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Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Printable Version

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RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 19:23

Had this the following year...[Image: attachment.php?s=b060201452b18edcbb8606d...1344181459]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - GMach1 - 23-01-2019 19:27

My old FIREBALL pendant-was very cool at the time. Smile
[Image: 4b3d051101266954.jpg]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 19:28

These were a must read for me 1973-75...
[Image: ea6006a209d8aa7ce2a59d6c21b7ea27--thor-m...comics.jpg][Image: xamazing-spider-man-129.jpg.pagespeed.ic.P6jYu5dBJ_.jpg][Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSw5A5a2AVvsogizLIkbt...HMfb1BGTDK]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 19:30

(23-01-2019 19:23 )GreenMachine Wrote:  Thats it, that's the ONE we had too-man that takes me back.

Loved playing on it....the long winter evenings flew by thanks to that Smile

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 19:33

Remember these from the early 70s?[Image: sweetspangles-full_3087316b.jpg]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 19:39

Classic mid 70s must see TV programmes...[Image: MV5BMTk2NjU3NzUyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTUx...90_AL_.jpg][Image: 81JPZj4Pd2L._SY445_.jpg][Image: 250px-Space1999_Year1_Title.jpg]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - GMach1 - 23-01-2019 20:26

(23-01-2019 19:33 )Carl_HoneyLover Wrote:  Remember these from the early 70s?[Image: sweetspangles-full_3087316b.jpg]

Sorry got to reply to that-YES! loved the fizzy ones esp the orangeade one-never the same once they cancelled them!

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 20:32

Another childhood favourite...[Image: texan-bar.jpg]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 20:45

Which did you watch?[Image: fe2uxc4fr1zdbu16ftf7]

[Image: 740full-blue-peter----------------------...-photo.jpg]

RE: Memories of Childhood...Images only please - Carl-Gen X - 23-01-2019 21:16

Remember this?

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]