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Girls with good/bad - attitude - Printable Version

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RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - Tumble_Drier - 26-06-2022 18:57

Jesus tiitty fucking Christ some people need to wise up.

If the bloke who services your car asks you to lend him a few quid because he’s short of cash you’d rightly tell him to do one. These girls are running a business just the same as your pet Grease Monkey and in most cases earning a hell of a lot more.

Unless you’re emptying your sack over her face regularly than you have absolutely no obligation to a babe channel girl, cam model etc. Even if you are then you should think twice before becoming a wallet on legs.

Are there honest ones out there? Absolutely. You’ll know who they are because they’ll never ask you for a penny and appreciate whatever you do spend with them.

Be cynical & don’t fall for sob stories. It’s your cash and only you are entitled to it.

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - ukdoll - 26-06-2022 19:41

^can you lend me a tenner?

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - SecretAgent - 26-06-2022 19:58

(26-06-2022 19:41 )ukdoll Wrote:  ^can you lend me a tenner?

Show us your tits then laugh

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - Freeloaderthatsme - 26-06-2022 20:45

(26-06-2022 19:41 )ukdoll Wrote:  ^can you lend me a tenner?

Send me your bank details and i will do better and lend you twenty quid,how generous is that.

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - Rake - 26-06-2022 21:31

Hard to fault Anna Arris' attitude. Tries to cater for everyone as best she can within her admittedly fairly limited boundaries. Is honest and will not scam people. Yes, you may pay top dollar for glimpses of what is pretty much free from other babes, but that is the whole point, and fans enjoy that excitement. It is fun. She has a market value based on her class and looks. She doesn't deceive people. Just wish she'd get better timekeeping Wink Big Grin !!

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - Goodfella3041 - 26-06-2022 22:57

Just one tiny blemish on her record -- although it may no longer be true.

Way back when I did my little survey of wishlists, Anna and Scarlet Bouvier had - by some distance - the most expensive tastes.

Admittedly, it all plays into their 'posh bird' persona, and there is nothing scammy about it.

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - Tumble_Drier - 26-06-2022 23:36

(26-06-2022 19:41 )ukdoll Wrote:  ^can you lend me a tenner?

I can lend you a bucket of fuck offs but you're not getting any cash Big Laugh

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - BlastedKeith - 27-06-2022 10:47

(26-06-2022 16:38 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  I think at some point girls are going to have to be open and upfront about any problems that are money related

Hey, boys! I’m so wet and horny! Buzz me now! I had the bailiffs round this morning!”

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - The tiny giant - 22-09-2022 22:39

(26-06-2022 16:38 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  I think at some point girls are going to have to be open and upfront about any problems that are money related, butTara needs to have that reality check I have been in that situation once or twice
I think most people on this forum have been in debt or gotten into debt from these channels and babes I've also been there as well with a couple of babes over the years. There are some punters I feel that will pass there money over to a babe than making sure that they have food and fuel for there own.
If anyone does put in a complaint into bs you will never find out in what they have done because they keep that information in house and won't tell u in any action that they have taken if any. We could all make each other happy if we all gave our money to each other as I feel that there no real difference in that and buying credits or gifts for babes that more than likely is using us

RE: Girls with good/bad - attitude - SophieHartIsMyQueen - 22-09-2022 23:28

To be honest, there are an awful lot of attitudes from many of the babes and for me, that stems from a few reasons.

They are perceiving many guys as so desperate for the girls attention that the guy will do anything for them. Unfortunately there are some guys likes this. Those begging for PMs on the chat box for example.

The girls are a fantasy, an entertainment feature. Not realistic attainable partners or friends. People need to realise that. They are there for us to enjoy on screen. Nothing more.

There are some that are genuinely in this for fun, they have the confidence to perform and love the job. That's brilliant. Beth for example, a perfect ideal of the girl that enjoys the job, doesn't take advantage and just immerses herself in it.

Others though see this as a chance to attain a lifestyle they otherwise would never get. To achieve this, they prey on vulnerable guys and give unfortunate gullible folk the thought that they have now reached a friendship with the Babe.

By all means call them, by all means have fun. Just don't get sucked in by false illusion. From a mile off we can see Tegan is one that tries to do this