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It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - Printable Version

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RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - rickhardo - 27-05-2012 13:28

A great shame to be saying goodbye to one of the most genuine, amusing, intelligent people on here - the forum will be a sadder place without you. That said, I can't think of a better reason for leaving (other than death obviously), so look after yourself and your growing family and pop in from time to time if you can. Best of luck, chap.

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - Lexi_Lowe - 28-05-2012 15:13

Awww Gaz who's gonna cap my ass now ey???

Thanks Gaz for all your caps of me and for all our webcam fun! Also say thanks to wifey and bump from me for letting me tear you away for a little while every now and then when im on screen! Good luck with the new addition to the Gaz family Wink

Lexi xxxx

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - dan g 27 - 28-05-2012 16:14

Sorry to see ya leave, a great capper, but its great your putting your family first.

The forum will feel a little quieter with ya gone.

Good luck

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - sophia knight so sexy - 28-05-2012 20:15

sorry to see you go your a quality capper good luck in the future mate

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - KerrAvon - 28-05-2012 23:03

Just seen this, so all I'll say is best of luck to you Gaz and the soon to be enlarged family. Going to miss your engaging contributions to the forum but I full well know how real world responsibilities come first. All the best mate

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - Topman 47 - 28-05-2012 23:50

Only just picked up on this thread as I have not been on for a couple of days.

A sad loss to the Forum Gaz but u must always put the family first. Our thoughts on the ladies always seemed similar, Louise Kay when we bantered on football with her, Ruby and Candy. A gr8 capper and I could never understand how u spend so much time with the caps without Hayley getting frustrated with u.

Enjoy your time with the family ( if the latest addition is a boy a navy blue and white striped shirt would be appropriate). Remember the Baggies are still pride of the Midlands.

Best of luck for the future.

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - oklahoma001 - 04-06-2012 03:56

Late to this one tooRolleyes. I dont think we ever really spoke directly but I quickly learned we shared the same fondness for Tori. And for that long time when I didnt record the streams your caps of her were(still are) very appreciated. Surely a Tori/Lexi 241 will be enough to bring you out of hibernation?Tongue

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - mrwotzup - 18-06-2012 19:25

Sorry to see you go mate. May I wish you and your family the very best for the future

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - mrmann - 19-06-2012 01:45

Mucho thanks for the caps and vids! Hope you can still find time to watch a session or two, to spot any naughty moments Wink

RE: It’s all said and done, it’s real, and it’s been fun. - Gaz "AV1" Aston - 03-07-2012 13:45

I wish it was under better circumstances that brought me back to post on the forum today, i really didnt think i'd be back because someone accused me of stealing caps but there you go...

Anyway.. just to say thanks for all the kind messages of support and well wishes that i got from you folks (mostly) upon leaving the forum!

Interesting to see from Skate's post earlier that i seem to have got a promotion in the chatbox to a mod Surprised and no-one told me bladewave Tongue ...I could have used those powers for my own hidden agenda...if i knew i had them Bounce

To update all who don't know, I am now the proud father of two after Mrs Aston gave birth to Alfie on the 8th June, he was and continues to be in good health as are all of us Smile

In closing,i still wont be actively posting on the forum but i do still pick up the odd pm now and again and dm via twitter if you want to chat etc (or accuse me of any wrong-doings of course Wink )

Thanks again
