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Angela crying? - Printable Version

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RE: Angela crying? - davethedude - 13-02-2009 23:44

who gives a shit who she is cant even spell properly great lawyer my arse

RE: Angela crying? - jordo - 13-02-2009 23:46

This thread has gone completely off topic but I'd like to add my bit.

I recieved a PM from our friendly moderator today asking if I had sent any hateful messages to "icequeen". I had not been online in the time "she" had joined nor had I had any interaction with "her" whatsoever. We were talking about this in the chatroom earlier and most of us have come to the conclusion that it has to be one of the members who have been banned from this forum, for one reason or another. Please no one take it seriously as it's most likely someone at the wind-up.

RE: Angela crying? - icequeen - 14-02-2009 18:19

Thank you gentlemen, for taking time out of your full and rewarding lives to answer my thread.
To answer your question why I made this thread, well I wanted to see what you would say when someone makes assumptions about you and basicly assaults your character.
And your juvenile responces are just what I exspected.

Really boys use tonight Valentine,s to go out and find a reall girl, unless you all have really hot girl friends already.. the ones that live in Canada.LOL

Now lets see who has time on their hands, sorry hand

RE: Angela crying? - steven6 - 14-02-2009 18:31

your out of order, not all of us are assholes you'd know that if you stuck around for long enough

RE: Angela crying? - Shandy - 14-02-2009 18:39

icequeen Wrote:Thank you gentlemen, for taking time out of your full and rewarding lives to answer my thread.
To answer your question why I made this thread, well I wanted to see what you would say when someone makes assumptions about you and basicly assaults your character.
And your juvenile responces are just what I exspected.

Really boys use tonight Valentine,s to go out and find a reall girl, unless you all have really hot girl friends already.. the ones that live in Canada.LOL

Now lets see who has time on their hands, sorry hand

Excuse me, you're calling the people that have replied juvenile? you've reported various members on here for "offensive PM's" when they've never spoken to you. you reported me and you registered hours after i had logged off, reported me within a couple of hours of you registering, all this whilst i am offline. So tell me who's juvenile?

You're just a fake, most likely someone thats been banned and just wanting to mess with people.

RE: Angela crying? - steven6 - 14-02-2009 18:42

everyone just -rep her

RE: Angela crying? - McGivern - 14-02-2009 19:47

MrGreaper Wrote:
McGivern Wrote:is it just me or has anybody else been watching 961 with Angela on the bed, she looks like she's been crying. someone has clearly upset her. I don't think it was a caller. either one of the other girls or a studio member maybe? anyway, she's been defo been crying!

I know the answer to your question. She wasn't crying nor had anyone upset her. She wasn't feeling very well and had a stomach ache so she had an extended break but it took the backstage people a while to take her off-air and get another girl to cover her shift for a bit.

Angela is lovely, best girl on babeworld in my humble opinion. Sometimes I think she is so underrated, I ring her everytime I can!

As for this 'lawyer in London' rubbish, please tell me who you are and which firm you work for so that I can avoid using your service if I were in need of legal representation.

fuck! didn't mean to start this when i orginally asked this question!! sorry boys for the negative non-sense that we've all been getting from this 'lawyer', that happened as a result.
MrGreaper - thanks for your response. i honestly thought i was seeing things. and i totally agree with her probably being the best girl on babeworld. except her beautiful bum just isn't done justice with them french knickers! thongs and g-strings all the or me please!

RE: Angela crying? - Mister Gummidge - 14-02-2009 20:06

McGivern Wrote:fuck! didn't mean to start this when i orginally asked this question!! sorry boys for the negative non-sense that we've all been getting from this 'lawyer', that happened as a result.
MrGreaper - thanks for your response. i honestly thought i was seeing things. and i totally agree with her probably being the best girl on babeworld. except her beautiful bum just isn't done justice with them french knickers! thongs and g-strings all the or me please!

Don't worry mate, it's hardly your fault. You can't legislate for wazzocks or stop posting anything in case someone uses your thread to start trolling. In future I'm going to try and take a deep breath and then ignore the pillocks! I seem to have spent the past few days arguing with numpties in one thread or anotherSad

Agree with you about Angela as well, think she's great!

RE: Angela crying? - phallusfungus - 14-02-2009 20:52

icequeen Wrote:Gentlemen,

I will introduce myself at a later date, if I get enough replies.
But I will start by telling you all this,

I am former BabeStation Girl, and I would like to take this chance to explain why this girl Angela may have been crying? Its because she has to do one of the most degrading jobs on earth. Talking to some of the most vile men there will ever be. Have anyone of you any idea what its like to be treated like a piece of trash?

When I joined BS I thought it would be a bit of a laugh and a good way to make some extra cash, but after six months of hearing you loser's going on and on about you conquests. and you stupid sick role playing games all in you heads I hasten to quess, I was ready to commit suicide. Have any of you even spoken to a real women I doubt it.

I will close by saying this I now am a Lawyer in London and if I ever represent anyone whose voice I recognise then I will show you what a real women can do. And you can be my bitch.

P.S. I have noticed quite a few copy right infringements.

Reading what you have to say, I can understand why people would treat you like trash.

RE: Angela crying? - jordo - 14-02-2009 21:21

I have a feeling whoever wrote this terribly worded letter is American. The reason being the use of the word "trash" on more than one occasion.

Do any fellow Brits ever use the term "trash can"? I don't think so.