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RE: General Election Vote - The Silent Majority - 09-05-2015 07:56

(09-05-2015 00:13 )FormallyInfernal Wrote:  Eck's already said that he won't be treading on Angus Robertson's toes - wonder how long that'll last!Tongue

When they're allocating offices at Westminster, I hope they put Eck's name on a door that opens directly into the Thames.
Alot of people would pay good money to see that Bounce

RE: General Election Vote - Phonebook - 09-05-2015 08:01

I was going to vote Tory but ended up going with the Conservatives.

RE: General Election Vote - lovebabes56 - 09-05-2015 08:24

(09-05-2015 00:06 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  I think that the UKIP movement is dead in the water now, they are effectively finished in my opinion as a party. I actually think that they gained a lot of votes from former Labour supporters.

Once the Labour Party regroups under a more charismatic leader with a vision similar to Blair pre Iraq Invasion then I also feel they will rise from the ashes once again. Labour still have hope to convince people up here north of the border but the Tories have none.

I know that I'm an SNP supporter but I do have a lot of respect too for the Labour Party after them being pivotable in securing devolution for the Scottish people so because of that I'll always have a healthy respect for them. UKIP seized upon an opportunity because the Labour party were in disarray but in 5 years time I suspect when people mention the name Nigel Farage that they'll then ask the question who was he again.

I laughed my arse off when he lost his seat, normally I'd never cheer a Torie on but on this occasion I did. So glad that his constituency seen through his bullshit with his obvious bigoted and racist agenda. Good riddance to the lout Big Grin

I totally agree I think UKIP is finished as a party, even if it re-grouped under Carswell I don't think it could muster enough support in the next election in five years' time. I think the only way it can operate would be putting candidates at the odd by election here and there, I doubt it would contest a full election campaign effectively. I also think think Lib Dems are sliding in to the asbyss too. I was surprised that depite their share of the vote UKIP only managed to win 1 seat.

RE: General Election Vote - lovebabes56 - 09-05-2015 08:33

(09-05-2015 07:33 )HannahsPet Wrote:  
(09-05-2015 00:13 )FormallyInfernal Wrote:  Eck's already said that he won't be treading on Angus Robertson's toes - wonder how long that'll last!Tongue

All sorts of intriguing questions about how the fabulous/fearsome 56 will fair down there. The SNP whips have had it pretty easy of late so this will wake them up! The party leadership will coach the hell out of the new blood - telling them to keep their noses out of the trough and to watch out for tabloid stings in the years up until the inevitable referenda on the EU and Independence II - and will keep a close eye out for any of them who could be future stars, but will they tolerate independent thought? It's possible that the fifty-odd newbies will get on like a house on fire and be besties for ever - the history of left-leaning Scots at Westminster, though, could suggest we can look forward to some pretty poisonous infighting!Rolleyes

Proberly until after the first PMQ's because as the 3rd largest party SNP now get 2 Questions and first time Angus Robertson stands up he will get hell from both the labour and tory backbenchers I remember all the abuse Clegg used to get before they went into coaliation.

UKIP is far from Dead in fact will only get stronger. this Suzanne Evan's is quite the politican the manifesto was her baby

i can see UKIP becoming the SNP of the south even if the referendum when we have it is to stay in they will still be

I can see there being a few by-elections in the next few years and the fact that ukip came 2nd in a lot of places during the election

About labour hoping they pick Dan Jarvis heard his name a few times on tv amongst both labour and conservatives read up his Biography went to state school , then after uni then joined the army went to Sandhurst was in 3 Para served in Kosovo Iraq and Afghanistan. in kosovo was involved in the the pristina airport incident when the russians had taken it and the american general wesley clarke wanted the para's to take the airport and the para leader told him basically to fuck off Wink

but this dan jarvis seems like the type of politician we need
I guess by election will now be only be triggered by press allegations about a certain MP's past as I don't think there are enough elder statesmen MP's in the House who could die in the next few
Can't wait to see how many more expenses fiddling will come to light after this election.
SB any truth to any bully boy allegations at polling stations north of the border?

RE: General Election Vote - dizzy_davidh - 09-05-2015 08:49

The parties getting tons of votes yet having no MPs is the reason people harp on about proportional representation whereby a seats are allocated to a percentage of the electorate and not individually to the various sized constituancies.

Parties that lose talk about it until they are in power at which point the current system favours them and they then don't have interest in reforming the system any longer.

The Labour party reps started on about proportional representation on Question Time after the election saying if PR was in place they would have faired better against the Conservatives but one audience member put that down by rightly pointing out that Labour had many years in their last terms of power to bring about reform but chose not to.

As an example as to how horifically unbalanced the system is though, consider how the SNP made up just 4.7% of all votes and won 56 seats and the Green party and UKIP made up 16.4% of all votes and they won just 2.

Effectively the SNP got nearly 3.5x LESS votes than the Green party and UKIP but they got 23x MORE seats.

It really is no surprise that there is all the 'English votes for English laws' talk given that kind of result for the SNP.

RE: General Election Vote - The Silent Majority - 09-05-2015 09:23

(09-05-2015 08:33 )babelover48 Wrote:  SB any truth to any bully boy allegations at polling stations north of the border?

Where did you hear that?

(09-05-2015 08:49 )dizzy_davidh Wrote:  It really is no surprise that there is all the 'English votes for English laws' talk given that kind of result for the SNP.

Ironically that's much less of an issue now, than it was before.
Official SNP policy is to abstain in votes on English-only matters.

RE: General Election Vote - HannahsPet - 09-05-2015 09:37

Ruth davidson sent tweet about an incident in Annan where a group of men were not allowing anyone in unless you were voting SNP not sure how viable it was prob a little group of hot heads nothing more sinsiter than that only seemed to be one polling station dont think you can really discredit the result north of the border Wink

RE: General Election Vote - HannahsPet - 09-05-2015 09:56

(09-05-2015 09:23 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  Ironically that's much less of an issue now, than it was before.
Official SNP policy is to abstain in votes on English-only matters.

Thats not what sturgeon said in the campaign she said that the SNP would vote on certain matters that indirectly effected scotland such things as NHS funding south of the border.

Actually think Scotland should be given full fiscal autonomy in exchange for English Votes for English Laws and should only be allowed to Vote on Forign and Defence matters

RE: General Election Vote - Doddle - 09-05-2015 10:07

First I've heard about Angus Robertson. All I saw in the campaign was Nicola "Trojan horse" Sturgeon, and now we have Alex "Lori" Salmond on the case.

Are they really gonna gang up with Labour to try & stuff Cameron? Depends who leads Labour, really.

RE: General Election Vote - mysterion - 09-05-2015 10:14

(09-05-2015 00:06 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  I think that the UKIP movement is dead in the water now, they are effectively finished in my opinion as a party.

How do you work that out? They quadrupled their vote in this election. At the current rate of progress UKIP will be the biggest party in the country before long. I'm not one of their voters by the way, I'm just pointing out the obvious.