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RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - lovebabes56 - 17-10-2017 08:11

Is she getting it just once a month? Tongue

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - HannahsPet - 17-10-2017 08:23

It is the EU fault in a way its supposed to be a fucking negoitation and they will not move a fucking inch from what they have set out

i was a remainer but Junker and co makes it hard to stay a fucking remainer Tongue Tongue

Part of me wants her to tell them to fucking stick it and they will shit themselves and come to the table because companies in the EU will lose there shit if the single market is in threat

they are scared we wont pay them anything because will be a huge fucking hole in there finances and its the germans who will have to fill it Tongue Tongue which wont go down to well with the german electorate

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - Doddle - 17-10-2017 13:38

(17-10-2017 08:23 )HannahsPet Wrote:  It is the EU fault in a way its supposed to be a fucking negoitation and they will not move a fucking inch from what they have set out
No, you're thinking of the UK who won't move Tongue The UK think you can negotiate without offering anything Huh The EU will match (or exceed) the UK's offer, so if the UK offer low, the EU will too bladewave But the UK want to both offer low, and have the EU offer high. Which won't happen Rolleyes

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - lancealot790 - 17-10-2017 15:23

The uk has offered plenty but the eu just want to have their cake and eat it.

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - schvall - 17-10-2017 15:59

(17-10-2017 08:23 )HannahsPet Wrote:  It is the EU fault in a way its supposed to be a fucking negoitation and they will not move a fucking inch from what they have set out

That's the way article 50 was designed to work. The EU basically sets the leaving terms for the departing country.

All this was known and publicised BEFORE the referendum, so those people who voted to leave knew it was going to be like this.

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - Matt77 - 17-10-2017 16:07

(17-10-2017 08:23 )HannahsPet Wrote:  It is the EU fault in a way its supposed to be a fucking negoitation and they will not move a fucking inch from what they have set out

i was a remainer but Junker and co makes it hard to stay a fucking remainer Tongue Tongue

Part of me wants her to tell them to fucking stick it and they will shit themselves and come to the table because companies in the EU will lose there shit if the single market is in threat

they are scared we wont pay them anything because will be a huge fucking hole in there finances and its the germans who will have to fill it Tongue Tongue which wont go down to well with the german electorate

The Single Market won't be under any threat it will just be 27 members and not 28!

We are the crazy fools cutting our noses off to spite our faces because a whole host of people knowingly voted to make us a poorer country because of jumped up nonsense about levels of immigration and illusionary sovereignty issuesSad

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - HannahsPet - 17-10-2017 16:49

problem is only 2 options leave and go to WTO rules and take the shit that comes with it or get a shit deal and have to pay for access to the market and still have ECJ and Freedom of movement. Better to get the shit over and done with and get a year to prepare for a no deal i can see us getting no deal day before we leave the way the EU like to kick things into the grass i mean look at what happened to greece every deadline they waited to midnight on the deadline to do something. they are stalling because they think we will panic and offer them 100 billion for a shitty trade deal

Labour are fuckwits they are saying leave but keep everything which means we pay and have no say in anything which is fucking stupid idea might as well stay in but they wont say that because they wouldnt survive a GE if they did

We are fucked either way

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - Jack the Nipper - 17-10-2017 16:54

The whole stubbornness combined with incompetence is one of the many reasons I'll always vote 'Leave' no matter how many Referendums (until the Government gets the right result in some peoples eyes) are called.
Remember the mere breadcrumbs (concessions) David Cameron asked for pre-referendum on light controls on immigration etc with puppet-master mutty Merkel offering fuck-all in return but a kick up the arse.

I would have thought the EU Bureaucrats (unaccountable,unelected etc) would have put citizen's rights of EU citizen's in UK & vice-versa as the top priority above everything else but no Barnier/Junker & Co care more about finances than anything else which clearly show where their priority lies which is self-interest & lining their pockets.And with the Divorce Settlement which the EU want first how can we realistically be expected to pay for something upfront that we don't know what we are expected to get in return (Trade Deals etc) which is effectively like paying £50 billion into a lucky dip when you have no clue what is in the lucky dip bucket.

