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RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - mas0887 - 04-02-2009 01:27

See there are little shitty things like that. But we forget that Shandyman is psychic and seems to know exactly what I want. Like I must want something else if Sabretooth used that throwaway line, because I said I did and everything. Oh wait no I did not, he is being presumptious and just seeming an arse, I have never seen in all my Deadpool comics, Deadpool with no mask and I have never seen scans online of him without the mask with a normal face, so I am well within my rights to criticise, I hope I am wrong and everything in the movie is the bollocks, I really do, but you cannot tell me what I can and cannot criticise.

Hmm... more comics Emmaspuppy, I may be willing to bet you have not got more, how many you got?

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - Shandy - 04-02-2009 01:42

I'm not saying that the films do shitty things like that! of course they do. I didn't like that Colossus wasn't russian, but i'm open minded and enjoyed the films for what they were, adaptaions, different interpretation of the original story. A good example is Smallville, Thats changed TONS of stuff, but there's still stuff for the comic book fans and its popular all round. I'm just saying that you have to expect there to be changes, tweaks or whatever. I'm not psychic, its the way what you wrote came across to me. It seemed that you wouldn't have been happy and found something else you didn't like. If thats not what you meant, i apologise.

He's had a normal face in the Cable & Deadpool series at a couple of points, the first storyline with the Church of blue people and then later on aswell, i can't remember exactly where and i ain't going thru however many comics to find it. Plus, this is an Origin movie, he had a normal face BEFORE geting the healing factor.

My point is, its absurd to criticise something without seeing the full final product. thus the quote "don't judge a book by its cover", just like my Dr Who example, people slating and judging something just by a picture of the guy before he's even been seen in the role. We've seen 1 shot of deadpool, at an unknown point in the story in the trailer. for all we know, it could just be before he gets the ealing factor from wolverine. Infact, the whole story that we see in the film could be before then and tehy're saving it for a Deadpool movie.

Thats all i am saying in this thread.

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - firekind - 04-02-2009 05:57

i wont see it for the simple fact that they ignore the costumes. what would spiderman, iron man, hulk or any other superhero film be like if they ignored what the character looked like. anyone remember constantine?

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - mas0887 - 04-02-2009 22:01

Touche shandyman, I have not read that series of comics, I wrongly assumed because they didn't show him before he got his mask in his own solo series they wouldn't do it in some other series, sorry. I really should read Cable & Deadpool, I have only heard good things, but I just dislike Cable for some reason, I have barely ever read anything with him in it, I just don't like him lol. What does Deadpool look like if you don't mind me asking?

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - Shandy - 04-02-2009 22:06

Its a good series actually, i was never really keen on cable before and now he's on his own i don't read them, but in cable & deadpool, tehy're a good combo, very funny! Well the first time you see him, he's blue and bald (complicated plot where this "1 world church" wants to turn the whole world blue to try and cut down on racism), but later on, he had a normal face, kinda like the usual looking ones of matt murdoch and peter parker, with (if i remember rightly) dark blonde/brown hair). i think they were trying to go for a ryan reynolds sort of look after in previous issues he's said he'd want Ryan Reynolds to play him.

if you get the chance, have a read of them.

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - Shandy - 06-04-2009 23:33

Without ruining everything, Mas0887, it was as i thought, ryan reynolds face is before they messed with him. you see the fucked up face Smile and without ruining anything you could go from where he was in the films to the deadpool we know really easily Smile

actually i think it came out quite well with the continuity, cleverly done indeed!

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - Shalashaska - 07-04-2009 06:00

here are some pics of the movie i got from a site
spoiler warning!!!

i hope they do add make up for deadpool though.

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - Shandy - 07-04-2009 07:36

i thought he looked ok Smile

tho if you haven't seen the film, don't look at that image, it really spoils a surprise cameo!!

the some closed minded extremist people will bitch and moan about it for one reason or another, but its just another reimagining, the comics do it all the time and most people take it, this is no different. I thought it did justice to the back story Smile also something to consider, originally in the comics, Victor Creed was meant to be James Howlett's dad....

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - steven6 - 07-04-2009 10:36

thank god its animated, i couldn't bare another hulk movie

RE: wolverine vs the hulk film - dalebags - 07-04-2009 22:59

regarding the first x men film- I actually thought Wolverine did recognise Wolverine kind of - when they first met he smelled and recognised it but obviously has the amnesia.

For my opinion I think the new movie looks good and Ill reserve my judgement on Deadpool till I see it.(I think Ryan Reynolds is made for the part)

I think he is the first actor to play two marvel characters
Hannibal King and Deadpool