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Naked Babestation review - Printable Version

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RE: Naked Babestation review - barracuda - 09-06-2012 15:26

(04-06-2012 21:38 )george lusk Wrote:  I gather it was Nicolle, Sasha and Flick on the show last night, with Flick being the newcomer. It would be interesting to know how that went. The last time I watched Naked Babestation it was Dani O'Neal and she was very good, as I knew she would be.

Yes Dani O'Neal was very good. I saw Karina Currie too this week who was also very good. I'm surprised that nobody has been able to offer a review of Flick's appearance last Sunday - did nobody watch that night?

RE: Naked Babestation review - george lusk - 09-06-2012 20:46

(09-06-2012 15:26 )barracuda Wrote:  I saw Karina Currie too this week who was also very good.

Karina was excellent on Naked Babestation, as I knew she would be. She's on again tonight, according to the banner at the head of the forum.

RE: Naked Babestation review - aaron - 12-06-2012 09:16

I thought I'd mention that Nicolle Knight put in a great appearance on Naked babestation on Sunday night. Heart Nicolle's performance together with some good camerawork (well done cameraman) made it well worth watching.

RE: Naked Babestation review - Doc Holliday - 30-06-2012 11:42

I saw Naked Babestation with Megan Coxxx and Cindy Dollar last night. I thought it was a good show and I'll give it 7 out of 10. But in my opinion the use of toys hurts this kind of show, because as soon as toys come into it the action has to happen off camera, which I find quite tedious. Surely they could stick to things that can be shown on camera? Another point is that unlike others who have posted in this thread I'm not a fan of the 3 separate shows, as it makes it quite a long wait between them and the entertainment during the wait isn't up to much. Just recently I understand there has been one longer show, although I haven't seen any of these, and I think that idea's a lot better. On the whole I'd say last night was a good show but there's still some room for improvement. Rating 7/10.

RE: Naked Babestation review - blackjaques - 30-06-2012 18:48

(30-06-2012 11:42 )Doc Holliday Wrote:  I saw Naked Babestation with Megan Coxxx and Cindy Dollar last night. I thought it was a good show and I'll give it 7 out of 10. But in my opinion the use of toys hurts this kind of show, because as soon as toys come into it the action has to happen off camera, which I find quite tedious.

Doc, the only reason that Ofcon can justify this policy to the viewing public is on the grounds of "child protection". That is the only reason they can give for the censorship of these images.

As we all know, give it they do.

Having seen BSE on a few occassions, I can say that there is, in these live segments, quite a lot of explicit female nudity. There are some very erotic close up shots of the female anatomy shown on this channel during these live broadcasts.

How does Ofcon judge that this explicit showing and close up of the female genitals classify as safe for children but any penetration is deemed as unsafe for children and, therefore must be censored?

Does anybody believe Ofcon's reasoning behind this censorship of penetration?

RE: Naked Babestation review - eccles - 01-07-2012 00:35

At the risk of being boring, Ofcum would argue that subject matter expert the BBFC and Parliament have deemed sexually explicit material to be harmful to under 18s. "It wasnt us gov, talk to the BBFC".

Presumably explicit material might encourage masturbation.

In the 1950s theatres were allowed to show female nudity provided they didnt move, based on an argument that museums had naked statues. That argument would be rejected these days.

Basically if it gets you hard and is explicit it is sex, therefore banned.

[edit] PS. Channel 4 is showing Hostel II tonight from 10pm. Thats universally available and has no age control in most homes. Seems mutilating young women is acceptable, despite being easily copied and nonconsentual.

RE: Naked Babestation review - dagnabbit - 02-07-2012 07:21

is it just me or is bsx getting tamer by the day, few weeks ago pussy lips open now no more, i agree with the toys thing, it is bloody tedious, leave the toys in the toy box until they can show more, i also would prefer the live shows to be longer instead of 20 minutes and then one hour of movies which show nothing

RE: Naked Babestation review - barracuda - 02-07-2012 08:52

Lucia Love was on last night and definitely deserves a mention in this thread as she delivered a very good show. I therefore say well done to her as I always like to give credit where credit is due. If I'm beng picky, the cameraman could possibly have given a few more closeups. As well as the main performance by Lucia last night, there were also cameos by Nicolle Knight and Lacey Lorenzo, but these were too brief to be worthy of a review.

RE: Naked Babestation review - aaron - 02-07-2012 10:56

(02-07-2012 08:52 )barracuda Wrote:  there were also cameos by Nicolle Knight

Naked Babestation doesn't need a cameo by Nicolle Knight, it needs a full appearance from her. I think a Naked Babestation with Nicolle Knight is overdue now!

As we're waiting so long and being so patient, perhaps Babestation Xtreme could reward us and treat us by putting Nicolle on one of those extended naked shows?

EDIT: Although having said all this I think she's on holiday now, which makes me wonder all the more why she hasn't been on Naked Babestation for so long.

RE: Naked Babestation review - gonzo - 02-07-2012 11:37

I thought the whole idea was babestation girls doing extreme naked shows, not some random girls who dont normally appear on babestation. I miss the days when girls like Camilla, Ree and Ava etc would do regular shows, instead of these girls that i've mostly never heard of. Camilla in particular needs to be on the show more, and i wish Priya and Preeti would go back to doing the quality kind of performances that they used to do, instead of their recent tame efforts.