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General Election called for June 8th - Printable Version

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RE: General Election called for June 8th - Charlemagne - 18-04-2017 16:57

(18-04-2017 14:24 )HannahsPet Wrote:  I know i will be voting labour one reason our MP and Deputy speaker lindsay hoyle and thats because when the local health authority closed down our A&E he was fought for it back so deserves my vote

Chorley was always a temporary closure (mostly due to staff shortages)

Burnley's closed under a Labour government, when we had a Labour MP (she was a total waste of space)
Then we voted in a Liberal MP who promised us that he would get the Emergency department reinstated- guarenteed.
He was part of the Conservative - Liberal pact, and surprise, surprise never mentioned the reopening again.

And now we have Blackburn hospital failing to cover all the emergencies.

All the parties are rubbish are looking after the NHS. Tories, Liberal and Labour.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - ShandyHand - 18-04-2017 17:23

(18-04-2017 16:54 )TIAF2 Wrote:  ...
She's brught forward an electable labour successor by three years ...

^ She's actually exhibiting a lack of faith in the outcome of Brexit by accepting this if you think about it. She would rather let Labour ditch Corby now and bank an extra couple of years in which to win the electorate over after what is likely to be a messy post-Brexit than risk the fallout waving in a weak opposition as part of some sort of protest vote in the previously scheduled 2020.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - HannahsPet - 18-04-2017 17:31

They say that was the reason but im sure if there hadnt been a fuss then it would have stayed closed. they had said money was no object for staff yet they couldnt get any

Blackburn's mess was because some patients from chorley were going to Blackburn as well as preston and wigan and bolton. they said it wouldnt effect these hospitals and preston had ambulances waiting several hours just to get in the door and Blackburn was on BBC few months back

Anyway he is a good mp. the last tory one for chorley lost his seat got a seat in european parliament and then get done for fiddling his expenses Tongue Tongue Tongue

RE: General Election called for June 8th - Charlemagne - 18-04-2017 17:38

(18-04-2017 16:54 )TIAF2 Wrote:  She's brught forward an electable labour successor by three years and given the SNP a free trial run of a second referendum.

The unions had given Corbyn 18 months to turn the Labour party round.
After that they were going to push for a new leader who was to challenge May in the elections which were due in 3 years

RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 18-04-2017 18:30

(18-04-2017 16:06 )terence Wrote:  and lets not forget the irony that england yet again will decide how brexit is handled for the rest of us whether we like it or not.

That I understand but I think Mrs May might end up shooting herself in the foot by doing this, but I think she knew her mandate for Brexit negotiation isn't a strong one in parliament and it needs strengthening

RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 18-04-2017 18:35

She's made a massive misjudgement here. She's brught forward an electable labour successor by three years and given the SNP a free trial run of a second referendum. She will be prime minister only until the day the scots inevitably vote out and then she will have to resign.

That's my biggest worry if the Scots turn this into a 2nd referendum vote protest vote it could end very badly up north for her

RE: General Election called for June 8th - lovebabes56 - 18-04-2017 18:44

The best Corbyn can hope for is a miracle coalition with the Lib Dems and SNP
He has two chances - slim and no chance I would reckon

I think as far as I'm concerned this was always on the cards - once she was able to trigger Article 50, she probably knew deep down the only way she would have a better chance of succeeding with Brexit negotiations was to have a strong mandate of her own and the position she has in parliament is not good. My feeling is that if the negotiations went belly up she would have lost the 2020 election. If that happened I think Corbyn would most likely push to get Brexit reversed. I think he will suddenly realise now that's the best way forward for him to win this election - by coming down on the side of keeping us in the EU.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - TIAF2 - 18-04-2017 20:07

(18-04-2017 18:35 )babelover48 Wrote:  She's made a massive misjudgement here. She's brught forward an electable labour successor by three years and given the SNP a free trial run of a second referendum. She will be prime minister only until the day the scots inevitably vote out and then she will have to resign.

That's my biggest worry if the Scots turn this into a 2nd referendum vote protest vote it could end very badly up north for her

The snp will campaign on a second referendum and remaining in the EU. Scotland will vote their mps in across the board. She is betting everything on the UKIP vote and all other right wing leaning votes going to the tories. There are enough seats with tory majorities under 1000 to swing it. She's been very badly advised and made an even worse decision on the advice. We all think corbyn is an electoral nightmare waiting to happen what if he's not? He's the Donald trump/nigel farage/boris Johnson in this scenario not her.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - MR PERFECT - 18-04-2017 20:22

May claimed Brexit would not be a reason to call an election. This is a cynical move designed to protect her from an election if the Brexit is not working out.

RE: General Election called for June 8th - Jack the Nipper - 18-04-2017 20:27

Judging by the comments May said in her speech as to why the she called a GE she kind of iterated that the Tory rebel backbenchers were the main reason particularly with the Great Repeal Bill & the EU negotiations seen as stumbling blocks with the Tories slim majority.Any potentially new Tory M.P's seeking to get elected would ideally need to jump on board the Brexit train rather than seek to oppose it.
How will staunch rebel M.P's like Anna Soubry fair when her constituancy voted leave when she has constantly stated that Brexit was disastrous?,& will Ken Clarke step down like he stated he would during the next G.E or will he decide to stand again during Brexit?.

Whilst previous elections & referendums have proved never to trust the polls surely for Labour though it must be about damage limitation & lose as few a M.P's as possible to have any hope in the 2022 & beyond.
Will Labour finally reveal their strategy for Brexit?,will Corbyn finally fall on his sword or stick around like herpes?.

The Tories will surely look to eat into the disgruntled Labour vote & into UKIP's 3 & 1/2 million votes & also where Leave constituancies outnumbered Remain ones by more than 2-1 will be there for the taking.

I'm getting pissed off already seeing Tim Farron's grinning mug on every channel I turn it on let alone for the next 5-6 weeks,hell I could have sworn I saw him propped up in the Queen Vic on Eastenders about half an hour ago.
I heard Farron was booked in at the weekend to have a circumcision operation & apparently the surgeon turned round & said "I can't operate on this man as there is no end to this prick!".