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RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - GMach1 - 31-01-2020 02:28

As soon as Lola ignores the perv cam and works to the main camera the Lola of old returns thrusting her arse out and moving it whilst working the chair either sitting or kneeling!

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - Stemmw - 31-01-2020 02:33

Loving the pink hoodie, pink panties and denim boots look Heart

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - GMach1 - 31-01-2020 02:45

Pair of black or red heels would have been better to accentuate her lovely legs.

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - winsaw - 31-01-2020 11:50

First time I court one of her naked pussy play shows lastnight, I liked a lot, her fit body looks so good naked add that she was spreading her legs and showing off her pretty pussy and that was a botn show easily , really like how naughty she is,

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - derekdas - 31-01-2020 12:15

(31-01-2020 01:21 )fucu2 Wrote:  Fucking inept, useless camera operators yet again

It seemed at one point that there was only one cameraman and he was acting as if he was a trainee. More so when he was on Clara's set.

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - Stemmw - 31-01-2020 12:25

(31-01-2020 12:15 )derekdas Wrote:  
(31-01-2020 01:21 )fucu2 Wrote:  Fucking inept, useless camera operators yet again

It seemed at one point that there was only one cameraman and he was acting as if he was a trainee. More so when he was on Clara's set.

I think the camera work has actually improved a fair amount since they brought in the nudity ban, but last night the camera work was very poor. Maybe they were understaffed and didn't have enough crew to work 5 cameras for 5 women, either way they should still do better.

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - Rammyrascal - 31-01-2020 12:26

No complaints from me about Lola herself last night. Looked very hot & was on her very best form

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - Snooks - 31-01-2020 19:02

The tip goal show last night was a disappointment imo.
This is not any reflection on Lola, she is always excellent.
Last night she was let down by a combination of poor camerawork, poor production and an obsession with pervcam to screw cash out of people, some of whom had already paid once by virtue of being major contributors towards the goal being hit in the first place.
They were effectively being asked to pay twice.

The problem with pervcam and the reason I don't really go in for it is that it just stares at one body part for the majority of the time without the rest of the babe being in shot.

The tip goal idea is an interesting one.
In the case of some babes it merely allows non explicit nudity to be shown thereby representing a resumption to the strength of output prior to the television nakedness ban.
There will be those who have considerable reservations about paying for something on a tip goal that was readily available not too long ago.
Lola, we know can and will go that little bit further and show us all she has.
In principle that's great. In practice S66 have not made the best of what she can offer.
Partly through incompetence partly through anti freeloader sentiment.
The incompetence of course is wholly unacceptable.

The freeloading concept is more complicated.
S66 might question the fairness in those who have not contributed to the tip goal for stronger content having the opportunity to witness it.
By denial of that opportunity via technical means to everyone bar those who contribute to the tip goal would result in so few people watching the content it would seem somewhat weird to say the least. By allowing non tip goal contributors to see the content it may act as a shop window to encourage some people to partake in tip goal targets in the future. Or it may not depending on perception as to the quality of show.
From a money making point of view however it is a sensitive issue.
I fully understand that the ONLY objective now is money making.
That ruthless approach may well frustrate many if taken to it's enth degree.
But no doubt there will be times when videos of such shows become available somewhere on planet internet if some paying punter is kind enough to share much to the disgruntlement of some babes and the channels they represent.

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - ShandyHand - 31-01-2020 20:05

I debated whether to write anything here about last night's Tip Goal. Doing so in the hope of changing certain mindsets at 66 seems ever more like pissing in the wind when you consider the ambivalence Lola's particular prod/cameraman showed in the moment for everything that was being said on chat. (I've no doubt there was plenty more guys held themselves back from writing more out of respect for the babe.)

I decided to post this mainly because the segment offered so many angles on the issues surrounding 66's tactics (there's a lot to cover I'm sorryBlush ) and in particular brought to my attention one issue I've not seen covered at all on the forum as yet. (As ever it comes down to writing stuff on these threads for no one but ourselves in the hope that greater awareness leads to more empowered choices on our interactions should 66 try to hold the current hard line on this.) 

Number one: I will, most certainly, be very, very, wary of taking part in any of 66 's tip goals after this, my first hands on experience of them. I'm so glad I only tested the waters with a minimal £20 contribution to the goal.

Anyway, here's my quick thoughts on the more straightforward areas of concern...
- It now seems to me highly likely that some insiders at 66 are so intent on winning the battleground of double dipping (ensuring perv remains a big part of fulfilments) that they are prepared to risk losing some tip custom over it. They are not going to accept a standard of babes doing these things to main camera alone very easily.

- Stemmw's observations on the pattern of these goings on over Lola's goals looks very valid at this point. It was clear there was a hardliner bts giving Lola direction on how this was going down at certain points. Punters would therefore do well to consider during WHICH shifts they should place their money on these goals... that is if they are at all interested in how the device will be used going forward (bear in mind production teams can switch days of course). 

- The use of the lame old "xxx" and "unrestricted" tags in the goal title didn't bother me as much as it did some on chat. We should KNOW these things are a come on by now, and allow for same when making our buying choices.

- What made this goal totally unsatisfying for me was that the insistence focus on the ubiquitous perv killed all momentum from Lola's movements. I'd actually much rather a short fulfilment period of quality over a draw out one of occassional tepid heat.

- But then 66 are clearly intent on drawing out every period after a goal total is hit as much as poss - in the hope that guys will spend more money while hanging around waiting for the goal to play out. I'd be resisting buying into this tactic as much as possible as it'll only encourage more of the same behaviour from them.

Finally, one more troublesome thought came to me as I mulled over what occured here... (not saying this definitely happened btw but only that the way 66 are doing this is an open invitation to such things...)

Say I'm a wealthy punter with a kink; what gets me off with an extra buzz is the ego trip of lording it over my fellow punters, generally making a babe experience all about me alone, as well as causing shit in chat... I add to the tip goal heavily to get it done, knowing I can get my jollies in my way if I play my cards right. When fulfilment starts I jump on and off perv without a word getting the babe's prime attention for extended periods (because 66 just can't resist looking for extra cash) and disrupting everything in just the way that pulls at my plonker. I alone am a happy larry at this, while everyone else is left scratching their heads thinking wtf was that!

There are clearly guys like this in the scene, we've all encountered them and here are 66 allowing them the space to do their thing with anonymity and impunity in ripe fashion. Problematic counter productive behaviour pandered to by over reaching production. Just one more of so many accusations 66 left themselves wide open to last night...

All because they can't let something that should be brief, positive and straightforward just be without trying to have it all ways at once.

RE: Lola Knight - (Ultimate Babe 2018 & 2019) - Chat & Discussion (Only) - winsaw - 31-01-2020 20:13

^^ short version, 66 are fucking up something that BS has got working very well now after spending the last 6 months working out what works and what don't so all they needed to do was copy them lol, pervecam never works with tip goals and once the newness of Lola doing these shows goes so will the tippers pissed off with not being treated like the main player