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Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - TimeWarp93 - 25-09-2019 15:35

Think the studio see the TV as more a way of introducing people to service and then diverting them to the web to make the money. Clearly it still makes sense to them financially but is not seen as a big earner to keep three girls on all the time.

Can see them maybe reducing the channels on Sky not to far away.

I do find it interesting how much the girls interact with the cammers etc. Particularly when on calls. It can vary so much depending on the caller and the cammer of course.

I have called girls when on web and some get very distracted with cammers and also cammed with some who get distracted with the callers. A difficult path for the girls to navigate for sure.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - docutech - 25-09-2019 18:30

Yes I call less now when a fav girl is on web stream as I feel I don't get the full attention, understandably so as she is juggling perv cammers and maybe private cammers too...even holding the phone is awkward is you have a guy asking to see her boobs at the same time ...

Not all the girls make more money out of cam it depends what contract / agreement there on, if anything from my dealings many are moving more towards a fixed wage so the pressure to get cam minutes is less (which can also mean pressure to show more is less too)

The station is definitely moving away from TV cost probably being a major reason, a lot more moves to get girls on to web and at home too.

I was talking to one the other day about how they can now use their discretion to come off TV at a click of a button to accept a private cam if convenient to do so.

Sooo many issues though at present with cam, buffering and time delays and lagging people are understandably getting very pissy paying fiver after fiver and seeing frozen images and gaps in interaction so they've got a lot to put right.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - TimeWarp93 - 26-09-2019 08:32

The challenges are great for customers and the girls for sure. I realise that the girls get paid differently to each other, but thought that all would be incentivised in regards to the cams.

Think moving more to a purely web only style show which personally I regret, but all I see in the chat box is people asking for who is on the web only that day etc, so assume I am the minority in that. Also I really don’t like the girls disappearing from TV or Webonly to do privates particularly when they already have people in group. Very poor I think.

Think the can system is getting better however seems to be different experience for different people at same time. The delay thing is now being used as an excuse to keep the sound switched off even when requested. The poor picture quality is mostly I think down to the studio lowering the stream quality to try and make it more stable.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - docutech - 27-09-2019 17:09

I think a lot of the people who ask for web only are guys who have no intention of calling or camming to any decent length and are just hoping for a free fix.

The girls can earn more money if they chose the incentive driven wage but its obviously more of a gamble, several I've spoken to started off like that but have now switched to standard rate whatever the minutes as its stable and also they were not happy with the expectation (and requirement if to earn more money) to show more on web, they believe that is for backstage private or preferably home cam (better ££)

The option of taking a private and coming off TV is down to a girls discretion one said there's no way she'd do it unless totally clear and it was a solid regular and even then it was hassle, best off fixing a time off screen from home.....but I agree some may not be so thoughtful.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - RutgerWhore - 27-09-2019 18:13

S66 should be doing something like what Babestation does with their tip goals. I've just watched "Mr. P" give Flick a foot massage and rub oil on her arse and I can't help but think Reed would have made more of a go of it with any of the S66 girls.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - ryuken - 27-09-2019 18:28

That's a great idea. Reed would be perfect in that role.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - ShandyHand - 27-09-2019 18:58

^^^ Oh, and what is a "decent length" pray? Does loyalty over time to a specific babe or operator's babes not matter a jot then if some arbitary number of seconds per visit is not adhered to? Maybe said babe should try offering a better service that encourages guys to stay in group if she finds herself having a lot of guys clicking on and off in quick time ... and not act so bloody entitled about it. That might help too.Rolleyes

Seriously, I've got a lot of time for you docutech, you speak with the authority of someone who talks to more than one babe on these matters in some depth. That has to be something worth listening to intently - always. However, with statements like your first paragraph above... IMO, you cross the line into being a mouth piece for a certain type of babe that has a contemptous suspicion of all punters. Consider sometime that, just maybe, some of these babes have an agenda in feeding you these lines?

In fact, I would suggest what this type of babe may like about paywall only camming, apart from its lack of visibility to the wider world, is its lack of transparency about what is being done, at what price, and for whom. There can be little comparison or judgement of standards possible when the user groups are tiny and punters expected to keep their gobs shut about what they see. As such babeshow camming in the hands of some suspect babes, who mistrust every punter as someone that wants to trick them into doing stuff for free, becomes a law unto itself - a minefield for the unwary user. The Web Onlys by contrast shine a healthy daylight into this sometimes murky world. Babes that refuse them at this point should have their commitment to giving a genuine standard of general camming services at least questioned... along with their reasoning for dropping the former.

Camming when done right is hard work there is no doubt and requires commitment to the services involved. But it can be much easier when no one holds the purveyor accountable.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - mark666 - 28-09-2019 14:17

Is it me or is the stream slow, was about to call in but Macy spoke on the mike only for her audio to follow about 10 seconds later. Anyone noticed this?

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - ShandyHand - 28-09-2019 14:49

^ Been like that for a couple of weeks. It's a known problem that's being worked on according to 66's Gallery (I mentioned it on the site earlier). One of a few different sync and stream quality issues that have componded there following their bts system change. Picture quality seems improved last couple of days, sync problems remain.

RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread - icy12 - 30-09-2019 10:03

So, we have Danni King back on the Bbabechannels again... Must be getting money ready fo xmas...

Really frustrating to see these recycled babes over and over