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Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Printable Version

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RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Charlemagne - 18-01-2022 12:48

Two cannibis compounds commonly found in hemp have the potential of combatting coronavirus. These compunds are currently being studied by an American university.

And there probably won't be many anti vaxers refusing to take it Wink

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Charlemagne - 19-01-2022 14:42

Part of operation Big Fat Dog is to remove the covid restrictions.
So Plan B is being dropped next Thursday.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - uwot - 19-01-2022 15:06

Mask weirdos in the mud.

Time for insufferable restriction supporters to go find something else to cry about, or do us normal folk a favour and stay inside and cry to yourselves.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - dundeered - 19-01-2022 20:47

The Scottish Conservatives want school exams to go ahead even if they pose a risk to public health and to the health of the children attending them.


RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - skully - 20-01-2022 13:18

^ Proving yet again that Tories shouldn't be allowed to exist in Scotland, stupid cunts. People need to wake the fuck up.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - hornball - 22-01-2022 16:36

Can someone explain the numbers (both infections and deaths) that are still being released day - by - day if we are over the worst?? - deaths in their hundreds on a number of days (I get the 28 day time lag) I ask this - not to suggest we aren't - but as a genuine question of those that may know the answer

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Boomerangutangangbang - 22-01-2022 16:53

^^ What alarmed me was the blase attitude when Sajid Javid was answering (none Answer) a similar question at a briefing this week. He said that the daily covid death rate was about 200, when in fact the average was running at 270+. So a good guess from our Health Secretary, only a miss count by around 500 extra deaths a week.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Charlemagne - 22-01-2022 16:59

^ The infection rate is measured 2 ways.
1. The number of PCR positive cases. However you don't have to have a PCR test any more so this figure is going to be less than before.
2. The Office of National Statistics uses a different way to gather info.
This figure has also been dropping day on day.

Hospitalisations usually happen at least a week after getting infected.
Unfortunately some patients get gradually worse and die.
So there is a time lag between the infection and death figures.

So in theory the number of deaths related to covid should start to also drop soon.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - Goodfella3041 - 22-01-2022 17:07

Just my own interpretation of data from the government dashboard…

The rate of infection in early January far outpaced even the three previous “waves” that prompted lockdowns (…and quite a few parties in Downing Street, it seems).

But deaths appear to have levelled off at about 200-250 per day. That’s still high — it’s still a plane crash every day. But it is considerably less than the daily deaths that accompanied those previous waves.

Taken together, this would suggest the following:

* Confirmation of the hope that this latest mutation is more contagious, but less deadly than previous ones
* Vaccinations + Infection-induced immunity are now protecting a large part of the population
* ‘Excess deaths’ also appears to have normalised

We are therefore reaching a level of contagion that the Government deems acceptable to “live with”.

It’s a fair assumption, I suppose. We have to get back to normal one way or another. I’m less troubled by decisions taken over the past two months than I am by the foolhardy decisions taken last summer to create the impression that the pandemic was over, when it patently wasn’t.

What they should be doing is building the alert level into the new “normal”. Another deadly variant could pop up anywhere, any time. We’ve demonstrated that we can function effectively with different levels of restrictions. They should be acclimatising people to the idea that periodic restrictions may be part of normal life from now on. That way it doesn’t feel like we are lurching from crisis to crisis all the time.

RE: Coronavirus - is enough being done to contain it? - skully - 22-01-2022 18:20

We should adopt the Japanese way of thinking of if you feel unwell but need to travel, you mask up, for the greater good. It should become a norm, everywhere.

The biggest problem we've faced in the last couple of years, aside from an inept government, is selfishness from swathes of the population.
Stupid fucks that think this is some sort of conspiracy and can't compute the fact that many have died due to it. Easily identifiable idiots.