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RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - ilovejodie - 09-11-2010 23:08

End of the day some of us like lori and some of us dont rammy said the best thing lori is marmite you either love her or hate her.

too right rammy lori is defo marmite also agree that you will normally get the guys posting tomorrow about lori as there hands are normal too busy to write a message on here when she is performing lol

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - Regenerated - 09-11-2010 23:11

Some like Lori, some don't, I guess she's not to everyone's taste. But I'm definately a fan. Good point in the previous post by IloveJodie about Lori's thread being quiet, the reason being they're calling her - you can see in every single show she does she's always super busy on the phones, must have one of the highest rate of phone calls out of all the babes. Smile

Looking so hot tonight, loved it when she took her knickers off and put them in her mouth.... Heart

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - kyadillah - 10-11-2010 00:03

lori looking sexy in just a pair of black stockings and pink shoes showing off her cute little landing strip

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - mrichie10 - 10-11-2010 01:47

A good performance

lori is on Elitetv for a reason whether it is agreed or disagreed, obviously Elitetv is happy with there signing and lori is too

performance wise lori always gives a great show

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - RRROGER - 10-11-2010 01:53

'Morning chaps, I've been watching Lori on SKY914, wearing just a handthong & contents of a bottle of oil.......
...looking as delicious & delectable as always..Heart
.....Anything else been happening while I was away.....???TongueTongue

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - Rise - 10-11-2010 02:48

This suggestion about Lori doing 'the same show' as on previous channels misses the point a bit.
She has only just arrived after all and any change in her style within the Elite environment will happen over TIME. The two standout Elite imports of the year (Caty and Charlie) took a certain amount of time to develop on the channel but now they are unrecognisable imho from the performers they were on BS.
The obvious difference is that Lori is already a very distinctive (and known) package but I can still see the potential for new variations within her style to bloom on Elite.

(Of course in terms of generating calls and performance intensity, she's already well ahead of a number of girls on the channel and has been in fine fettle again tonight.)

Her immediate impact has been more about shaking up the status quo, the already discussed 'grenade' aspect, but I'm convinced there is far more to come from Lori than that.

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - mr red nose - 10-11-2010 08:41

called Lori last night she was in good form!!!, but somehow got put back to options and then told I was timed out after 7 mins seems strange, Do Elite not have the 20 min. time limit, or was it that we were just chating not talking sexy?

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - Rammyrascal - 10-11-2010 08:42

probably the phone system playing up

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - HannahsPet - 10-11-2010 10:52

weird same thing happened to me after about 6 1/2 mins the phone went dead thought it was loss of signal my end hmm strange

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - winsaw - 10-11-2010 11:20

i think lori is on good form, i very much enjoyed the oil show last night, she never stops moving, what energy,
she is never off the phones which is just what elite were looking for,
so having seen her 3 times now on elite i think i can say good signingWink