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RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - TURNIPHEAD - 19-07-2015 01:48

In the good old days when Bang Babes first started it was £1 a min to call
Now channels are charging £2 a min and in certain instances connection charges
Yes Storm And x panded at times are cheaper but our wages have not increased by 100% over the same period
is this the real reason for the decline in the babeshow channels (not taking into account the incompetence of Sin management)
Yes the actual content of the shows has reduced due to OFCOM so taking both factors into account is this why the babe shows will be loosing SIN Tv

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - elgar1uk - 19-07-2015 10:40

(18-07-2015 20:38 )saviour123 Wrote:  I think the fact that they cant even afford to get the website back up and running, highlights that it is over bar the shouting.

Apparently all the girls they owe money to have been contacted and assured they will be paid. I imagine that would add up to a substantial sum of money. So therefore if Sin TV's claim of paying all the girls what they are owed turns out to be truthful, I would imagine in that case they would easily be able to find the money for a website too, should they actually wish to do so, although they don't seem to need a website as things stand.

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - darren73 - 19-07-2015 11:27

Well Kara D said on web cam last night she was owed about £3.000 they have told her she will be getting it in a couple of week's she also said they have already taken the studio apart

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - Pixel - 19-07-2015 11:55

I'm wondering whether these promises to pay people are just a way to fob them off and deflect legal action until they can liquidate the company? Once the company is gone then creditors have nothing to claim money from. That's what any failing company would do and is the main reason limited liability companies are set up.

Looking on the bright side, perhaps they are attempting to pay people in order to salvage their credibility and start again. However, as Elgar said, this will be a substantial sum. I can't think of another reason why they would be genuinely attempting to pay creditors, when the alternative is to dissolve the company and disappear into the night. Therefore I remain deeply sceptical.

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - munch1917 - 19-07-2015 11:57

(19-07-2015 01:48 )TURNIPHEAD Wrote:  SNIP
is this why the babe shows will be loosing SIN Tv

I don't think so, whatever the cost and connection charges etc, the other babeshows are still managing to survive.

I can't help thinking that what really sunk sin was much the same as what did for the ill-fated eurotic experiment.
ETV came along with a game plan of using a tv channel to drive punters to their website. What they completely failed to realise was that they couldn't advertise the site on the tv channel, so the entire venture was doomed from the start.
Sin's initial business plan was a single channel, with multiple web streams, so presumably they planned to use the tv channel to drive people to the streams where they would make their most money, without the restrictions of Ofcom getting in the way. But again, they couldn't advertise, so an awful lot of punters weren't being moved to the streams, to the point where the streams weren't even viable. Without the streams, the single tv channel also wasn't able to generate enough business to maintain the ludicrously high wages they had promised to pay the girls (of which they also now had far too many for the shifts available), and meltdown ensued.

So it seems to me the business plan was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning because of a simple lack of research into a key element of the plan. It's easy to build great looking sets, and it's easy to recruit great looking girls by promising them the earth, but if the plan is unsustainable then the whole thing is a fraud and will quickly be found out, as happened. It's unfortunate for those that got burned, but they at least learn a valuable lesson about looking more closely at the details next time.

Someone mentioned a while back about the payment schedule from the phoneline operators. Perhaps Sin are due a payment soon for previous calls made, and that is maybe what they are planning on using to pay the girls monies owed.
Settling those debts doesn't mean they can rise from the ashes again, who in their right mind would go work for them after this fiasco. Even if there were girls desparate enough to take a punt with them, will they have a studio to work from, or someone willing to work the camera, or a production crew to put it all together?

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - Lamarr l 21 l - 19-07-2015 13:06

^ Munch 1917 You've nailed it there

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - Tractor boy - 19-07-2015 13:22

I agree with the above points, I think they lacked the start up capital to pay the money they promised to the girls and now they are constantly playing catch up. If they pay the girls the money owed to them when the call money comes in they will be back to square one with no cash to pay the girls if they go for a third relaunch, their only real hope is a wealthy backer to keep bailing them out until they are in profit, but who would be willing to take the risk ?

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - winsaw - 19-07-2015 13:24

great post munch1917 i think you have summed up what went wrong perfectly.
i don't get why it took them so long to work out the the xstream was not working, it should have been clear after 2-3 weeks of being on sky that they where not moving views over to it,
its around this time that they let some girls go (the lucky ones) for poor call rates,
i think they could have saved the channel at this moment as the could have got rid of the xstream idea and gone forward with a smaller roster that fitted 1 tv channel also if they had been honest with the girls and told them that they had to cut the wage bill to the levels the girls where on else where,
but no, they went and hired more girls keeped the xstream going but now in a half ass way of a girl might be on for 20 mins if you are lucky which was never going to get them viewers/callers Huh
i think sin is a story of missed chances, if they had management at the top who where able to make the hard calls they would still be on air now but like so many business that fail that guys at the top cant see past the vision when they set things up and think they are right and people will come round

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - DB83 - 19-07-2015 13:25

^^ Kara mentioned she was owed £2500 (out of £5000). Possibly more exposed, if you pardon the pun, than many since she did a raft of day-shows. Even so, it could be a considerable sum owed to all - £20-30k I would estimate.

The money coming in late July would have been earned in April/May. If my estimate above is even close, I doubt that would be enough. But if they have got their sums right (have they got anything right yet ?) they could have enough to settle their debts and make a fresh and clean start.

But even then, as has already been said, how could they credibly restart ? They might have the funds. They might get a studio. But where will they get the girls ? True that some will be daft enough to give them the chance since they need the money in the bank and, daft as they are, they will trust them to deliver. But it has already been shown you need enough girls to, at the very least, cover one shift every day. Methinks they could struggle in that department.

RE: Sin TV - General Chat & Discussion - Bandwagon - 19-07-2015 13:36

I agree with Munch, but I do find it hard to believe they would invest so much money into this venture without realising they couldn't advertise the streams on TV first.
I believe they simply overestimated how successful it would be, working on the assumption people would simply find the streams regardless.

Also like I mentioned yesterday, had they listened to some folks on here and organised the X streams correctly with a working schedule, then perhaps that might have helped?

Having said that, it would appear to me that the biggest revenue these channels can hope to achieve comes from Sky and Freeview (TV) so it was doomed anyway with just the one channel clearly never hitting the necessary level it needed to.

Not everyone can sit in front of a computer watching naked ladies, some people like having the ability to switch channels.... fast Wink