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Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Printable Version

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RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - hornball - 22-12-2021 13:08

(22-12-2021 12:57 )skully Wrote:  I really hope it isn't true, but given just how fucking stupid this world has become I can see it happening.
It may still be a choice to get vaccinated, but stopping others is just selfish, and should be met with some sort of punishment for sure.
All these idiots do is think about themselves, some people don't have a choice either way (whether they can't get it, or must get it), but where is the sense of community, caring about others and being part of the solution, instead of being an ignorant problem.
I agree 100% with all you say Skully! The issue of getting the vaccine or not being left to the individual to have and make a choice over themselves, I have never agreed with!! Surely - in a sense - it is that which has seen things get to the point they have. Of course other contributory factors have been Govt indecision and late implementation (at the start as much as anything else, when the Italians were screaming at us) - coupled with contradictory behavior on the part of ministers and the BJ himself, and this 'we have to look at things in the round whatever the scientific experts' say! The virus is/was the only show in town. unless it is combatted - you can forget everything else. We better hope that Omicrom/Delta do not merge or it is game over! From what I understand, it is unlikely, but possible!

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - circles_o_o_o - 22-12-2021 13:19

I can't imagine the nurses just sit doing nothing if booked appointments don't show up. There's enough walk-ins to fill the gaps so probably this "cunning plan" won't have any effect.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - hornball - 22-12-2021 13:26

(22-12-2021 13:19 )circles_o_o_o Wrote:  I can't imagine the nurses just sit doing nothing if booked appointments don't show up. There's enough walk-ins to fill the gaps so probably this "cunning plan" won't have any effect.
That is not the point though! Missed appointments are those that should be adding to the numbers with jabs, and therefore a level of protection - for themselves and others. Yes they may seek to book elsewhere, but in the mean time may become another statistic, or spreader - particularly if they don't realise, just because of a few parasites! ...and yes I did mean to type that! Remove it if you have too! If Trump has finally seen the light (albeit for selfish self serving reasons) no more excuses!! Ironic btw to hear him get booed by a number of his 'disciples'

Apparently Jeffrey Donaldson - DUP leader - has been diagnosed with Covid! Mr 'too many restrictions - passports etc' Ironic! I obviously do not wish him anything other than a mild case and a quick recovery. Just shows again, this thing takes no prisoners, and shows no discrimination or favours to anyone!

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - SecretAgent - 22-12-2021 13:35

Well if it is true then it confirms the stupidity of anti-vaxxers. You give your name, address & contact details and your NHS number. Try false booking more than once & you are traceable and they know your vaccine history. Simple to track you and make your life hell

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Regenerated - 22-12-2021 15:00

Anti-vaxxers booking slots to prevent vaccinations, if it is true, is a step too far. It's just completely selfish and bordering on criminal.

There must be ways to trace and punish these people - through NHS record, benefits and/or employment P45s, Universal Credit stamps, DVLA records etc, hell maybe even library card records. It's literally sickening how a crisis drives some aspects of society to such barbaric acts. There's a growing following in my local area of protesters against restrictions. It shows how dangerous a microphone can become in the hands of a really stupid person.

Personal choice of course, if they choose to be idiots, but deliberately stopping others and endangering lives is not on.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - winsaw - 22-12-2021 16:13

the nutty welsh gov has today made it a criminal offence to go to work the the police catch u going to work its a £60 fine for you and £1000 for you boss, this is total madness the welsh gov have been the most extreme through out this thing and yet have consistently had some of the worst covid rates , i think a case of the more drakeford acts like a fascist the more people rebel and do there own thing,

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - dundeered - 22-12-2021 18:16

(21-12-2021 19:25 )uwot Wrote:  BounceBounce

[Image: image-F3F1_61C21AE5.jpg]

Such accurate modelling. If only sage understood "the science" Bounce

Experts in getting every single thing wrong but let's keep listening to them yeah cool CoolCool

Those models are the worst case scenario, whereby, if nothing is done at all then we end up well over 100k cases a day, the hospitals being overwhelmed and lots of deaths. Any measure taken will mean that that worst case scenario does not happen.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Snooks - 22-12-2021 19:04

Finally had my Pfizer booster yesterday Smile.
Feel fine other than a dead arm laugh.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Rammyrascal - 22-12-2021 20:43

That's disgraceful what the anti-vaxxers are doing, booking slots at vaccine venues to stop people getting their vaccines

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Tumble_Drier - 23-12-2021 19:42

Moderna booster done. I just had a lovely chat with Bill Gates in my head.