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Budget summer 2015 - Printable Version

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RE: Budget summer 2015 - lovebabes56 - 09-07-2015 19:29

Ok what other tax would you put on the babe shows?

I would impose the bedroom tax at 10% for the bed sets and 10% phone waving tax for the way they use phones!! I'm sure that will go some way to resolving any deficit issues!!

RE: Budget summer 2015 - lovebabes56 - 09-07-2015 19:47

(09-07-2015 19:10 )HannahsPet Wrote:  
(09-07-2015 18:51 )munch1917 Wrote:  
(09-07-2015 16:29 )cwpussylover Wrote:  Amazon or any other retailer do not pay VAT on the goods sold..they act us unpaid tax collectors for HMRC and pass on the VAT (if not zero rated goods) paid, by the end customer.

Exactly, it's US the customer that pays VAT, not the company.

Anyhow, we are digressing, this was just a suggestion, it's not an actual part of the budget Smile

Good Job im not chancellor Would put a Wanking tax on all babeshows Wink

That's a hard(!) one to impose if I can say so, you would have the DTW brigade of this forum up in arms with that!!

RE: Budget summer 2015 - brummie - 13-07-2015 13:08

Harriet Harman couldn't be more wrong when she says Labour must listen to the electorate who supported benefits cuts. Lerts look at some facts
1) 67% of voters voted against Tory welfare policies
2)Labour actually gained seats in England overall, where it lost the election was losing most of its Scottish MP'e when Scotland voted overwhelmingly against the austerity con, and the collapse of disenchanted Lib/Dem voters.

The Labour party if anything needs to return to its traditional ideology and stand up and expose the Tory lies and misinformation about welfare and benefits, not try to imitate them.

RE: Budget summer 2015 - gunnar - 13-07-2015 13:28

^Agree with all you say above. Try explaining this to the misinformed people who voted Tory and it will unfortunately fall on deaf ears. The election was run partly on scare tactics as well.

RE: Budget summer 2015 - SecretAgent - 13-07-2015 13:32

^ Sorry what did you say?

RE: Budget summer 2015 - Doddle - 13-07-2015 14:05

Harriet Harman makes George Osbourne look competent and sincere. It still doesn't seem to have dawned on Labour that not only was Ed Miliband a complete disaster, but Harriet Harman made things worse (as she always does).

Of course, if they do plump for Yvette Cooper, they can kiss the next Election goodbye too.

The Tories are getting away with all this because Labour preferred to suit itself last time.

RE: Budget summer 2015 - gunnar - 13-07-2015 14:55

^If Jeremy Corbyn got in as the Labour leader, this would make things interesting. He is the only one untainted by new labour and who exemplifies the traditional socialist roots of the party.

RE: Budget summer 2015 - HannahsPet - 13-07-2015 15:05

(13-07-2015 14:05 )Doddle Wrote:  Harriet Harman makes George Osbourne look competent and sincere. It still doesn't seem to have dawned on Labour that not only was Ed Miliband a complete disaster, but Harriet Harman made things worse (as she always does).

Of course, if they do plump for Yvette Cooper, they can kiss the next Election goodbye too.

The Tories are getting away with all this because Labour preferred to suit itself last time.

And Burnham and also Corbyn Wink

Labour has only themselves to blame If they had not been the shower for shite they are then Labour voters in scotland would have still voted for them and also voters in the north would have voted more for them when UKIP are getting 2nd places in the North then there is something seriously wrong

only thing wrong with the tory budget was the cuts to working tax credits before the full living wage kicks in

only thing missing from prob a labour budget would have been the mansion tax

Problem is no one in UK will vote for raise in taxes because they know they will waste the money on vanity projects

RE: Budget summer 2015 - Doddle - 13-07-2015 21:53

(13-07-2015 14:55 )gunnar Wrote:  ^If Jeremy Corbyn got in as the Labour leader, this would make things interesting. He is the only one untainted by new labour and who exemplifies the traditional socialist roots of the party.
Jeremy Corbyn stands so little chance that even the remaining Lib Dems are more likely to produce the next PM than that he will make it.

I find it a weird trait that Labour now feel they need such a Mickey Mouse candidate each time, just to sustain the pretence that the left-wing matters (see Dianne Abbott last time).

Plus they're picking a candidate to probably take on Boris in 2020.

RE: Budget summer 2015 - gunnar - 13-07-2015 22:02

^He actually said himself he would stand very little chance of becoming leader. This is a pity though because he's the only one who comes across as honest and is a true socialist.