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RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - *Kal-El* - 19-11-2015 17:31

When eventually get the game I won't buying the season pass with that amount of money I could pick up another game like Fallout 4 for example.

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - HannahsPet - 20-11-2015 13:30

Well played for about 6 hours now and all i can say is what a game !!! okay only has a couple of maps but its the ones from the original trilogy and they are so damm realistic the endor map is outstanding from the way the trees fall when they are hit by laser fire. actually all the modes are good especially supremacy and walker assault

AS someone who played the original Xwing games in the early 90's and Dark forces in 95 this is the best star wars game ever. flying xwings and awings against tie fighters and interceptors the full sounds of laser cannons and photon torpedos is awesom or being a tie fighter fighting against the millenium falcon damm awesome

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - CM. - 21-11-2015 03:05

Eurogamer wouldn't even give a it proper recommendation due to it being limited, and cost prohibitive to get the full package (which it won't be until who knows when).

If this was a new IP with no SW licence, it would fall flat on it's arse no matter how pretty it looks (which it does, insanely so with ultra settings on PC). It's hard not seeing this go the same way as other FPS multiplayer games such as Evolve, Titanfall and Battlefield Hardline once the SW hype train moves on.

Metascores after a couple of days. Critic 72 User 5.3 Critic 75 User 4.7 Critic 70 User 3.9

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - HannahsPet - 21-11-2015 08:37

the problem with the reviews all carried out by players that play top end games for hours and hours and hours spend there whole days on pc's and consoles gaming.

the majority of people who are playing these games are prob not! just the occasional gamer who likes to spend a hour or 2 not ten playing quick games and having a bit of fun. guessing your average player will be a bit older than the COD 12 yr old brigade prob us more mature gamers who rember the old triolgy and look on the prequels with disdain Wink

they moan about 80 quid but i paid at least that for COD and then months later for DLC's they seem to bring out every few weeks yet no one bats an eye lid cos its COD

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - *Kal-El* - 21-11-2015 09:40

Personally I think there charging way too much for the season pass considering the game content isn't complete. None of reviews have complained that it's a bad game quite the opposite with the graphics being stunning no shock as its using the new frostbite engine, the gameplay is smooth and sound is amazing it's probably the best Star Wars but it turns of content it's not compote especially for what your paying even with the campaign missing and the game being online only EA could have easily added more content and still could have had season pass at a decent price with extra content and there would be no issue.
Look at games like Fallout 4, The Witcher 3 or Bloodborne all tho different genres of games your getting a game full of content then your more willing to season pass or DLC because your already getting a ton of content. No one complains about Call of Duty or Battlefield because again your a good amount of content to begain just buying the season pass or DLC just adds to the game all tho it can be a little pricey if you wait you can pick up the DLC cheap for example the Battlefield 4 DLC's on PSN it's dropped down dirt cheap.
Batman Arkham Knight had a similar problem but you got a decent amount of content now the season pass has dropped down more then half price along with the DLC too, they had the Batgirl DLC for £5.60 month later it dropped to £2.30. EA have bad habit with there business practices for example introducing micro transactions which they later dropped.
Capcom have done similar stuff with Marvel Vs Capcom 3 released the game incomplete then three months later released another version called Super Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and admitted it was the version they should have released in the first place both games flopped, now games like Street Fighter 5 will have free DLC content released for it over the next two years. EA know that with the hype of Star Wars they can release the game with not enough content and people will buy it no matter how much they charge. No one is complaining about it being a bad game just the lack of content considering your paying £40+ and then another £40 for the season pass.

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - CM. - 21-11-2015 13:48

None of the reviews have canned the game, as it looks and sounds the bollocks. The positives have outweighed the negatives in terms of gameplay which is over simplified to appeal to a bigger market that normally do not play FPS, but love the franchise. I'm pretty sure if Disney had collaborated with DICE and EA on a Frozen game it would have shifted a bazillion copies despite also being thin on content. A good game goes beyond how it looks at sounds.

The overwhelming criticism is of a shitty way of doing business and waste of an opportunity, which is more than justified. Compare this in terms of value to Halo5 or even Black Ops III and ask yourself is it worth the money? Do you know what is in the DLC? Do you know when it is released? Will you be bored of it by then? Far too many questions to justify such a high cost.

That is why people are critical of it. It has nothing to do with age or any other title released. I went to see A New Hope on it's theatrical release in 77, and as much as I love the OT, i'm not shelling out close to £100 for what is in essence a purposefully unfinished game, engineered to cash in on a short lived hype cycle.

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - bytor - 21-11-2015 14:34

The DLC will be released every three or so months-you can either see this as something to criticise or as I do look at it as something to look forward to once the fun of the base game has faded. Keeps the game life going too. As for the base content? Well there is still plenty to do in the game and enough to keep me playing for a while. That said; it will be the Supremacy mode that will take my time up. I much prefer the big, epic conquest sort of battles over the rush and TDM kind of modes.
The game itself is good. If you like Starwars then you shouldn't be disappointed. If you like FPS then so long as you do not see yourself as some elitist pro player then you should also enjoy it. The marketing of the game is no different from most other games these days. They all look to take extra money off you. Sadly EA have such a bad reputation that critics are eager to pounce on anything that has their name on it, with or without justification of the product.

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - Rammyrascal - 21-11-2015 14:55

have played it now and I'm really loving it. the graphics & sound effects are amazing and the controls are very quick to pick up. will be playing for quite a while to come.

I will accept the price of the season pass is too high (should be no more than £25) but other than that I have no complaints

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - *Kal-El* - 21-11-2015 15:03

As people have been saying no one is complaining about the actually the lack of content that should have been there in first place especially with the lack of single campaign mode then you add season pass/DLC at a reasonable price instead of charging another 40 quid.Games such as The Witcher 3 have done it right way with a good amount of content. No is bashing the game just the amount of content. EA have a habit of not offering enough content and then charging a high price for DLC's then there's the saga of Microtransactions again this they bought upon themselves and when Peter Moore joined EA he got rid of it.

RE: Star Wars Battlefront 3 - *Kal-El* - 26-11-2015 12:15

EA finally to release some free content for the game they haven't said what the content will be or as to when so stay turned.