RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - iamthatjack - 01-12-2011 21:22
If anyone could cap the OSGs some time tonight, I would appreciate it! I am interested to see what they look like!
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Rammyrascal - 01-12-2011 21:29
1 big ad up the left side, not like that, but the osg's at the bottom seem smaller
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - iamthatjack - 01-12-2011 21:56
Jam Da Man has a cap up of the new OSG, here it is:
Many thanks mate
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - Snooks - 01-12-2011 22:37
Just recently played witness to all thats wrong at BS in my view.
1. Three babes on screen at the same time - ridiculous, no room to move.
2. OSG overload again one box of advertising for a pic or vid and one with more pointless drivel in it.
3. Countless host interruptions.
ALL AT THE SAME TIME - just overbearing, fatuous nonsense that only succeeds in detracting from viewing pleasure.
Shame, because BS has an excellent group of babes and has some good points in other areas too but the three things highlighted above are extremely annoying.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - KerrAvon - 01-12-2011 23:23
Yeah they couldn't resist one big side OSG, but the rest of them are an improvement. Especially being translucent so you can still some of the girls through them rather than completely blocking them out at the bottom. And even the very annoying fake 'Girl On Girl' ones are kept to a smaller bottom corner.
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 02-12-2011 06:19
having seen daryls new set of pics thats a idea for a stint a messy set could even have a 2 girl food fight ;-D
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - dogman - 02-12-2011 06:56
For me two good points on B/S 1,last night,one was long periods with no O/S/G,which was great,but for me anyway the best part was,and I only saw a part of Camilla and the start of Amanda just after midnight was for the first time in a long time B/S let the girls do a up beat set,instead of the tame boring shite of late,which was great.Just hope they keep it up,on the minus side B/S extra and blue where the same boring crap,they need to do what they done on B/S1 on all their channels,
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 02-12-2011 08:37
Pity Daryl and louise were never on BS1 was wall to wall Amanda Camilla and Ava dont see why amanda was on for 2 hours at 12 the graphics are good its just the Overuse of certain girls and the sound quality of the calls now and you might get my custom back
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - dogman - 02-12-2011 16:48
Lets hope that B/S 1 is as good tonight,as last night,but having seen the line up just hope certain girls are not going to hog this channel,need a good rotation with all the girls getting a turn,not just a couple hogging the limelight,
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion - HannahsPet - 02-12-2011 22:16
Not a good start lolly been on 75 mins already ;-D and they have cherri Ava and priya on BSXtra looks like normal service has resumed