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RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Don Tingley - 24-02-2020 20:33

Cheers for the positive posts. i can understand a lot of people having a problem with drink but to be fair i shouldn't have an issue like this one, i've had a good life, great parents, i've had no past traumas. i was lucky enough to be born with a talent that makes a good amount of money and i've never struggled for money. i started drinking in my late teens and i enjoyed it and carried on because i wanted to, times i tried stopping were pretty half arsed, i don't think i wanted to stop.
It's got pretty nasty on here at times and i've been right in the middle of it, too quick to jump down people's throats, that won't happen again. I didn't really understand at the time that people enjoy the forum in their own ways, they shouldn't have to worry about aggression from others who disagree and are only out to look for a fight.
I've been particularly rude to terence which he hasn't deserved, i get that he was just doing his job trying to sort out messes i had created, sorry about that.
Anyway, if anyone reading this has drank a lot for a long time, there's no harm in just getting a quick blood test at your doctors, they won't question it, you'll be in and out and know where you stand a few days later, it's worth doing even if you feel fine

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - GMach1 - 24-02-2020 21:16

I have another question where did garnye come from? As I said on the other post, I wish you well and as such have given you a rating which you might like. Smile

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Kingsmind - 24-02-2020 21:49

You never done anything to upset me Don but i am always willing to give people second chances but i am sure what ever you did wrong you can put it right good luck buddy and welcome back to the forum.

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Crackaddict - 24-02-2020 23:37

You can stop being a soppy sod now and do what you do best.
Get posting some good shit kid....Tongue

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - M-L-L - 29-02-2020 13:34

Smile Good Luck. We never crossed swords and I only remember helpful PMs and countless great video posts, not least of Lolly Badcock. Smile

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - lovebabes56 - 29-02-2020 13:37

we all have moments when we "fall of the wagon" so to speak Don, but hope that all our positive supportive messages will mean a lot in your battles ahead and hope you will keep us informed as how things progress. Not many go through the "cold turkey" experience and come out the other side of it, sober and stay sober, and all or osme of us probably knew someone who went through that, only to see them relapse but I know with us behind you, you'll find that mental strength within you that if you do go through that, you will come out stronger the other side and that's half the battle won.

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Boomerangutangangbang - 09-06-2020 00:49

So you made mistakes, but have been big enough to admit to your faults.
I knew at the time that you were in a bad place, but didn't know the full extent of your Illness, cos that what it is, but not something that taking a pill can sort out. You will learn to manage it and cope a day at a time. The situation we're all in has also made me focus on life day by day & life seems simpler for it. Small things make a difference, like a hello from an otherwise pig ignorant neighbour or a thank you when you veer into the road risking you life from a speeding motorist in order to socially distance yourself.

Your post doesn't surprise me with it's honesty, as straight talking is one of your many qualities, along with your work ethic regarding your caps & vids.

Through all your previous incarnation, no matter what time of day or night you never failed to help & reply to messages . So for those who can remember me I'm sorry to say I'm back on The Forum & will keep an eye on someone who has always been deep down a good bloke.

Finally, like me, a life long Leeds United supporter. Imagine all the added angst & stress over the years. But there is light at the end of the tunnel for Leeds & Don. Hopefully we will not only be the best supported club, but be back where we belong & carry Don back to the top !


RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Don Tingley - 09-06-2020 01:38

Mate it's great to have you back, it's been years.
Things are good right now, it's been different the last few months but in a good way.
Plenty to look forward to, we're getting promoted next month. Long live the Don. MOT
Thanks again to everyone for the support and kind words.

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - winsaw - 09-06-2020 11:37

^^ carm down you two still plenty of time for dirty Leeds to lose their next few games , end up in the play off and mess it all up like usual WinkTongue
Seriously though good to have two decent forum members back,

RE: I'm Don Tingley, I Owe Some Apologies - Charlemagne - 09-06-2020 12:07

Are we going to have your lot trooping over the Pennines again.Wink