RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Bank$ - 17-09-2016 13:09
Lucha Underground Season 3 Episode 2.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Mr.E Nygma - 17-09-2016 13:16
7 days in hell. A mockumentary of a fictional rock'n'roll tennis player played by Andy Samberg. Dumbness ensues from the get go. Worth a watch for those who are immature at heart, even if not a fan of tennis.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - HannahsPet - 17-09-2016 18:29
3rd Season of Agents of Shield getting ready for the new series on Tues Night / Weds morning
Plus as its the 25th Annivsary of Bottom being first Aired going to watch a few episodes tonight
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - greenray - 17-09-2016 20:50
The Natural World - Jaguars Brazil's Super Cats. An interesting documentary narrated by David Attenborough covering many aspects of this beautiful cat in Brazil including a team aiming to return two orphaned jaguars to the wild.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - andyjb - 18-09-2016 14:42
A quick heads-up to those interested.
Starting from tomorrow, the Horror Channel is showing Land of the Giants at 12:00, repeated at 20:00.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - HannahsPet - 18-09-2016 15:18
ooooh havent seen that since it was replayed on Channel 4 in the late 80's
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - rpj316 - 18-09-2016 21:53
Top Gear : Burma Special
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Bank$ - 18-09-2016 22:11
Ballers Season 2 Episode 8.
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - rpj316 - 19-09-2016 11:40
Magnum P.I(S7 Ep14)
Murder by Night
RE: What TV show did you last watch? - Bank$ - 19-09-2016 17:41
WWF Rockbottom PPV (1998).