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RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Firebird - 12-01-2012 21:24

(12-01-2012 21:10 )RRROGER Wrote:  Only Kiran Khan starting tonight's show but before Tara finished on the dayshow she said Jazz & Yasmin were on.....

.......& through 'til 5am ?????SurprisedSurprised

Well if that is true bladewave I sure will look forward to seeing that new girl Yasmin, oh boy she has a lovley lot of hair on her head and it looked totally sexy as fuck and she got some big loe titties on her too!! Tongue
Time will tell>> The countdown begins .........

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Rammyrascal - 13-01-2012 00:03

nope bs blue has just started, good show from kiaran tonight

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - RRROGER - 13-01-2012 00:04

^^^^ If you think I dreamt it, here's a video of the last few minutes of MastiChat tonight, listen to what Tara then Kiran says on the mic.

[Image: thumbnail-3836559-bZIPZ.jpg]

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - kiran khan - 13-01-2012 01:46

hey all,
thank you to all my lovely callers, yes tara did say yas and jasmine... instead of me and was yas first day so we have to break her in slowly Wink as i did mention soo many times that we were on till midnight which i was there till 5am as i did have some filthy sexy time.... i agree with some of u who complaint about girls not getting their titts out will tune in when am on and baby not only my bad boys get to breath the sex air but sometimes my knickers get twisted lollll.
see what i get up to follow my sexy ass @kirankhanxxx
lots of titty love

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Trickster - 13-01-2012 19:02

You did a great job on Thursday Kiran.... But the lack of girls getting a chance on this channel is very annoying for me..... It seems to be Shanti and Sitara all the time all be it they did put a gorgeous girl on as well one night called Ria which she did an awesome job....

We have had Jazzz a couple of times to which some of use have complained bout saying she should stick with days.... For me i disagree.... As long as she is giving a few flashes and teaseing i dont mind.... But can see where your coming from....

I would like to see the girls taking it in turns to making an appearance on nights not Shanti and Siatra all the time all be it with Jazzz as well...

Or add an extra night in during the week so we get chance to see different girls on the show...

Ive beeen waiting to see Tanaya for ages now

[split] Kiran Khan - Masti Nights - dibs2k9 - 16-01-2012 21:10

i thought kiran was on 909 tonight rammy

RE: Kiran Khan - Masti Nights - Rammyrascal - 16-01-2012 21:15

nope its shantii and sitara it seems tonight

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Rammyrascal - 16-01-2012 21:17

yawwwwwwnnnnn!!!!! its shantii and sitara AGAIN!!!!!!! Sad

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Firebird - 16-01-2012 21:21

A BIG YAAAAAWN from me too! Bloody hell when are the new breed going to make an appearance ?

RE: Masti Nights - Chat, Caps & Vids - Trickster - 16-01-2012 21:55

(16-01-2012 21:21 )Firebird Wrote:  A BIG YAAAAAWN from me too! Bloody hell when are the new breed going to make an appearance ?

I said in post before there using same two all the time Shanti and Sitara Rolleyes