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Old Videos - Classic Babe /Recorded Calls Requests - Printable Version

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RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - tr98 - 28-03-2023 10:14

Hi everyone. Does anyone have any Donna Duke or Ree Petra videos? I noticed Bluebird videos are now being posted and they spent a considerable amount of time on that channel. Thanks.

[split] Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Archives (please do not make requests here) - SomeGuy1990 - 05-04-2023 08:42

Amazing collection, thanks for this! Do you happen to have any folders of Ella Jolie, Cali Garcia or Adele Taylor as well? Smile

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Archives (please do not make requests here) - lovebabes44 - 05-04-2023 08:49

None of Adele sadly, don't hate me :'( But I have a few of Ella and Cali. Not many videos, a dozen or so but better than nothing, I will try to find more and upload of them Smile

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Archives (please do not make requests here) - SomeGuy1990 - 05-04-2023 09:48

Thanks that would be great! Smile

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - dirtytommy - 05-04-2023 10:50

Ruby Summers bsx found old links to these shows on june 8th 2014 (2 but might be more) but sadly the deposit links have expired, can anyone help please?

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - dirtytommy - 05-04-2023 10:52

other pic of june 8th 2014 bsx shows

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - badwolf13 - 06-04-2023 21:02

Any Hollie Sparrow would be great pls

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - ddnluv - 10-04-2023 09:32

would love to see some old clips or photos of avalon kassani. she was was incredible

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - Snooks - 10-04-2023 10:17

^ Blimey there's a blast from the past name if ever I saw one.
Avalon was a stunner Big Grin.
Loved some of her porn scenes in particular Tongue. She was great to watch.

RE: Old Videos - Classic Babe Channel Requests - Tbear - 10-04-2023 16:43

Don't suppose anyone has any old Elle Pharrell daytime stuff there willing to upload?
Also can't seem to find any of her old threads on here? Maybe I'm mispelling somewhere.