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RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - fendercat - 24-01-2010 21:33

Maybe one day at christmas fifteen years from now in 2025 I'll be walking along Oxford Street, slowly threading my way amongst the crowds when I suddenly see a woman who seems familiar from somewhere. She's dressed in a smart italian cavalli coat buttoned up against the freezing winter cold (winters have become extremely cold in England since the global warming scare of the noughties and snow as usual now at this time of year lies thickly on the ground) and is stooping over a wide childrens buggy comforting two babies who are crying.

I stop and hidden amongst the jostling crowds, try and work out where I know her from. It suddenly comes to me, it's Suzy, a girl who used to work on a long-forgotten daytime channel 15 years ago. I recall she left sometime in 2010 before the channels were banned forever in 2013 amidst a rising wave of regulation that was introduced across europe in the last decade.

I watch her fussing around the buggy, her brunette hair tied back, a few stray locks falling over her face in a fashion I remembered from her time on the tv so long ago. Memories of Suzy and how much fun she was come flooding back - I recall she had her 25th birthday on the tv show and work out she's 40 now. She hasn't changed much, a few extra laughter lines and some kind wrinkles around her still so blue eyes. I wonder how she is, if she's still friends with Sydney, her old pal from the show. Are the children in the buggy hers? how did life treat her after she left, did she have the career she wanted?

I hesitantly take a step forward, wondering if I should day hello, or if she'd even remember her time when she was a daytime boudoir girl.
As I do, a tall handsome man in a gaberdeen mac suddenly steps out of the Virgin Holographic Virtual Experiences Gigastore and starts to help Suzy with the buggy. She kisses him perfunctorily on the cheek as she steps back and allows him to adjust the children who scream 'daddy daddy'. Then with an arm around each other they start to slowly move down Oxford Street admiring the Winterval display decorations. (the word christmas was banned in 2019 as breaching the human rights of non-christians although most citizens still refer to christmas in private even though it's now an imprisonable offence to do so)

I step back and watch as they slowly move away, now half-obscured amongst the large snowflakes that are once again starting to fall, lost in sudden thoughts and memories of how things were back in those now long-ago days of 2009 and 2010 when Suzy was on tv. As they vanish in the crowds I turn and walk slowly in the other direction turning my collar up against the freezing wind. I find it a strange thought that Suzy would never know I'd recognised her and was so close to her for that brief moment. But most of all I find myself hoping that she is and always has been happy - from what I saw I think there's a good chance.

I dismiss the curious incident from mind and start to hurry - the authorities terrorist curfew deadline is approaching and all citizens have to be indoors by 9pm....

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - suzii - 25-01-2010 19:54

My first thoughts when I read through this is - what the fuk!!!! Fendercat as lost his mind
A couple of things, firstly if I have children they wont be brats just like me when I ws a child an angel, secondly I have green eyes not blue but hey most people think I have dark eyes on the channel so il forgive you, thirdly WHEN AM I GUNA MEET THIS TALL DARK FELLA??????????

Your ssssoooo funny. I loved the story.

p.s - No way am I waiting until im around 40 to have children. I still want my pelvic floor muscles to work thank you. By then hopefully they have grown up, iv had lipo and a boob op then I looked like ive had no children. ooohhh how us females live in fantasy land xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - GillyboyTwo - 26-01-2010 20:22

Hi Suzii, I would like to say how sorry I am in having these set-toos with you that are all entirely my fault. I hope you'll accept my apology.RolleyesRolleyes.
Albert aka Gillyboy2.SmileCool.

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - suzii - 26-01-2010 21:28

Wait wait wait. Sorry if im sounding rude or just being plain stupid but gillyboy who the hell are you and what arguements have we had? You sure its me hun? Im normally very good at remembering my guys and girls. Let me know im very very very interested or should I say paranoid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lol :0)

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - black knight - 29-01-2010 12:17

its great to see the lovely suzii this morning,hi suzii,how are you?X

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - fendercat - 31-01-2010 21:36

Well, it's the end of January now, has Suzy definitely left?

Best of luck Suzy in everything you do and thanks for all the laughs and for being such a great daytime girl. Have loved watching you. But who am I going to adapt song lyrics for now? Tongue And who's going to be the cutest girl on tv? Huh

Glad you liked my silly story, Suzywuzy ex-cutest girl on tv. Big Grin

And glad you're happy to be moving on. I guess talking on the phone all day is not a suitable job for any girl hehehehe

mwahhhhh mwaaahhhhhh mwaaaahhhhhh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Heart HeartHeart

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - rickhardo - 01-02-2010 13:46

She's on for a bit longer fendercat, until the end of March although not on as often os usual. Treasure her while you can.

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - black knight - 05-02-2010 12:42

suzii is looking very sexy again today,shame she,s going to be leaving soon.what a sad loss

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - TDK2008 - 15-02-2010 10:27

Suzii was looking great this morning.

RE: Suzii - Discussion & Chat - suzii - 17-02-2010 10:31

Hey howz my boys doing?

Does anyone know what gillyboy was talking about in his post? I still don't understand?
Yep def on til the end of march then I'm nit sure after that.depends on how quickly i get qualified in my new profession.iam thinkin bot appearing once or twice a week just to ensure money keeps coming in.I do love my job just the company cn b difficult

what's new with everyone? Xxxxx