RE: Jokes - mr williams - 24-06-2011 18:14
Oh for crying out loud......lmao at that.....
RE: Jokes - SYBORG666 - 24-06-2011 18:27
A leading manufacturer of viagra went bankrupt.
Must of been due to stiff competition.
RE: Jokes - mr williams - 25-06-2011 00:38
A leading manufacturer of clocks went bankrupt.
He'd given too much stuff on tick and in the end he had to be wound up.
RE: Jokes - Snooks - 25-06-2011 15:32
A husband tries his luck with his wife but she says "Sorry darling but I have an appointment with the gynaecologist tomorrow and I want to stay fresh". The husband thinks for a while before whispering back "Do you have a dental appointment tomorrow?".
RE: Jokes - Boomerangutangangbang - 25-06-2011 19:26 site for sore eyes.
RE: Jokes - Cheesy Grin - 26-06-2011 10:00
A woman walks into the kitchen to find her husband prancing around manically with a newspaper. "What the hell are you doing?" she asks.
He turns around and says "Hunting flies." "Oh! killing many?" she asks. "Yep, three males and two females," he says. Intrigued, she continues, "But how can you tell them apart?" He responds," Easy. Three were on a beer can and two were on the phone!"
RE: Jokes - handsomeSOB - 26-06-2011 10:46
apparently, there's all sorts of ways to take viagra
you can have eye drops... so you can look hard
and there's ear drops... for the hard of hearing
(there's probably one or two i'm forgetting but you get the idea)
RE: Jokes - handsomeSOB - 26-06-2011 14:16
belt watches, what a WAIST of time!
vomit, i'm sick of it!
i made my curtains have a race, it was a draw
i've had enough of soap, i wash my hands of it!
RE: Jokes - handsomeSOB - 26-06-2011 14:25
pens, they're all WRITE!
did i tell you my condiment joke? MUSTARD done!... i might have to SALT it out, though... c'mon, KETCHUP, it's a condiment joke
i saw a man with a sign that said, "7 days" halfway up his legs... he was WEEK at the knees!
RE: Jokes - handsomeSOB - 26-06-2011 14:40
i watch a lot of tv... the whole screen, in fact