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Elite TV Online Promotional Material - Printable Version

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RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 21-01-2011 00:34

Two New Promo Galleries For You.

[Image: ashleyemma-06.jpg]
Ashley Emma - Black Lace

[Image: hannahprentice-05.jpg]
Hannah Prentice - Put 'Em Up!


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 25-01-2011 21:56

The Long Awaited Hall Of Fame Promo

[Image: halloffame.jpg]
Forum Exclusive - Hall Of Fame Promo

Oh, and watch it right until the end, there is a little surprise.

Congratulations, and thanks, to all my Hall Of Fame buddies.


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 11-02-2011 16:06

New Promo Galleries.

[Image: charlieoneal-02.jpg]
Charlie O'Neal - Baring Down!

[Image: paigegreen-01.jpg]
Paige Green - Turn 'em Green

New Video Promo.

[Image: sophiaknight-11.jpg]
Sophia Knight - Amsterdam Window


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - lancealot790 - 11-02-2011 16:40

Thanks for posting the new galleries and videos, i was unaware this thread existed. This as an excellent idea to promote the Elite website. Does anybody know if the Mica getting down and dirty in the toilet is a one off video or are there more like that one available on the site?

RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 11-02-2011 16:55

Mica currently has 20 videos on the website. As far as I am aware, there is one other video of a similar nature to the one you mention.

But my personal favorite of hers, is her new one with Charlie, called "Below Decks". Now that's fairly frisky. Tongue

ADDITION: lancealot790, I've sent you a PM about it. Rather than posting it in this section.

RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - lancealot790 - 11-02-2011 16:59

Thanks for your help, think i just might invest in a membership to the site. Sorry to keep asking but is she the only girl who does videos like that? I feel the need to ask as i was a member of another similar website and was very disappointed with what i found.

RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 26-02-2011 10:51

Two New Promo Galleries For You.

[Image: catycole-05.jpg]
Caty Cole - Top Table

[Image: dionnedaniels-10.jpg]
Dionne Daniels - Bath Time


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 28-02-2011 13:14

Two New Promo Video's For You.

[Image: catycole-14.jpg]
Caty Cole - Sun bathing

[Image: rachellouise-01a.jpg]
Rachel Louise - Oil & Sun


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - aceman65 - 06-04-2011 18:38

New Promo Galleries.

[Image: rachellouise-04.jpg]
Rachel Louise Frodsham - Life's a Beach

[Image: micasophia-01.jpg]
Mica & Sophia - Love Shack

New Promo Video's.

[Image: daniellemaye-09.jpg]
Danielle Maye - Elite Sleeping Beauties

[Image: paigegreen-06.jpg]
Paige Green - Sexy Foreshore


RE: Elite TV Online Promotional Material - Pedro* - 06-04-2011 19:30

Cheers Ace.Smile

Been so long that you posted anything new in this thread, I thought Jamie had given you the sack!Wink