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RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - checkmate2014 - 28-03-2015 19:50

But what is your point ? this is a discussion forum, this isn't talk to Kerrie Lee, this isn't tell Kerrie Lee our opinion, if we wanted to do that we would Tweet her or contact her directly.

I don't like them, you do like them, as I've just said it's a discussion forum, people are allowed to voice their opinions, you picking out peoples posts just because you don't like the fact they don't like her boobs and you do like her boobs is pointless.... get over yourself Smile

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - saviour123 - 28-03-2015 20:46

LOL Get over myself, it wasn't me accusing Kerrie Lees Doctor of giving bad advice. I just pointed out what you said was incorrect. She was happy with her boobs and was therefore not ill advised. If you choose too not understand the point I made then that's up to you.Huh I have explained it now 3 times.... Nothing even to do with the boobs, you made a false statement (accusation), without realizing it, and I pointed it out.

P.s I am sure if her Doctor reads this forum he would be pissed that you have accused him of giving ill advice when you have no grounds too. He would probably use the term "Slander" where as I just mentioned it to you.

"you see a consultant first and who ever it was has ill advised her" you state a fact. For all you know her Consultant may have advised her against it.... Infact the only thing we know for sure is
that Kerrie herself is happy. So I guess that's how it should be. Isn't it?

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - johnnytheirishman - 28-03-2015 21:19

Pure perfection!
End ofHeart-

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - wackawoo - 28-03-2015 22:48

^It really isn't mate, it really isn't. Ironically, for her frame she was perfect before, but if having them done gives her some for of mind boost so be it.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - checkmate2014 - 29-03-2015 01:04

(28-03-2015 20:46 )saviour123 Wrote:  LOL Get over myself, it wasn't me accusing Kerrie Lees Doctor of giving bad advice. I just pointed out what you said was incorrect. She was happy with her boobs and was therefore not ill advised. If you choose too not understand the point I made then that's up to you.Huh I have explained it now 3 times.... Nothing even to do with the boobs, you made a false statement (accusation), without realizing it, and I pointed it out.

P.s I am sure if her Doctor reads this forum he would be pissed that you have accused him of giving ill advice when you have no grounds too. He would probably use the term "Slander" where as I just mentioned it to you.

"you see a consultant first and who ever it was has ill advised her" you state a fact. For all you know her Consultant may have advised her against it.... Infact the only thing we know for sure is
that Kerrie herself is happy. So I guess that's how it should be. Isn't it?

Slander? I don't care about that, I will say it as I see it, don't like it, don't read it simple. too many people these days are too sensitive with ooo he said this ooo she said that, way too many girls and men have gone from being strong to being delicate little princess's.

The problem is guys like yourself and some others out there.... you like girls who are fake, I/e candy charms fan club etc they love the botox or whatever it's called, what has happened is people like yourself and their so called fans have made these girls insecure about themselves so they go spending money and making themselves look un natural, some of whom look awful but it makes you men happy.... the psychological effect you have on these women is damn right cruel, I/e those women who guys pay to watch them eating junk food on webcam, they go from size 10 to size 26,

Girls and young girls now feel insecure about themselves because they think to get attention etc they need to have big boobs or this that and the other, this is all caused by men. it's wrong, so wrong it's frightening, guys treat these girls like bits of meat, like pets, like robots,

I'm just happy that i'm a normal guy that likes natural women, because after seeing so many of these dreadful looking cosmetic surgery jobs, I would be ashamed of myself if I ever encouraged a girl to have any type of work done.

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - checkmate2014 - 29-03-2015 01:07

(28-03-2015 20:46 )saviour123 Wrote:  LOL Get over myself,

P.S I hope you don't mind me asking... but do you feel insecure about your posts? just in the 3 posts that you have wrote to me... each one says at the far corner "edited by saviour123" and I've never noticed anyone to be editing their posts so much

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Rammyrascal - 29-03-2015 01:08

don't think it was comments on here that got Kerrie-Lee annoyed/upset. if it was then she would have said so in the tweet. I think it was someone at the s66 studios either another babe (including the xf and goldengirls babe) or someone behind the scenes that said something that upset/annoyed Kerrie-lee which seems to be what she's implying when she says "actions over the channel"

whatever it was seems to have been resolves as Kerrie-Lee's twitter still says she's a naughty nightbird at s66 and she retweeted a tweet I sent to her that said the cameras need wide angle lenses next time she's on. so think she will be back on s66 soon

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - Whynot - 29-03-2015 01:57

So many guys blow smoke up the girls asses on here and twitter that when a girl gets a reality check as she did last night, they cannot handle it. She is a victim of the environment she has put around her!!

[Mod edit - Your facts were opinion, so have been removed]

If someone at s66 made a comment, it is not nice, but it is the real world and happens. People see fault in something, they point it out!!

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - saviour123 - 29-03-2015 08:49

(29-03-2015 01:07 )checkmate2014 Wrote:  
(28-03-2015 20:46 )saviour123 Wrote:  LOL Get over myself,

P.S I hope you don't mind me asking... but do you feel insecure about your posts? just in the 3 posts that you have wrote to me... each one says at the far corner "edited by saviour123" and I've never noticed anyone to be editing their posts so much

I tried to edit them so that you would understand what I was saying. clearly I failed..... Bounce

[mod edit: can you two please keep this tread to topic.]

RE: Kerrie Lee - Chat & Discusion - mrmann - 29-03-2015 11:44

Love it when she goes nude! Hope she gets to do a nude session on the Bar set like TJ did! Smile