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RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - RRROGER - 15-11-2010 10:26

^^^^Good morning Chris, you are now the top poster in the thread about the babe you dislike so much.Tongue; I think she's back tonight so while you're watching her show & posting about her I'll keep out of your way, put SKY+ on record & tune in to Babeworld to watch the return of my fave babe Corinne..HeartHeart

I bet Lori doesn't send you nice messages like the ones I get from Corinne.laughlaugh

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - chrislatimer - 15-11-2010 12:06

lol watching corrine myself tonight rrroger .

and i know i managed to outpost rammy in a thread Surprised

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - pc1977uk - 15-11-2010 13:01

(15-11-2010 07:10 )astonv1 Wrote:  1) To be honest i dont think Chris ever said she wouldnt bring in the calls.

2) He also isn't asking Bombshell to prove his point, he's asking him to explain the statement. I knew Lori would be succesfull call wise, that was never the issue. If you can find a post on here where someone has questioned her ability to bring in the calls, then please show me.

On your final point yes you can have an opinion on Lori and you clearly like her, but he is also allowed an opinion on her which he has given. Your post seems to suggest that you are entitled to an opinion as long as its a positive one, that is certainly NOT how a forum it?

Anyway he doesnt need me to fight his battles. Im sure he'll respond himself soon anyway Wink

I dont think i said everyone needs to postive about lori did i where on my post does it say that

Also i wouldnt consider myself a massive fan of lori but i rate her my fav is chelsea for obvious reason but have always thought lori gives a good performance

So next time read my post before you accuse me of anything please and thanks for a warm welcome to the forum

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - Gaz "AV1" Aston - 15-11-2010 13:31

(15-11-2010 13:01 )pc1977uk Wrote:  I dont think i said everyone needs to postive about lori did i where on my post does it say that

Also i wouldnt consider myself a massive fan of lori but i rate her my fav is chelsea for obvious reason but have always thought lori gives a good performance

So next time read my post before you accuse me of anything please and thanks for a warm welcome to the forum

How about you read mine again...

You chose to make your first post one that attacked a poster for having a negative opinion of Lori "why are you such a hater of lori and her fans". if that wasnt an attack, i dont see you questioning the people on here as to why they like her also, so i think its a fair assumption to say that you were perturbed by his "negative comments"

I never assumed you were a massive fan of Lori either, i said "you clearly like her" which you have confirmed.

As for accusing you of anything...Who's accusing you of anything other than a very ill conceived, badly thought out first post!

And whatsmore maybe if you had posted your first post in the introductions thread then you will have recieved the warm welcome you obviously crave...

ps..welcome to the forum

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - pc1977uk - 15-11-2010 17:32

(15-11-2010 13:31 )astonv1 Wrote:  How about you read mine again...

You chose to make your first post one that attacked a poster for having a negative opinion of Lori "why are you such a hater of lori and her fans". if that wasnt an attack, i dont see you questioning the people on here as to why they like her also, so i think its a fair assumption to say that you were perturbed by his "negative comments"

I never assumed you were a massive fan of Lori either, i said "you clearly like her" which you have confirmed.

As for accusing you of anything...Who's accusing you of anything other than a very ill conceived, badly thought out first post!

And whatsmore maybe if you had posted your first post in the introductions thread then you will have recieved the warm welcome you obviously crave...

ps..welcome to the forum

Like i said thanks for the warm welcome to the forum my first post wasnt a badly thought out post i simply asked the member a question based on what i have read on this thread

That is something that i am allowed to and there was no reason criticise my post no other members seemed to have an issue with i was even given thanks by a member.

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - chrislatimer - 15-11-2010 17:40

i werent bothered by your post dude i just decided to analyze it as i disagreed with it

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - RRROGER - 16-11-2010 22:10

Great to see Lori back on tonight, so far only seen her & Ashley Emma, looks like I'll now be spending most of my time watching Elite tonight as Corinne is a no-show on Babeworld, no sorry, edit that, Lori's pal from Babestation days,PaigeTyler just appeared on Partyland Live, should be a good night's viewing after all.HeartHeartHeart

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - mrichie10 - 17-11-2010 00:56

Naked & Naughty asual for me it's about performances aswell as looks, Lori does great performances i don't think anyone can argue bout that, she's on Elite cause Elitetv wants Elite girls who will make money i.e get the calls and boost popularity thats the missing point

(15-11-2010 03:48 )pc1977uk Wrote:  I have been a member for a while but i hardly post i prefer tp read through the posts

However i am posting for the 1st time as i feel that you have major problem with any members that support lori why are you such a hater of lori and her fans

Lori has been so busy when she has worked she is hardly off the phone so she is getting the callers in and thats a fact

Also why are you asking a member to prove there point arent we allowed to have our own opinion im sure thats what forums are for arent they

Totally agree i red with amazement eek For 6mths on the forum before i finally joined in oct 10 reading the forum since feb 10 and i'm still shocked even now Surprised but one thing i like is a healthy debate where opinions disagreed or agreed are made!

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - mr red nose - 17-11-2010 08:20

Spoke to Lori last night she was in a very randy mood, great chat. I said she had not had many pussy slips on Elite, and guess what at about 11.25 she came on the mike saying she had been told off for not covering up properly!!. Typical Lori her next comment was "I only have small hands" and then gave her usual laugh. Hope someone has the vid of this session so we can see what she exposed?

RE: Lori Buckby - Elite Tv : Chat and Discussion - Rammyrascal - 17-11-2010 09:53

didnt vid it but did watch and lori was flashing her landing strip but not a pussy flash. even if you dont like lori, youve got to give her credit for last night holding the fort with ashley emma as sophia knight no showed. including a long 2hr+ opening shift