And with regards to EU Citizen's rights in the UK the the EU wants it's citizen's under EU Law/Juristiction once UK leaves which would be like me as a UK Citizen moving to America & not accepting U.S Law & trying to live under U.K Law it isn't practical & is stupid to suggest otherwise.

With regards to the border in Ireland which the EU want to discuss before any sort of Trade Deal which for me come mutually exclusive & should be discussed in parallel.How would you be expected to know what sort of border in Ireland should be when there is no inkling of what sort of Trade Deal there will be & I have many Irish friends who tell me Ireland relies heavily of exporting to the rest of the UK & would suffer without a good trade deal.

There is clear incompetence of both parts & UK's blame lies squarely that they didn't prepare for the eventuality of a 'Leave' option which is why Cameron fucked off the day of the result.The EU's incompetence is down to their priorities put in the wrong order (if the were to build a house they would put the roof at the bottom of the house & the front-door on the first floor).
The EU clearly cannot seem define what 'Negotiation' means which means some sort of compromise on both sides & as unhappy as I am with the Government they have tried to show goodwill with regards to Citizen's Rights & with MI5 & Security but Barnier & Co only interested in money.
For EU to put an old serial drunkard in Juncker (who couldn't negotiate a round of drinks) proves they aren't serious about negotiations.Look at Juncker's political background Finance Minister & PM of Luxembourg which is rife with tax evasion & houses big corporate companies like Amazon to squirrel their tax affairs.

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - Jack the Nipper - 17-10-2017 17:30

(17-10-2017 16:49 )HannahsPet Wrote:  Labour are fuckwits they are saying leave but keep everything which means we pay and have no say in anything which is fucking stupid idea might as well stay in but they wont say that because they wouldnt survive a GE if they did

We are fucked either way

Whilst I'm not particularly happy with the Government & their dithering they are merely dealing with the lack of any preparation for the possibility of a 'Leave' vote which falls on the shoulders of Cameron & wannabe serial murderer Gideon Osborne.

Labour are deceitful & treacherous at best as they clearly stated in their mainfesto that they would leave the Single Market & The Custom's Union thus gained votes from many Leavers & Ukip voters on that premise.And now slippery eel in the shape of Keir Starmer was seen at the weekend talking about a u-turn in staying in both even after transition.
Putting Keir in charge of Shadow Brexit Minister with his chequered past a Lawyer representing companies like Michon DeRea (who represented Gina Miller when she took the government to court last year) isn't the smartest move on Corbyn's part.
Labour are in a conundrum where a majority of their MP's are staunch remainers & yet 2 in 3 Labour constituancies voted for 'Leave'.This combined with the fact in the GE 84% of the electorate voted for parties that advocated leaving the EU & the Single Market/Customs Union & only 16% voting for parties who advocated Remaining in the EU.
Corbyn who always historically has been a Eurosceptic & yet claims he'd vote Remain is being quite disingenuous.Corbyn's big flagship policy in Re-Nationalizing & State-Aid in Utilities & Industries (clearly one of the reasons why he was a Eurosceptic)is illegal in EU Law so how would he square that circle.

RE: Europe, Referendum & Brexit ( formerly Europe..IN or OUT??) - The Silent Majority - 17-10-2017 20:58

Anybody who thinks that, if we walk away, they'll come running after us with a trade deal is in cloud-cuckoo land. There won't be anything that could be called a trade deal because that would look humiliating for them. What they'll do is start making 'back room' deals on individual commodities, starting with whoever is squealing the loudest (probably the car manufacturers).

This will be fine if you're a big company with a loud voice, but there are thousands of small and medium size companies who depend on the single market and won't get a look in until it's too late, for them.

But hey, as long as they're not quoted on the stock market, nobody will notice or care. Certainly not the Brexiteers. They'll be too busy up Trump's arse looking for the "quick and easy" trade deal he promised. Him being a firm advocate of free trade, and a man of his word...