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Tory plans for Ofcom - Printable Version

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RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - Stacey - 01-09-2009 21:28

I have very little love for the Torries & very Little love for Ofcom. I am deeply sadened & let down by Labour although they have done good & not everything currently crap about this country is their fault.

I am a Liberal through & through.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - Scottishbloke - 01-03-2010 20:00

As much as I hate the tories, remember the late night filth that used to air on channel 4 when thatcher ruled the uk, for me the party to vote for would be the liberal demacrates they would certainly abolish all restrictions including the legalisation of canibis, but if the tories do abolish ofcom I'll be more than delighted as they have no right to preach to the perverted what we choose to watch, it simple ofcom are breaking the law when you consider the 900 plus's are all in the pin protected section which in effect it's up to the parents to protect the minors from viewing sexually explicit material, or maybe the truth is that the tories are just a bunch of wankers anyway.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - SCIROCCO - 01-03-2010 22:23

As a perfectly hetero, non privately educated Tory please cut out the sad old stereotypes. For the nation as a whole I can only see the benefits of getting rid of McBroon and his multi millionaire "socialists". However from a babechannel aspect I can actually see more regulation as they try to re-introduce family values.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - yadman - 01-03-2010 23:45

I always cringe when i hear the term 'family values' being trotted out by politicians.
It always seems to refer to some stereotyped, non-existent, 1950's style suburban family where mother stays at home to do the cooking and bring up the kids, dad works monday to friday in a nice steady nine to five job, blah blah blah.
All the families I know are completely messed up but that's what makes us great. As far as I'm concerened pronography has saved my life and sanity on a number of occasions.....
Anyone remember the classic Billy Connolly line- " I've had enough, I'm goin to kill myself. On the other hand, I might just have a wee wank before I go..."
Sorry, drifted off topic there....

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - H-H - 02-03-2010 01:19

Don't assume any party will lighten up, unless they actually say so officially - and ignore unofficial briefings from nameless spokesmen than can be denied later.

The Labour movement has a history of centralised control by single issue obsessives with no sex drive. Criticise Labour or a union or support a local issue against your local party and your out. A large number of Labour activists are teachers and social workers who support equality for everyone except men, and consider male sexuality to be wrong. Their leader now is a dull Scots Presbetyian and the previous one was a Catholic convert with a wife whose face can hardly have inspired lust (lovely personality I'm sure, but let's be honest). The Deputy Leader is a deranged feminist who used her period of temporary office cover to push womens equility issues. So basically forget about Labour becoming sensible and joining the real world even if - when - they change the captain.

As for the Tories, every MP if controlled by their local party, and those are full of little old ladies who read the Telegraph and Daily Mail. You won't find Sun, Star or Express reader anywhere. There are men but no respectable pillar of the community is going to stand up in public and argue for televised strippers in front of his mother, wife and daughter and - far more important - the wife of the Golf Club membership secretary. Even if he and the other men at the golf club spend every Thuesday at a lap dance club.

Besides, most MPs have enough money and opportunity to shag around, which reduces their incentive for sex on TV. (It's really difficult with these new flat screen monitors too, I keep falling off).

The Tories won't abolish Ofcom because it would be too embarrasing. "Mr Home Secretary your own department authorised Television X to show ASBO Trash Whores 5 - why?" OR "Why did you intervene to ban Saw from the Horror Channel?". They can't win either way. Having a quango gives them someone to pass the blame to.

There's only one thing that will make them take notice, and that's lots of voters saying the policy on porn will decide which way they vote. Go on, write to all the candidate in your area saying it's an infringement of human rights and the controls are out of all proportion to the risk. Point out only about 6 people a year actually complain, and 3 of them are from rival channels. Say you will publish their reply.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - KateP - 03-03-2010 03:20

who ever gets in there will be no change they will still hammer new laws and rules on the shows cut people off the net for p2p and steal all your tax money for there duck houses so who cares

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - seth - 07-03-2010 19:45

It doesn't matter whether it's Tories, Liberals or Labour. There's always been a problem with censorship in this country. We live in a nanny state, they abolish the right to own firearms, despite gun crime increasing. Camera's here, there and everywhere. Soon there'll be a camera on every blood lamppost on every street.

Saw a show last year called " The Sex Education show" (or something like that, was on Channel 4). The silly women on the show wanted free porn on the Internet to be restricted in the UK. If you want porn on the Internet you'd have to contact the ISP. This silly women blames teen pregnancy's and everything else on porn rather then lousy parents too lazy to bring up their children properly.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - H-H - 08-03-2010 01:53

Could be worth pressing the politicians on the Freedom aspect. "Hey Mr Cameron/Brown/Clegg, the Taliban and American Looney Right want to ban this, that, the other, nude women, free speech ... are you on their side?"

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - sakurasakuradax - 08-03-2010 01:55

(02-03-2010 01:19 )H-H Wrote:  Besides, most MPs have enough money and opportunity to shag around, which reduces their incentive for sex on TV. (It's really difficult with these new flat screen monitors too, I keep falling off).

I like the cut of your jib

(12-08-2009 20:38 )PillowPants Wrote:  Prehaps David Cameron misunderstood when he was told that there was a very popular Tori on Bang Babes that a lot of guys would like to get right behind Wink

Yours is also good

Looking at the censorship industry in the last 10+ years, it has changed a lot. Before, if a nipple was visible, mainstream movies were immediately certified 18. It's not uncommon to get these in 15's now.

As a highly sexualised nation with highly sexualised kids, I think censorship will eventually move to one extreme.

RE: Tory plans for Ofcom - coin - 11-04-2010 09:38

The Tories are an unknown quantity, what is known Labour, have definately shown their colours in recent times, as a Labour supporter all my 61 years, I now will never vote Labour again. Draconian legislation and misinformation based on ignorance have been the way of Labour in this current Parliament, it started with hideous censorship banning 16 and 17 girls doing Page3 in 2003, anyone who views or possesses this imagery are classed as a paedophile, forced to sign the Sex Offenders Register and can be incarserated for up to 10 years, even though it is NOT illegal to have sexual relations with someone aged 16 or 17. The Operation Ore witch hunt which accused scores of innocent people who's credit card details were furnished to the UK by the most corrupt organisation organisation in the world, the FBI, these details were found on the Reedies Web Site; Landslide, who were agents for Adult Check and other Adult passes and NOT exclusively Child Porn sites as Jim Gamble, now protmoted to head of CEOP, stated when lying to the Lords about the operation;
This year we have the Section 14 Policing And Crime Act 2009, another Labour witch hunt, this time punters, those who use prostitutes and visit Brothels, this new law is again lied about by the Police.
This Sun article is tissue of lies.
The law states it is an offence to pay a prostitute for sexual services who has been "coerced, forced or threatened" to do so gives you a criminal record and a hefty fine. Police are abusing the new law to threaten ALL those who visit Brothels, when all Brothels are illegal per say? 99% of Brothels are well run and provide a safe working environment for the girls.
This week we have seen Labour force The Digital Economy Act 2010 onto the Statute Book, this latest nonsense criminalises all those who file share on the web, whether guilty or not, gives OFCOM sweeping new powers to force broadcasters and Webmasters to tailor their output the Labour's warped moralistic stance. If Labour are re-elected it's goodbye to the freedoms lost as written above and probably more in the pipeline, more rules based on ignorance and enforced with lies and subterfuge by the Police as part of the Police State that Brown is building brick by brick.