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RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - loveass - 15-01-2018 10:03

For me has to be Cali Garcia and Mica Martinez amazing arses on both.

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - bluemoon99 - 15-01-2018 10:58

Has to be Stacey R on S66 but best on BS & probably overall for me is new girl Chloe. What a work of art her booty is & hopefully as a bonus, will be seen in all it's glory when she does more night shows.

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 29-01-2018 09:02

Arse is becoming common place on daytime now.... look at Abi this morning - it's just out than it's covered. Scarlett yesterday, when asked to cover her arse actually ended up showing more. The natural slut in these girls simply want to show men what they've got and we should all be grateful to them for that

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 03-02-2018 17:18

Anna Arriss...nice arse change of name...and what an arse it is and always has been

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 08-02-2018 08:05

Gemma Hiles has always had a nice line in arse flashing - underrated. As is, I think, Louisa who is showing great potential and also has a very horny face

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 10-02-2018 07:49

waking up to the arses of Macey and Scarlett .. does it get an better?

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 21-02-2018 14:29

finally mikki b has become a real slut...arse out all day

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 26-03-2018 07:05

i have to say in the last few months the babes have made great progress in making arse showing the norm on daytime. Even those who appeared reluctant before - Emma C, Anastasia - are now fully displaying their arses on an almost permanent basis. Even BS are getting n on the act with Beth Mica and Saskia, among others, arsing it up on a regular basis. This can be only be a good thing. What we need now is for tits to start popping out more often and for them to be left out for longer. The aim should within 5 years - naked daytime and cunts out on nights

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Spunkalot2 - 14-05-2018 07:31

What superb girls the studio 66 babes are. They ALL get their arses out now .. fully and for long periods of time. Look at Sophia this morning everything on display ..Magnificent

RE: The Great Daytime Arse Debate - Rob169 - 15-05-2018 05:25

(14-05-2018 07:31 )spunkalot Wrote:  What superb girls the studio 66 babes are. They ALL get their arses out now .. fully and for long periods of time. Look at Sophia this morning everything on display ..Magnificent

Sophia is magnificent full stop Heart Cool