellemoist...sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-michellemoist...sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-michellemoist...ample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-kandi-strip-sample.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-lollybadcock-...ample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-lollybadcock-...ample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-blonde-and-br...ample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-blonde-and-br...ample2.jpg]

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RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 16-05-2010 15:36

Another pic showing, a little better, Kandi in her birthday suit !

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100515-kandi-strip-sample2.jpg]

RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 17-05-2010 21:36

Only 3 set of pics from last night of well known young ladies (accepting there were others on, but they were repeats I think).

Here are 2 pics each of Camilla, Stevie, and 4 pics of Yvette Merriman.

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-camilla-sample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-camilla-sample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-stevie-sample0.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-stevie-sample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-yvette-sample1.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-yvette-sample2.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-yvette-sample3.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100516-yvette-sample4.jpg]

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RE: BS XTREME Screenshots - dirk362 - 19-05-2010 21:31

Some pics of ladies from last night who for the most part I've no idea who they are (my porn knowledge is just terrible you know).
There is Harmony Hex (I think) for 1st 2 pics, then no idea for a bit, then Karina and Danielle together, Paige at a photo shoot (ooh she gets briefly naked in that), Karina and Twinkle together, Lolly and Antonia together, and finally I believe this is Evey.

[Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-harmonyhex-sample1_thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-harmonyhex-sample2_thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-blonde-exerci..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-blonde-exerci..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-blonde-and-br..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-redhead-showe..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-redhead-showe..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-karina-and-da..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-karina-and-da..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-paige-photosh..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-paige-photosh..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-paige-photosh..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-paige-photosh..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-karina-and-tw..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-lolly-and-ant..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-lolly-and-ant..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-evey-photosho..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-evey-photosho..._thumb.jpg] [Image: babestationxtreme-20100518-evey-photosho..._thumb.jpg]
Click thumbnails for full-sized caps

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