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Scottish Independence (the sequel) - Printable Version

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RE: Scottish Independence - lovebabes56 - 17-09-2014 06:33

But you're still not getting your hands on that oil! it is owned by the UK

RE: Scottish Independence - MeTarzan - 17-09-2014 06:35

(16-09-2014 21:21 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Fact - Scotland alone will be richer than the rest of the UK put together, we have all the resources and have long been the envy of the English people.

Even for an SNP supporter, this is complete rubbish...

RE: Scottish Independence - bytor - 17-09-2014 07:45

I have a lot of friends in Scotland, some of them will vote yes, all of them are proud and patriotic. To me thats fine. If the Scottish people no longer want to be a part of the UK then thats the choice they have been given. What will happen for sure is that the rest of the UK and Scotland will be weaker as a result. United we stand and all that.

To say that those of us in England are terrified of Scotland gaining independence is laughable. So in the same jokey manner I would suggest that being terrified we will of course have to implement border controls as Scotland, being a foreign nation will be a weak point for terrorists and undesirables crossing over into the get your passports ready all you millions of potential foreigners that live here enjoying the wealthy lifestyle that you can only dream of north of the border. One positive for the UK is that there will be plenty of jobs for UK citizens too once we start our repatriation programme.
Of course I have too much respect to actually believe that sort of crap.Smile

RE: Scottish Independence - The Silent Majority - 17-09-2014 07:56

(17-09-2014 07:45 )bytor Wrote:  So in the same jokey manner I would suggest that being terrified we will of course have to implement border controls as Scotland, being a foreign nation will be a weak point for terrorists and undesirables crossing over into the get your passports ready all you millions of potential foreigners that live here enjoying the wealthy lifestyle that you can only dream of north of the border.

If it's the utopia some would have us believe, we will need border controls anyway to keep English illegal immigrants out Wink

RE: Scottish Independence - HannahsPet - 17-09-2014 07:58

Gas Rich Total Pish !!!

90% of the North Sea Gas is Down south in the southern North sea and the Irish Sea

another Myth put about by the SNP
[Image: north_sea.gif]

Also most of the oil platforms and the oil deposits are not is scottish Terrotorial Waters they are way beyond them in middle of the north sea where they are shared by an agreement between the UK Norway and the dutch. As the treaty is in UK name and you wont be part of the UK then legally you will not be entitled to them. Morally you may be but since when has there been morality in Politics Wink

and as the image above shows there is a lot of space where Shell are wanting to Explore near the gas fields that could contain a lot of Oil which will be in areas where there will be no scottish claim for it Wink

Tutition Fees apparently if you become independent and a member of the EU then theres a treaty that says you would have to pay for the english and welsh to attend ur univeritys that should bankrupt you with all us english going north for cheap education whilst depriving scottish students of studying in English Uni's some in the top 10 in the world because they will be classed as Forigen students Wink

RE: Scottish Independence - SOCATOA - 17-09-2014 08:57

The amount of rubbish the Scottish public are being fed by politicians on both sides is laughable. Claim and counter claim, and all the time the politicians are more interested in securing their own cut of the result. Yes or No, it will still be lies and cons with the politicians getting big pensions and titles and set for life. Is there anyone out there that actually believe all their bullshit?

RE: Scottish Independence - Hamish McSporran - 17-09-2014 12:26

(16-09-2014 21:21 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Fact - Scotland alone will be richer than the rest of the UK put together, we have all the resources and have long been the envy of the English people.

Fact - We will be one of the main players in the European Union, nobody will dictate to us, it'll be the other way around.

Fact - You come across as a lunatic who's escaped from an asylum. And you haven't taken your medication either.

RE: Scottish Independence - terence - 17-09-2014 12:32

hamish mcsporran! lol! it doesn't get much more scottish than that! Smile

RE: Scottish Independence - bytor - 17-09-2014 12:32

(17-09-2014 07:56 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  
(17-09-2014 07:45 )bytor Wrote:  So in the same jokey manner I would suggest that being terrified we will of course have to implement border controls as Scotland, being a foreign nation will be a weak point for terrorists and undesirables crossing over into the get your passports ready all you millions of potential foreigners that live here enjoying the wealthy lifestyle that you can only dream of north of the border.

If it's the utopia some would have us believe, we will need border controls anyway to keep English illegal immigrants out Wink

Damn it...I had my bags packed ready to hide in a passing Eddie Stobart. I've even been practising your quaint customs like eating haggis and falling over drunk in the centre of Blackpool so I can blend in..though I draw the line at deep fried mars bars Big Grin

Being serious I do think that the Government should not be offering any sweetners to the people of Scotland to vote no unless they are prepared to offer the exact same for rest of the UK.
The decision facing the Scottish people should simply be
a) Do you want to be the same as every other corner of the UK?
b) Do you wish to go it alone and be a fully independent nation?
By offering different rules to a current member of the UK the Government has not only muddied the waters and added to the confusion for the voters in Scotland but set themselves up for potential confrontation with most of England and Wales. Perhaps what needs looking at is the drain of resources and power to the South East of the England...which because of London's global influence is sadly a logical situation.

RE: Scottish Independence - Hamish McSporran - 17-09-2014 12:58

"The Scottish independence movement has been very clear that it intends to keep the pound as the national currency. And the combination of political independence with a shared currency is a recipe for disaster."

Read the full article here: