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RE: downhill - Sooky™ - 22-05-2009 06:05

MARCCE Wrote:It's been noticeable for quite some time that Babestation has become a lot tamer. Amanda these days is massively diluted from what she was 18 months ago for example. Will be interesting to see how things develop with Elite because they're probably about the same level in terms of raunchiness that Babestation were back then.

Really???? Amanda has been anything but tame when I've been on the phone to her Wink

Having been 'priveledged' to have listened in on a few of you guys' phonecalls as I wait in line and my advice to getting the best out of the girls would be as follows - raise your game

It is difficult for the girls to maintain energy and enthusiasm if they're getting nothing back. If you're not gonna really say anything, or speak so quietly you can't really be heard, why not just listen in?
That way you'd be able to enjoy the more enthusiatic performances that I seem capable of getting out of them. And if you think that's me blowing my own trumpet, then just look out for sooky on the screen and watch Big Grin

By all means there are rules etc they have to follow - but perhaps take a bit of responsibility yourselves as well guys, afterall - it is essentially interactive tv so you're as much a part of it as the girls why aren't you performing to a satisfactory level? Big Grin

Disclaimer: I am not saying all guys are quiet/don't speak, so don't bombard here with posts of "i speak...I give the girls a good time....I know how to please them" etc. It's referring to the ones that don't.

RE: downhill - Mister Gummidge - 22-05-2009 06:39

First of all, it behooves me to tip my hat to Gamehead, for managing to use the phrase "rabid ninja monkeys fro the fifth dimension" in a serious conversation, no mean feat and one I shall be attempting myself at some point in the future...

Now to the serious point. Has it occurred to anyone that perhaps Babestation are the victims of their own success? The largest target is the easiest one to hit, after all. It's easy to forget that as well as being the oldest, Babestation is also the most well known and regularly viewed of the various channels. We here on this forum simply refer to them as the 900's or the even less specific "The channels", but this can give a false perspective of how the channels are referred to by the public at large... "The babestations" is how I've heard them referred to most often by people who don't view regularly.

With all of that in mind, is it any wonder that Babestation are the channel who have to tread most carefully; bearing in mind their significantly higher profile than their competitors? If an example is to be made, by dishing out massive fines, who is most likely to receive it? The largest, most successful and well known channel, or one of the smaller marginal channels such as Hotel Voyeur? If it was up to you to make an example of someone in order to please some grandstanding politicians who have control over your annual budget, who would you choose? Pretty soon, the focus will shift away from these channels when Ofcom get sent off another crusade by some twerp of an MP with an axe to grind and things will become raunchier again. Until then, thank your lucky stars there's any skin to be shown at all on late night TV. I'm old enough to remember flicking desperately through the four available channels hoping for a French film, as they were usually good for a quick glimpse of nippleBig Grin

Also... @Sooky - I often furtively whisper "Can I put it in there, you know... my thing!" before going silent for five minutes and leaving the presenter to flounder wildly as she tries to guess what I like to see and hear, are you honestly telling me that isn't MIND ALTERING, KNICKER SHATTERING phone sex? There's just no pleasing some peopleTongue

RE: downhill - mark - 22-05-2009 08:42

sooky is,nt blowing her trumpet lol. she definitely gets best out of amanda, heard them 2 going at it on phone and its pure fucking filth lol.

RE: downhill - silverknight - 22-05-2009 20:07

mjw664 Wrote:Does anyone else think babestation has gone really tame lately? I've watched it over the last 2 nights and seen girls sections with no nudity what so ever and this was after 11pm!

I've been flicking between the Babestation and PartyLand channels since Babestation (freeview) started and I think PartyLand is much better. Elsewhere on this site I've said PartyLand is boring but that was before seeing Babestation! PartyLand doesn't change its girls or outfits much but the picture quality is better (higher res) and the girls show a bit more making the show hotter! Neither of the 2 shows are as good as PartyGirls though.

Unless the Babestation producers start turning up the heat then their viewers and profits are going to drop a lot.

RE: downhill - Hazhard - 22-05-2009 20:18

I think with the addition of all these daytime babes doing the nightshows it is anything but going downhill. Ok so the daytime babes dont get their tits out, but doesn't matter really, the decision is theirs. Im really enjoying some of these daytime babes doing nightshows because i dont really watch the daytime shows and some of these babes are new to me which makes it great! Nothing like the sight of fresh faces on our nightshows.

RE: downhill - Dreamlander - 22-05-2009 20:29

It's all free and broadcast nearly 24 hours a day! I love it! Wink Big Grin


RE: downhill - ronnieh - 23-05-2009 00:08

HaZ Wrote:I think with the addition of all these daytime babes doing the nightshows it is anything but going downhill. Ok so the daytime babes dont get their tits out, but doesn't matter really, the decision is theirs. Im really enjoying some of these daytime babes doing nightshows because i dont really watch the daytime shows and some of these babes are new to me which makes it great! Nothing like the sight of fresh faces on our nightshows.

I enjoy watching the shows as much when the girls are chatting as when they're gyrating to the camera

RE: downhill - grayzer - 23-05-2009 20:51

i think there is an easy way to solve this problem once and for all...

ok a 10 minuet phone call costs £15 right? and thats one nights pleasure.

ok how much does Television X cost? about £15 a month.

ok now there we go problem solved.